I’ve finally updated my sidebar to provide a place to link to other gardening related blogs. If you would like me to provide a link to your blog, drop me a comment with the url.
I always appreciate and am pleased when someone adds a link to my blog from theirs, so I decided it was high time I reciprocated.
FYI, this is a close up of Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’ starting to bloom, which signals to me that we are entering late summer. How can that be? I’m just starting to get tomatoes and am still waiting for my first ear of corn!
Happy Gardening (and Blogging).
Hi Carol,
I’ve just found your site – it’s great and I shall be back regularly.
I’ve just started a gardening blog and would love to swap links. You can find me at http://balcony-garden.blogspot.com/
I’ve put a link for your site on mine too. Have a good gardening weekend!
Thank goodness I am not the only one who has late crops. Everyone keeps showing all the veggies from their garden, and I am going to harvest my first tomato today! Thatโs the price I pay for living in the mountains.
Hi Carol,
Thanks for visiting my site and leaving a comment on the ‘Elvis Week’ post. Please add my url:
Thanks! ;o)
Hi Carol.
It’s not a blog per se, but more a collection of blogs (including yours)
the site is called http://garden-gossip.com
if you think the site is useful i’d be over the moon if you linked to it.
Hi Carol,
Any chance you’d link to the In the Garden Online Blog? You’re already on my blogroll ๐
Thanks for the link, Carol ๐
a pleasure finding your link and I look forward to many returns! naturegirl at:
I have really enjoyed browsing through your garden blog on a damp, dreary December day. I would love to have my blog added to your list.
Crafty Gardener – My Garden
Hi Carol,
I tracked you down from the comment you left on mine – thanks!
I have two gardening blogs:
Diary of a Weekend Gardener: http://ww.trilliumsgarden.blogspot.com
Sue Beesley’s blog for BBC Gardener of the Year:
I’m adding a link to yours now.
BTW – I must figure out how to collapse my archive, like yours. Mine is getting way too long!
Best wishes
I love your blog. Your seed starting talk has inspired me to begin posting on my blog regularly again. I only have a few gardening blogs listed as links on my blog so far, and you are one of them. I would love to be linked to on your blog. Please consider me. I’m at http://www.gardendesk.blogspot.com . Thanks, and keep up the great blogging!
I love your blog.
You are the second link I added to my blog.
Please link to me. Does that sound weird?
I’m just muddling through this new crazy thing called blogging and you have inspired me.
Hi Carol,
I changed the link from my blog to yours per your request. Thank you for the link on your blog. The link that you have goes to my blogger account. There is nothing at that account yet, so could your please change it to my typepad account.
Also I live in the Santa Cruz Mountains in a town called Los Gatos not Santa Cruz.
Thank you!
Hi Carol,
I just started a new garden blog, and I’m having trouble getting people to my site. If you would like to link to my site, http://www.gardencorner.net, I would very much appreciate it. My garden is in Minnesota, and I’m still waiting for some warm spring weather to hit!
I love keeping up with your blog; always watching for a new post!
Best wishes,
I was so sad to see I wasn’t on your list :(…perhaps you’ll include me?
Hi Carol,
Clever title of Blog. Having a relative by the name of May I assumed you were May. However after reading your title – how could I not link to you? My favourite month of the year is May too.
I would be delighted if you would like to exchange links with me.
I have been regularly posting since November 2006 about my Scottish garden with it’s visiting birds.
In May I have some of my favourite plants in flower and am hoping that we will also have some young Blue Tits in our Camera Nestbox. I look forward to seeing your garden then too.
Best wishes,
Good Morning Carol,
Thanks for you link. Weather dull here today – hope it’s nice with you.
Best wishes,
Hi Carol,
I have just two letters more in my name and besides we’re neighboring states.
I’d love to be added to your list, and of course, I will reciprocate.
Hi Carol, you’re already on my daily reads list and I’d love it if you could add me to your list of garden bloggers. I’m blogging and gardening in Branford, CT.
I would be honored if you would add a link to my blog from yours, Carol. I’m blogging at A Study in Contrasts over here in Ohio:
Carol – I hope there’s room for my blog on your list, even though I’m not a Colts fan (Go, Bears!). Keep up the good blogging! Mr. McGregor’s Daughter:
Hi there,
Hoping you might find room for my (new) blog “Creating Edible Landscape”:
I’m in Sonoma County, CA. Surprisingly few people are blogging in Mediterranean climates – and fewer books! – so I thought I’d share my adventures.
Thanks so much for doing what you do!
Hi there, I’d love to exchange links!
I’m at http://kasanika.wordpress.com/
Looking forward to reading more of your blog!
Carol, I put your link on my blog a long time ago. I would be delighted if you would add The Havens to your blog roll. My URL is http://www.healingmagichands.wordpress.com/
I have been enjoying participating in GBBD so much, and I have gotten so much inspiration from the interaction with other gardeners. Thanks so muc for starting this!
Hi Carol,
Can I play too?
I’ve already added you to my blogroll.
I love the picture of your Autumn Joy Sedum. Mine are now buried under the snow! (Boo Hiss)
Cathy…2greenthumbsup… I am happy to link your blog, but I don’t have the url!
Sorry Carol,
It’s so cold here my brain seems to have frozen!
Here is my URL:
Thank you very much!
