Would you like to know how to put together the perfect Bacon-Lettuce-and-Tomato sandwich?
If yes, you’ve come to the right place.
Let’s get started.
A Little Background Info
I once watched a television show with a certain trend-setter (we didn’t call them influencers back in the day) who shared her version of how to make the perfect BLT sandwich.
For simplicity’s sake—because I don’t won’t take up this whole blog post to explain it—let’s just say that it was a coast-to-coast shopping trip. Sourdough bread from San Francisco, bacon from Vermont, lettuce from wherever the best lettuce is grown, homemade mayo, plus her homegrown tomatoes. Know who I’m talking about? First name starts with M and ends with “artha.”
The Ingredients
My ingredient list is much the same except… my sourdough bread is Specialty Selected Small Batch Sourdough Bread from Aldi.
For the bacon, I use Appleton Farms Fully-Cooked bacon, also from Aldi.
(A lot of you will stop right there and judge my bacon as substandard, but I hate the mess of cooking bacon in a frying pan, the oven, or the microwave. One must make choices.)
For the mayo, I once was a Hellman’s girl, but my friend Dee suggested Duke’s and now that’s my go-to mayo.
For the lettuce, any romaine lettuce will do.
For the tomato… let’s do a new subheading because this sandwich is really all about the tomato.
The Tomato
As you can see in the picture above, the BLT is really all about the tomato.
The tomato most definitely should be homegrown but if you are desperate, buying tomatoes at a local farmers market is an acceptable substitute.
The tomato should be big enough so that one slice will cover the sandwich side to side, top to bottom.

The variety isn’t particularly important, as long as it’s a big tomato. This particular one, which measures nearly four inches across, is a beefsteak tomato of some kind. It’s too red to be ‘German Johnson’ which also makes a delicious BLT. I’m guessing it’s probably ‘Super Beefsteak’.
Do try to slice it as evenly as possible, and make it as thick or thin as you want.
Assembling your BLT
To assemble your perfect BLT, toast that bread just a bit. Not so that it turns brown all over, but just so it has a little crunch to it when you take a bite.
Spread some of that Duke’s mayo on both pieces of bread (which I guess is now technically toast).
Put a piece of lettuce on each piece of bread (toast).
Top with bacon.
Reverently place that slice of tomato on top of the bacon. Check for alignment to be sure it covers the entire sandwich.
Carefully place the other slice of bread (toast) and lettuce on top.
Give it a gently pat.
Say a prayer of thanksgiving for it all.
Cut in half so that it is manageable sized sandwich.

Eating Your BLT
BLT’s are best enjoyed when you aren’t rushed. The secret to eating it well is to manage the tomato juice which is going to drip from your fingers, drip from your chin, and possible soak into the bread (toast) a bit as you take one delicious bite after the next.
Therefore, you must pay attention while eating your sandwich.
And you must have plenty of napkins at the ready. In addition to taste, the quality of your sandwich is also measured by how many paper napkins you use to keep your face and hands dry.
Because it’s all about the tomato. Which will be juicy.
By the way, this one was a two-paper napkin sandwich.
Variations on the BLT
Once you’ve eaten your first BLT, which must be as described above, feel free to eat your summer’s worth with variations.
I’ve personally added cheese on occasion. And I’ve replaced the mayo with smashed avocado.
But the first BLT? I am a traditionalist! I eat it as described above!
Now it’s Your Turn
How about you? Have any ideas for variations I should try?
Tell me and maybe I’ll talk about it on a future podcast episode! (And did you hear about our new podcast newsletter? Check out some of the recent editions and subscribe to get them directly in your inbox.)
Not sure about how to listen to podcasts on your phone? I wrote a post with instructions for listening to gardening podcasts a while back that you can check out.
Or click below to listen to this week’s episode, highlighted in this edition of the newsletter. No, we didn’t mention BLTs but we might in a future episode!
I’m with you Carol. Nothing beats a BLT and only if it’s with homegrown tomatoes. I was never much of a Mayo person but Duke’s converted me. You also have it just right with the bread/toast… Lightly toasted is perfect! As for variations, you can try but nothing beats the original! Think I’ll have a BLT for lunch.