A postcard, from me to you. 1911 style.
“Dear Frida, Got your card and glad to hear from you and also so glad to hear from Mother. We know we can’t have her many more years — how I wish I lived where I could see her often. Write me Frida often as you can. As ever Belle with love.”
“But once”
I shall pass through
this world but once.
Any good there-
fore that I can do-or any
kindness that I can show
to any human being, let
me do it now. Let me
not defer or neglect it.
for I shall not pass
this way again.
written by
Edward Courtenay
Earl of Devonshire
Lovely thought for a Saturday morning as I go out into the world once more!
Lovely, and so true!
Beautiful sentiments. I love old postcards.
These old cards had such heartfelt meaningful prose on them. Just love it. Have a great weekend.