Mignonette, picture from Select Seeds "Soon the rumor of its fragrance carried it across the Channel to London where it was so much used in window boxes that a writer of the time said, "We have …
The Compost-Heap by Ruth Pitter – A poem
Miss Twigg: The Compost-Heap I am surrounded by stacks of old gardening books trying to figure out which of hundreds of tidbits and treasures from these old books to include in a one hour …
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Wildflowers Every Child Should Know
Lucky Alice! Once upon a time, her Aunt Sally gave her a copy of Wild Flowers Every Child Should Know by Frederic William Stack (Doubleday, Page & Company, May 1909) I know not one thing …
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Old Gardening Books
There was a terrible accident involving a bookcase made out of reclaimed wood, with four shelves, three that were movable, and doors inset with seeded glass to give it an old look. A week or so ago, …
Garden fairies on garden book fairies
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we have been having fun in the Christmas tree here at May Dreams Gardens. It's a real tree, and we are scampering from branch to branch with the tree …
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Wintertime, and what does a gardener grow?
Wintertime, and what does a gardener grow? Her library, of course. The steady stream of old gardening books showing up in my mailbox and on my doorstep has slowed down to a trickle now. I …
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