There is universality to gardening that allows gardeners from all corners of the earth, all walks of life, and all levels of experience to immediately connect with one another.
We all sow seeds, fight weeds, and try to figure out what our plants need to grow and flower. We see the first bloom of spring and want everyone to share that experience. We all want our first frosts to be late and our last frosts to be early, if we live where there is frost.
We want our vegetables to be productive and our flowers to be prolific. We want to leave the land we garden on whole for the next generation and hope that if our garden warrants it, once we can no longer care for it, someone will come along to not only care for it but make it a better garden.
We plant trees knowing that we might not be the ones to rest in their shade, but hope that someone will, and consider it a worthwhile endeavor.
We want the rain to fall when we need it, and the sun to shine all the other days.
We prove this universality of gardening every day through the connections we make with one another through our garden blogs and what we share about our gardens.
I am amazed by the gardeners around the world who I have encountered virtually and in real life through my blog, gardeners I would not otherwise have met. And all of these gardeners, some more so than others, have enriched my life, provided encouragement and support, and made me a better gardener. I love this aspect of garden blogging!
I want to thank everyone who stops by here, whether you regularly leave a comment or not, for enriching my life and helping me find these connections and sustain them. You’ve inspired me!
Yet, as universal as gardening is, it is also quite local. Every gardener does not share my frost free date, my particular growing conditions, my hardiness zone.
So this week, I’ve started writing about my local gardening experience, specific to central Indiana and Indianapolis, as the Indianapolis Gardening Examiner at
Rest assured I’ll still be posting here at May Dreams Gardens on the ‘universal good stuff’, about hoes, gardening geeks, what eccentric gardeners do, based on my own experiences, my rabbit wars, the not so embraceable aspects of gardening that everyone should embrace, etc., etc., etc.
In other words, May Dreams Gardens, the blog, isn’t going to change, but now you can get the “local flavor” of my gardens and gardening at
Please stop over there if you get a chance to see my first post and leave a comment to say “Hey”, if you are so inclined.
I just popped over to read your article at The Examiner. I’m sure David Letterman will approve your list. Congratulations and good luck on your new venture. An of course, we’ll still be checking in on you here.
I read your first post –wasn’t able to comment there, so I’m back here! That was a GREAT first post – congrats on the new gig…what a great opportunity to share good information for people who are just waiting to soak it all in like a good rain. Best of luck.
Many pats on the back, Carol. Writing locally at the Examiner is a perfect fit for a great writer like you. Have lots of fun with it, I know you will.
I agree that much about gardening is local. I wish I had more local gardening friends for this reason. perhaps we’ll have a Maryland Examiner soon.
Welcome to Examiner “club,” Carol! We’re going to have fun.
Robin Wedewer
National Gardening Examiner
I’m not surprised you have been “head hunted”, Carol, you are such a good writer. You range of subjects is always good, some make me laugh, many are things I can relate too and I always learn something.
I love the international flavour of blogs, different climates, different plants, different soil and yet we all have the same challenges.
Thank you for sharing your garden with me (and others!) you are such an inspiration. Best wishes Sylvia (England)
Yay! More Carol!!! Can’t wait to read your Examiner stories. I just landed the Detroit Gardening Examiner job, so I’ll be joining all my Gardenblogging Plurker pals over there as well!
Hey Carol this sounds right up your street!!
I am certain you will have fun with this and entertain a new range of readers. All the best 😀
Good luck with your new gig. I know you will have many new readers that will just love your way of looking at the gardening world.
Congratulations on your new “job”, Carol. They’ve certainly picked the best person for this position. I’ll stop by later at the Gardening Examiner to check out your article.
Congrats and nice first post. It’s great to have such a wide and varied audience!
So true, all gardening is local, but the experience of gardening is universal. The Indiapolis Examiner is lucky to have you. Congrat!
Outstanding Carol! I can’t wait to read what you have to say at the Examiner! You will do a marvelous job.
Many congrats, Carol! This is a well-deserved honor — they’re lucky to be able to tap into the breadth of your wisdom and excellent writing. Can’t wait to continue following you in both places!
Congratulations on the new gig!
Great, Carol. Look forward to reading your articles there. Many blessings for success.
Congrats on the garden-writing gig, Carol. You’ll be perfect for it. And I notice that you have a real photo up there, not the Victorian lawn lady. 🙂
I couldn’t comment over there either Carol but great first post. I didn’t know David L. was from your neck of the woods and I always love the ‘Top 10’ of anything. Our climates are so similar and lilacs and peonies are worth the winter wait. Could you live anywhere in the world where you could not grow these in your garden?
Carol – what a nice post this is! So true.
Congrats on the Examiner gig. I’ll be keeping up with you over there, too.
And how about #11? Because Carol’s right there in Indianapolis for advice and good cheer.
Keep blooming!
Thank you, thank you, thank you to all for your wonderful support and kind words! You all made my day!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
Congrats Carol! We need more good garden writers, and you’re one of the most entertaining I know!