A Guest Post from the Garden FairiesWhere’s Carol? It’s been weeks, it seems, since she’s spent any real time out here in the garden.I know! I hear she came out a few days ago, gave the compost …
The Rewards of a Garden
I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance that I should have been by any epaulet …
Third Grade And Gardening
Sometimes, when I multiply numbers in my head, I think back to my third grade teacher, Miss Milner.Miss Milner made learning how to multiply a competition by giving anyone who could multiply all the …
Mowing Is Like Dreaming
Mowing the grass is a like lot dreaming.While mowing, a thousand and one thoughts occur to me. I solve problems. I come up with answers to questions that I hadn’t even thought to ask. I think through …
Drupes, Pods and Pomes
I went out in search of berries this morning, at the suggestion of Lisa from Greenbow Gardens.In my search around the garden, I found some other 'seed carrying vessels' of interest.These are dry …
It Was Crowded in My Garden Today
You were all there, I swear you were. As I was out and about in my garden today, trying to focus on one particular task, but actually following several paths at the same time, you were there. You …