Historians Family Members I will look back on these cold, bleak February days of 2019 as the beginning of my moss phase. (By the way, when writing "February" is it necessary to also write "cold, …
I might have crossed a line
I might have crossed a line from "having a few Sansevierias" to "when and where will I buy my next Sansevieria?" Which might mean I'm becoming a "collector of plants in the genus Sansevieria." Or …
Would you like to watch some movies with me?
Would you like to watch some movies with me? I will warn you, no matter the movie, if there are plants or scenes with plants, I will be intently checking those out and may forget what else the movie …
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Decision-Making Tool for Seed Buying
Are you still thinking about buying seeds for your garden, deciding which seeds to buy? If you answered no, perhaps it is because you have already purchased all the seeds you need for this new …
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Where You Been, Carol?
Swipe... that's me dusting this blog off and preparing to write a post, long over-due! My humble apologies for leaving this blog without new content for the last ten days. I know I have some …
SGAFO – Qualifications for the inner circle
Dear Inner Circle of SGAFO, On this occasion of my tenth anniversary as a member of the Society of Gardeners Aged Fifty and Over, I humbly submit my qualifications to be admitted to the Inner …
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