I just read about an unusual weather record we set here in Indianapolis. The days between December 25 and January 4 are the coldest stretch of days we've ever had in Indianapolis, at least since …
Garden Fairies Report in from the Sunroom
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we have a lot to talk about because there is a lot going on here, even though it is wintertime and we are inside. Yes, that's right, we are inside in …
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Dystopian Fiction: Gardening Style
Somewhere on Earth, 2117 - Lorac was one of the lucky ones. After the great Internet crash of 2116, having access to books and the ability to read gave her a certain advantage over her …
Seedy and Soddy would like to tell Santa they are sorry
Seedy and Soddy, two young garden fairies, would like to tell Santa they are sorry. They had been quite bad for quite some time but after a long talk with the right reverend Augustus McGarden—Gus to …
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Garden Fairies Welcome Wintry Weather
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we would like to say that we welcome the wintry weather that has finally arrived in our garden. Now we don't have to feel guilty when we don't do …
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How Do You Know If You Have A Certified Garden Fairy Habitat?
The question on many a gardener's mind is how do you know if you have a certified garden fairy habitat. Before you can even ask if your garden is a certified garden fairy habitat, you need to go …
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