“Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” ~ Henry James
Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for July 2019. Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, summer afternoons are a time to take shelter in the air-conditioned indoors.
Yes, after a cool, wet spring and early summer, someone flipped a switch and now we are hot and dry and waiting for some rain.
While we wait for rain, I’ve been doing some triage watering, especially of newly plants shrubs and flowers which dry up quickly when it doesn’t rain. And turn crispy. Ask me how I know this.
Bu even with a lack of rain, there are plenty of blooms!
Daylilies, of course. This is their peak season in my garden.

And there are true lilies blooming as well!

The picture above includes Clematis × jouiniana ‘Mrs Robert Brydon’ having a nice chat with Lilium lancifolium ‘Flore Pleno’. They are no doubt talking about the lack of rain.
Speaking of Clematis, one of my favorite flowers is this little fairy bower clematis, Clematis x triternata ‘Rubromarginata’.

It kind of climbs and crawls its way in the flower border and takes advantage of other plants, like this false indigo, for support.
Of course, it is July so that means plenty of coneflowers are blooming.

Terrible picture, but it sort of shows there is a river of coneflowers making its way through this rather overgrown flower border.
Elsewhere in the garden, there are false sunflowers, cup plants, daisies, phlox, hyssop, and other summer annuals putting out blooms.
And hydrangeas.

Hydrangeas, and all the different types, is one of the topics Dee of Red Dirt Ramblings and I covered in a recent episode of our podcast, The Gardenangelists. We publish new episodes every week so hit the subscribe button to be alerted when we publish new episodes.
And that’s summertime in my garden.
I do not lack for flowers.
What’s blooming in your garden at the height of summer? We’d love to have you join in for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day and share them with us. It’s easy. Just post on your blog about what’s blooming in your garden on or around the 15th of the month, then put your link in the Mr. Linky widget and leave a comment to tell us what you have.
And remember…
We can have flowers nearly every month of the year. ~ Elizabeth Lawrence
I enjoyed seeing your lily-filled post, Carol. May you get some much-needed rain very soon. No lack of rain here in PA, for sure. I managed to find some flowers among the weeds for my own Bloom Day post this month, after a long absence from GBBD. Thanks for continuing to be a gracious host.
Thank you once again for continuing to host GBBD, Carol. I'm having to water my hanging baskets and pots daily or twice a day, but I am not complaining (much). You have beautiful daylilies. Both our non day lilies seem to have winterkilled, along with various other plants. I saw one of those small clementis at a garden the other day. I may want to consider one.
I have only the later blooming daylilies now. I will have to get out and see what else might be blooming. Happy GBBd.
Here in Massachusetts we also are having dry – and hot – weather. We took out the sprinkler which we have not used in a couple of years.I am always so impressed that you keep such good track of your plant names. I keep trying, and sometimes I am successful. Thank you so much for Bloom Day!
Thanks goodness for daylilies in this hot, dry weather!
My daylilies were mostly done by the first week of July so I appreciate seeing your beautiful specimens. I hesitate to comment on the weather here as I don't want to jinx the streak we've been having this year but, suffice it to say, even without any more daylilies, I've got plenty of flowers. Thanks for hosting, Carol!
I have lots of daylillies, coneflowers, shasta daisies, anise hyssop, blackeyed susans, stargazer liliies, and butterfly bush. My butterfly weed an Joe-Pye weed have just begun to bloom.
Your beautiful lillies, each for a day, are a reminder to me of these busy days. Carol, you have blossomed with your book, the Northern Gardener magazine article, and all you're blogs. Thank you for your good will in sharing Garden Blogger Bloom Day with us all!
Wow ! they are some great varieties of daylily …We are anticipating there blooms in upcoming days…We are at the outbreak of monsoon which will accentuate in reviving the grennery .Happy Blooms Day to everyone.
It's an odd summer in the PNW, as we've actually had rain on and off. Normally by now we'd be bone-dry with rain not in the forecast for a couple of months.
Oh my lilies! You have so many of them and so beautiful! Thank you so much for hosting this beautiful link-up.
You have such lovely daylilies! Mine are little this year, as they were divided recently. The plain ol' orange "ditch lily" variety is nice though! Actually, it's beautiful.
Thanks for doing the Bloom Day!
Daylilies are much on my mind of late as we just did a video plant profile of them — where I learned there are more than 80,000 named cultivars — no wonder I cannot recall or keep track of the names of any of mine!
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We've got lilies here in NH too but echinacea doesn't come along until late in July and in August. Thanks for hosting!
Happy Bloom Day Carol!
Lovely Lilies. I have several varieties also. My gardens are full of many flowers and I love them all.
Thank you for hosting this meme and having Lea tell me about it.
Lilies are always winners in the summer garden. My daylilies and crinums have done especially well this summer. Abundant rain has helped. Happy belated Bloom Day!
Carol, Isn't it amazing how, after that long wait this year, it is suddenly summer! In Maine, we can go from complaining about how cold it is to complaining that it's too hot in less than 24 hours! The daylily season is just beginning in my garden, but they'll be coming on strong in the next week or two. Enjoy the booming, buzzing confusion of this blooming season.
Hi Carol.
Well lilies and daylilies. That pretty much sums up the highlights for me as well. The modern varieties are getting pretty exquisite.
I see a lot of daylilies on there. Sorry I was late to the party.~~Dee