Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for December 2022.
Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana we have yet to feel the full force of winter. Yesterday was mild enough for me to do a bit of garden clean up and today, Wednesday, it is rainy and dreary.
But I went out anyway and found some blooms to share.
First up is a picture of the cement rabbit that guards my back garden all day, every day, year round. I like the patina he’s acquiring and it sort of counts as a flower picture because there in the blurry background are blooms on Helleborus niger, the Christmas Rose.
Perfect for the season, I think.
Here’s a better picture.

I think it will probably have blooms off and on until spring.
Nearby, some fall-blooming snowdrops, variety unknown, popped up a week or so ago.

I found them when I went out to dig up some of the snowdrop bulbs to force to bloom inside.
Elsewhere in the garden, there are mostly tattered remains of blooms. Shall we quickly check them out?

I think that’s a pretty good showing for mid-December, don’t you?
What’s blooming in your garden now? I’d love to have you join in for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day and show us. Just post on your blog, Instagram feed, or wherever about what’s blooming in your garden, then come back here and leave a link so we can find you and a comment to let us know what you have to show us.
And remember the quote that inspired it all… “We can have flowers nearly every month of the year.” ~ Elizabeth Lawrence.
I don’t have much of a showing – I may still have a pansy blooming but it’s under snow now. Our Lenten Rose buds opening froze a few nights ago and are still frozen. So I enjoyed your little pops of color. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, and thank you once again for hosting all these years.
I always enjoy seeing your Lenten Rose blooming in December. The temperatures turned much colder here in the northeast and on the 12th we woke up to our first dusting of snow. The garden is going to sleep for the winter but there’s is still much to see. Happy Bloom Day and season’s greetings to you and yours!
Nice to see the blooms outdoors even now! We have a snow blizzard today.
I have no blooms. I have a lot of winter color. Fall blooming snowdrops?
So the last blooms remain, but those snow drops do look like the promise of spring!
I’m a little late this month but I wouldn’t want this to be the first time I’ve missed GBBD since I started blogging just shy of 10 years ago. While my garden seems low on flowers to my eyes, I expect there’s more here in frost-free coastal Southern California than most gardeners in the Northern Hemisphere might find decent 😉 I don’t have any hellebores even thinking about blooming yet, though.
Hi Carol, that is indeed a nice showing for December. My snowdrops are above ground but not even a bud yet. — jw
It’s pleasant that you still have some flowers braving the cold. Mine have all gone to sleep, but there is still a bit of color in the garden. The cyclamen leaves look just as pretty as flowers in your garden. Wishing you a Happy Holiday and a Bright New Year.