To help ensure that a winner was truly chosen at random, I asked The Hoosier Gardener, Jo Ellen Meyers Sharp, co-author of Indiana Gardener's Guide, to use …
Letters to Gardening Friends, March 16, 2010
Dear Dee and Mary Ann and Gardening Friends Everywhere, Do you want to hear a funny story about pansies and violas? After work yesterday, I cruised by a local grower's to see if she had any pansies …
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Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – March 2010
Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for March 2010! (Yes, this is the place, May Dreams Gardens, with an updated blog template.) Is it my imagination, or is spring just a few steps behind …
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Yes, This Is May Dreams Gardens
Wait, come back! You were looking for May Dreams Gardens, right? The blog that never changed its template in over four years? Well, guess what? Blogger made it so easy to update …
When A Gardener Goes To The Indiana Flower and Patio Show
When a gardener goes to the Indiana Flower and Patio Show... The first thing she does is head up the main aisle to see the display gardens. This year's show theme is "A Novel Idea!" and so the …
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Hortish: A Guest Post by the Garden Fairies
Garden fairies here. After getting “called out” for posting so infrequently last year, we’ve been biding our time waiting for Carol to relinquish control of the laptop so that we could get in here and …
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