If I was in charge, I would have made sure these pink Phlox paniculata bloomed on July 15th and not today, so I could have included them in my bloom day post.Well, actually, if we are going to be …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – July 2009
Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for July 2009.It seems that in every garden, no matter how much research, thought, and planning we put into plant placement, there are always one or two flowers …
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When A Gardener Goes To A Wedding
When a gardener goes to a wedding and the groom asks her to take a few pictures to supplement those taken by the real professional photographers, she tries to remember that he and his new bride would …
Letters to Gardening Friends, July 12, 2009
Dear Dee and Mary Ann and gardening friends everywhere,I’m a little rushed for time today, so this letter will be brief. Basically, the vegetable garden news is a repeat from last week. We had rain …
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“Little n” Nasturtiums
I’m not sure how a few pictures of nasturtium growing in the vegetable garden and the idea to write a simple post about how easy this plant is to grow turned into a botanical jumble that took me …
A Session With Dr. Hortfreud: GADS
Another session with Dr. Hortfreud...Carol, it’s good of you to return for another session.Yes, Dr. Hortfreud, but I sort of had to because the lawn needed to be mowed.Well, I’m not forcing these …