This post is for Helen and Sarah, sisters who write about their gardens in Toronto on a shared blog called Toronto Gardens. They recently tagged me with a meme to reveal seven things about myself. I could make this short and sweet and send everyone to read the seven random things I revealed about myself back in June 2007, but that’s all old news now and I didn’t follow all the rules back then.
This time, I am going to follow all the rules because I like rules. I follow rules. I make up new rules and follow those rules. I even follow rules when no one is looking.
So here are the rules for this meme…
Link back to the person who gave you the award.
Reveal seven things about yourself.
Choose seven other blogs to nominate, and post a link to them.
Let each of your choices know that they have been tagged by posting a comment on their blog.
And finally, let the tagger know when your post is up.
Easy enough! Here’s a lovely link for Helen and Sarah. Please go virtually visit them and tell ‘em Carol says “Hey”.
And the big reveal of seven things! (Goodness, after three plus years of blogging and over 1200 posts is there anything that regular readers don’t know about me?)
I’m a middle child. Doesn’t that explain everything?
I am the only member of my family with a hoe collection. In fact, I am the only person I know with a hoe collection. In all these years of blogging about my hoes and gardening, I’ve never once gotten a comment from someone else who said, “Hey, a hoe collection! I’ve got one, too!” Earlier this year, I emailed back and forth with someone putting together a list of potential speakers for garden clubs around Indiana and she put me on the list as someone who could provide a presentation on garden hoes. Can you believe that so far no one has contacted me to talk about hoes at their garden club meeting? I could also present a nice program on garden blogging. (hint, hint)
The one gardening tool I always take with me out to the garden is surprisingly not a hoe, but my Felco pruners.
Once and for all that is not me in the avatar picture that follows me around the web on Twitter and my blog and my blog comments. In fact my sisters told me that it was so not me that they didn’t know why I chose that picture. But I like “the lady in the white dress mowing”, so I stick with her. One of these days, I’ll have someone take a picture of me while I’m mowing so you can see the difference. Now that would be a reveal!
Like everyone else who has ever gotten one, I do love my iPhone and the connectivity it provides while I’m out and about. But what surprises me the most is that I like to read books on it with the free Kindle software that you can download for it. I also like the koi pond application. It’s relaxing to virtually dip your finger into the virtual water and watch the virtual koi swim away, virtually it is. Oh, and it is a good phone, too.
I still stop at Starbucks every morning for a venti-unsweet-iced-green-tea-no-water-no-ice and then I pour the tea over ice at work and drink it all day long. Yes, even in the winter, iced tea is my drink of choice. And no sweetener of any kind. I like my tea “straight up over ice”. It tastes good and it has to be way better for me than all those soft drinks I see others drinking all day long.
I recently joined the Garden Writers Association and in a few weeks I’ll be attending their symposium in Raleigh, NC as a “first timer”. How did that happen? Way back several years ago, I decided to start up a blog to write about gardening. Who knew the people I’d met, the encouragement I’d get, the opportunities I’d have, when I posted that first post?
So with that I’ll move on and tag seven other garden bloggers to participate. For this, I’m choosing some fellow Midwesterners! Let’s go over to Illinois and tag Prairie Rose and Beckie and then just over the state line back in Indiana, tag Lisa from Greenbow. Now back up to Chicagoland to tag up Garden Girl and Ramble on Rose and then go across the toll road to Ohio to tag Kylee and the Blackswamp Girl!
A quick note on the winners of the Cobrahead weeder . I’m still waiting to hear back from three people who left their names on the Mr. Linky widget. Remember, everyone wins! If you are one of those who entered the drawing and you’ve not emailed me, please send me an email at Indygardener AT gmail dot com so I can put you in touch with Cobrahead to get your address to send you your prize!
Yay, Carol. Thanks for playing. Keep your eye out for Sarah at the GWA conference. She'll be there to represent us for the weekend events.
Well. A hoe collection! Love it.
This Meme thing is great because now I know who you are on Twitter and I can start following you! I like the lady in the white dress mowing. It reminds me of my "Weeding Dress" that I've written about on my blog.
And a KOI pond on the iPhone? Now I definitely want one! Also would love to try the Kindle software on my ipod Touch.
Just so you know, I have a hoe collection too. Well it is a garden tool collection but heavy on hoes. 🙂
And I for one would love to see a photo of you in a long white dress mowing. Look at the thrift stores for old wedding gowns, that would be perfect.
Who would have thought iced green tea without sugar all day long.
I will do this meme but it might take a few days because I will be working and having company.
I think Frances has a good idea. I can't wait to see you mowing in a wedding dress. When purchasing the wedding dress don't forget the big picture hat to complete your outfit.
I with Frances too…find yourself a long white gown with a nice bonnet and have someone take a photo of you!!
I love playing tag, Carol! I'll have a post soon…
I'm not too surprised by your reveal, but I have to admit until Spring Fling I really thought you looked like your avatar photo! I'm joining the others–a photo of you mowing in a long white wedding dress is perfect. Do you use a riding mower? I'll join in on the meme, but it may take me a few days to think of something halfway interesting about myself to write:)
You really let yourself in for it -a thrift shop search – and a new photo of you. I confess that while I have a couple of hoes, I have never really learned how to use one. I'm always down on my knees.
A nice treatment about "hoe"… I am not too sure if Rosey Pollen of Dung Hoe Blog has hoe collection. We only have three… large, medium and small. The small comes with a foot wooden handle.
What a great list, Carol! I would have never pictured you with an iPhone–because I still picture you as the lady with the white dress mowing type! 😀
And now the pressure's on me, huh? Hmm… maybe it's time for post #20. 😉
Fun read, Carol!
Your sisters are right – it's impossible to imagine you wearing a dress like if invited to meet meeting royalty, let alone wearing it to mow, but it's easy to bring up the image of you on the iPhone, because I've seen you using it.
The Koi Pond was harder to imagine until I found a YouTube by the ap designer. Sure hope that no one tries to calm themselves down by poking the koi while driving!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
How fun Carol – thanks for including me. I thoroughly enjoyed your list.
Glad I know better than to sip my cup of fresh-ground-home-brewed- organic-half-caf (1/2 & 1/2, no sugar,) while visiting your blog, especially since I just cleaned the monitor screen. 😉
If the lady in the white dress works for you – stick with her.
I like your "seven things". and I'm promising to be better about visiting blogs and commenting again.
Oh, yes, definitely a photo of you mowing in a long white dress – that would be hilarious!
Boy are you ever right about the sodas! Iced tea with no sweetening sounds refreshingly full of beneficial antioxidants to me.
I'm starting to think we need to get an iPhone at the Havens.
Hi Carol! I've done this meme twice before, but it's been awhile, so maybe I can come up with some new things. I'll try! It might be a few days yet, since I'm working all week and unlike some people I know (ahem!) I find it hard to keep up with the garden and work and blogging all at the same time!
It was fun reading about you!
Okay, Carol. Here it is!
Hi Carol, my post is up: