Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for June 2022.
Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, we’ve been enjoying a mostly mild spring which has caused the garden, and weeds, to explode with growth.
In the middle of Plopper’s Field, a little delphinium popped up next to some tall phlox.
I don’t remember planting the delphinium but when I went looking for a tag for another flower, I find the tag for it. It’s Delphinium grandiflorum Delfix® Blue. Had I bothered to read the tag, I would have realized it only grows to about one foot tall. I should have planted it someplace other than the middle of the flower bed. I noticed it only because it has bright blue flowers.
Elsewhere, new flowers are popping open nearly every day, old flowers are fading, and summer has taken hold of the garden with temperatures in the 90s this week.
Here are some photos I took early in the morning on the 14th, with captions.

And that’s a bit of what’s blooming in my garden for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day, June 2022. To see other blooms, check out my Indygardener Instagram page.
What’s blooming in your garden? Join us for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day by posting on your blog about the flowers blooming in your garden on or around the 15th of the month. Then come here and leave a link to tell us how to get to your blog and a comment to tell us what you have blooming. All are welcome!
As always, “We can have flowers nearly every month of the year.” ~ Elizabeth Lawrence
Happy Bloomday Carol from out here on the Left Coast. Gotta love those mild springs !
Pretty! We have some the same, but your sweet peas and daylilies are ahead of me. I have the ditch lilies, but the others are just starting to bud.
Wow ! Lovely blooms, Oak leaf hydrangeas are promising. We are having a hard and long summer this year.
Pretty flowers! We’ve been bouncing from hot to cool and back again where I live in New York State. Your overwintered violas are so pretty. My sweet peas never did much; was the second time I tried to grow them and second time they just sat there and didn’t grow. Obviously I’m doing something wrong, oh well.
Good morning…yesterday I watered my porch garden, and then we had a little unexpected rain! Hope all you gardening people have a cool day!
Would that we could scratch the screen and sniff, Carol! My sweet peas are already long gone but there’s plenty else in bloom as summer seeks to shake things up.
Beautiful. I have some of the same flowers blooming. I love Delphinium, but have never had any luck overwintering them.
Thanks for linking to your Instagram page, now following!
Happy Bloom Day Carol! We have several of the same flowers blooming, but your Lavender wins the prize! Your Butterfly Weed and Hydrangea are also gorgeous-especially the Oakleaf with its white blooms!
Your lavender is just lovely, Carol. Our cool wet spring has retarded many blooms in the PNW, and my lavenders are just budding up. Thank you for hosting Bloom Day!
Love the Dutch white clover and the butterfly weed! You’re a month or so ahead of us, looks like
Thanks, Carol, for hosting Bloom Day. I just found your blog so I am a day late.
Your blue delphinium colors show so vibrantly in the photograph. I have Amsonia blue flowers to show, but they wash out in the evening photos.
Carol, I love the amazing intense blue of those delphinium flowers, and I think they look charming popping out among the phlox. My Maine garden seems to be about a week to ten days behind yours, with buds but no blooms yet on lavender, daylilies, and milkweeds. I always enjoy checking in with you each month; thanks again for hosting this lovely virtual garden party.
I lost the date and didn’t put out my blog, so I spent a lot of time enjoying all the other wonderful gardens. Thank you all.
Hi Carol, sorry to be so late, but I’m sure you know that a lot is happening this time of year. In addition to the flowers we have put up gallons of snap peas and fruit. So much to enjoy right now…