Seven things about my garden and other thoughts that have to do with the number seven, posted on a day of sevens.7.1 There are seven different kinds of hostas planted in my miniature garden. I bought …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – June 2007
Welcome to my garden! Could any morning be finer in the garden than a cool June morning, before the heat of the day rushes in?Here’s a few pictures of some blooms in my garden in mid-June.This is a …
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GBBD Reminder and Garden Mysteries
Once again, the sundial shows us another day is nearly over and we are just four days from the next Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day on June 15th. As a reminder for those who haven't participated before or …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – May!
Welcome to May Dreams Gardens for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day this fine May day. I have flowers blooming, flowers budding, and flowers fadng! Here are some pictures of a few of them. On the side there …
Lettuce, Blogs, Book Clubs and Bloom Day
Lettuce...My sister has instructed me to bring a salad for Mother's Day lunch tomorrow. Do you think she is expecting some of this lettuce growing in my garden or a nice big head of store bought …
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Vacation Traditions
Gardening Vacation 2007 - TuesdayDid you ever offer advice to another customer at a garden center? I'm not talking about working at a garden center or nursery and giving advice, I'm talking about …