On this day of the Autumnal Equinox, which occurs at 5:18 EDT, what is the state of your vegetable garden? Choose one:(a) I’m still picking a lot of vegetables from it and it will take a hard frost to …
I’m Going To Be Rich!
I’m going to be rich!While out and about at a few garden centers this past week, I found corms for Autumn Flowering Crocus, Crocus sativas.Crocus sativas is none other than the source for saffron, the …
A Few Thoughts on Pansies
Pansies and violas are the bookends of the outdoor gardening season. I plant them first thing in the spring and last thing in the fall.Wait, that’s not quite right…Pansies are the genesis and exodus …
Did You Hear the One About the Toad Lilies?
Did you hear the one about the two toad lilies, Tricrytis sp., that hopped into my cart as a cruised very quickly through the big box hardware store?True story, it happened just yesterday. I was kind …
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Hortotropism at the Old Mill in Pigeon Forge
You won’t find a definition for hortotropism in a dictionary, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. In fact, if you are a gardener and more than once you’ve struck up a conversation with a gardener …
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When A Gardener Visits The Smoky Mountains
When a gardener visits the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, she finds wildflowers blooming including this cardinal flower, Lobelia cardinalis. And she wishes she had gotten some seeds for these …
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