Home gardeners are getting some respect! I read an article in the Wall Street Journal today entitled “Coming to Your Backyard: A Nearly Extinct Tree”.The main point of the article is that that there …
Orange Orb
A pumpkin peeking through the leaves. I love the color of this pumpkin. Now that's orange!These pumpkins are also in my youngest sister's back yard. It's a 'giant' variety, but not the Atlantic Giant …
New Flower Bed
I have a post lamp in my front yard which up until Saturday was in the grass by the front walk, with nothing around it. Not any more, now it is surrounded by a little flower bed. Here’s how I made my …
The Sound of Water and A Secret Garden
"They", whoever they are, say that no garden is complete without a water feature or the sound of water.On my front porch, I have the sound of water coming from this little fountain, which I purchased …
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Pepper Day and Good Bye Sweet Peas
I harvested this basketful of peppers this morning but will refrain from saying “Carol picked a peck of peppers” or anything along those lines. I will cut most of these up and freeze them for use in …
Good Day in the Garden
Come sit with me on the patio, have an iced green tea and I’ll tell you about my good day in the garden.First, I started out on the back patio. I weeded out a bunch of prostrate spurge, sedum and a …