Lonely garden chairs seek gardener to sit down for a minute. Blank spot! Go to the garden center now, do not pass go, do not collect $200. If I could will myself to love weeding, I would have …
Garden Fairies Notice Addition to Blog Page
Clematis 'Rooguchi' Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we are noticing an addition to this blog page which we believe we should call attention to for the sake of those how may not be so …
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Garden Fairies Post Again!
Garden view across the violas and pansies Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and it has been quite some time since we posted on this blog. We have a good excuse because we have been …
You can’t stop me!
Magnolia stellata It occurred to me this week. When the star magnolia (Magnolia stellata) blooms, it is generally time to mow the lawn. Now that I know this, I won't have to actually look at …
Where there’s a hole…
I was not happy on my first walk around the garden earlier this spring. I found a hole in the back lawn. I think I looked a bit "put off" when I examined this hole, sort of like this pansy which …
Garden fairy selfies explained
Garden fairy selfie Now, now, the garden fairies in my garden are surely not the only garden fairies taking selfies these days, are they? If yours arent, maybe they'd like to? You can …