The paradox of gardening is that you can lose yourself in a garden while finding yourself in a garden. If you are a gardener, this makes perfect sense. If you are not a gardener, you may have to …
Achieving Happiness in Your Garden: The Thirteenth Secret
I love vintage gardening tools. Who doesn't? Just imagine if those old tools could tell us about who used them, about the gardens they helped create, about that one winter they were left outside to …
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Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – November 2011
Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for November 2011. Here in my central Indiana Zone 5b garden, any blooms I found outside could best be described as errant blooms, like this lone blue flower …
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I stowed summer away
I stowed summer away for the winter under a big tarp that looks like camouflage. The garage is full and I don't have a shed, so this is the best I could do. I've hidden a table and four chairs, two …
Phases of house plant care identified
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. --After extensive study and observation, Dr. V. Q. Hortfreud recently determined that those who have house plants generally follow a predictable and repeatable pattern in caring for …
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Eleven random gardening thoughts for 11-11-11
On this eleventh day of the eleventh month of the eleventh year, our thoughts turn to gardening as they always do. I have eleven random thoughts about gardening to share. 1. Writing a …
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