Getting into the game late,
Faire Garden
Thanks for all your posts, good ideas and general leadership in garden blogging.
You are listed with a link on my blog also.
Hi Carol!
I would appreciate a link to my site when you get the chance. It’s at http://thehomegarden.blogspot.com
The Home Garden. I’m in Middle Tennessee.
I’ve enjoyed reading your blog! Keep up the good work!
Hi Carol. I’d love it if you’d add a link to http://lifeontigermountain.blogspot.com
I’m resolved to update more often. Shame me into posting, please!
Hi Carol
Its way overdue for me to update my links-of course yours has to be up there so that’s the first update I am making. If you can add mine to yours I’ll be most grateful
Hi, could you please add me to your list of blogs, I love your site
Hi! I love your blog, and already have a link to you on mine ๐ If you want to add mine its http://whatgrowshere.blogspot.com/
My name is Laura and my blog is What grows here.
Hi Carol..
Your blog is one of my favourite blog. I hope you like my blog too. My blog is Jogja Garden (http://jogjagarden.blogspot.com). If you like my blog, I would be happy if you add mine to your list. Thanks
Nice day to day musings from ur garden.. Whats the Awesome Blue Flower in the post on June 03.. Too Beautiful!!
Join me in my Garden at http://www.budscape.net/
Please add my blog to your sidebar. Thanks! http://tinaramsey.blogspot.com I am in Tennessee.
Hello – Please add my blog to your sidebar. Many thanks!
I’m from Western PA.
Happy Gardening!
Hi – I love your blog! I’d love to be added to your sidebar. I have a gardening blog in Florida called Gardening Without Skills.
Hi Carol, please add MacGardens to your list. http://www.macgardens.org
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Hi carol, I was just reading the comments on the chipper post and I noticed you didn’t actually have my blog, I wonder if you knew I had one. gardeningblog.net
Would love to b included! The Garden Faeries told me to try.
Kat Wolfdancer
Wolfdancer Creek
I really like the hoe collection, though I linked to the main blog. It would be great if you added us to the list. http://www.drystonegarden.com
Thanks, Ryan
Hi Sue,
A friend of mine told me about your blog, so I’m stopping by to see it for myself. You have some great things here!
I just started blogging myself and would love to be added to your list.
I plan on adding your blog to my page as soon as I’m done here.
I would be honored to have you list my garden blog. It is The Gardens of Petersonville at http://gardensofpetersonville.blogspot.com/
Thank you so much!
i was hoping to get on your blog roll..:) i added your’s to mine already. i just love your blog!
AmLo Farms
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I’ll try again: I’d love to be added to your blogroll. Jan
Hi Carol,
I enjoy your blog and love what you've done with GBBD. Your blog's on my blogroll – perhaps you could add mine to yours ๐
Thanks, and happy gardening!
Monica (GardenJunkie)
Hi Carol – love the blog. Please check out my Zone 8 blog down in Austin, Texas, http://yardfarmaustin.com
Keep up the good work!
Hello Carol!
I have been following your blog for almost a year now. I have your link on my blog and enjoy your prolific postings. ๐ I would be honored if you added my blog to your list.
Thank You! Ronnie in San Francisco
Love walking through your garden via your blog… Have link on my blog and some posts back to your blog.
Mine is:
Marsha's Garden Blog
Thanks for sharing so much!
Hello Carol, I find your blog very informative and easy to read. I'll be adding your blog to my list and would like you to add me to your if you don't mind. http://benthamshouse.blogspot.com
Carol, I would be honored to have my blog listed among your links. I look forward to GBBD each month – even when I have little to offer during the winter. I'd also be honored if you would consider joining my GOOPs – short for Gardening OOPs – meme on the first of each month. Since you cannot garden without making a mistake or two, we can all share our GOOPs and maybe help others avoid the same. See more at http:www.joenesgarden.com.
I'll be more than happy to add your blog on mine, and I'd be honered if you would consider adding my blog link to yours.
I appreciate everything you do.
Carol; found your blog through another and love it; both as a fellow blogger and a former fellow Hoosier. I'd be honored if you'd visit and list my new blog; http://kansasgardenmusings.blogspot.com
Thanks. ProfessorRoush
Beautiful sedum! I didn't see this little button until just now. I would be delighted if you would add me to your list. I always enjoy your blog posts. Thanks!
Ooops! Forgot to add the link.
Thanks again!
Thanks in advance, Carol. Mine is http://www.thegardenbuzz.com
Have enjoyed your words with my morning coffee… would like to add your blog to my list… here is one of my blogs…
I would love to be added to your blog list. My new "Diggin' in the Dirt" blog site link is:
I have already added your blog to my site ๐
Thanks so much! Blog on!!
Toni ๐
Hi, Carol. I grew up in Indiana and love your Midwestern practicality and humor–not to mention your community building. I'd love to appear on your list if you'd have me.
Thank you,
Hi Carol! I love your blog and would be ecstatic to have a link on your site. I'm fairly new to blogging, but having a blast at thus far. Please check out View From the Garden when you can – any thoughts and suggestions are always welcomed.
Thanks, Patty
Love your site! I just entered the gardening blogging world and I'm having a blast! Would love to share links…
Hi – I'd love you to add a link to my blog on your site. I've had one to yours on mine for a while now…
Hello to Carol from Carol!
I'd love for your readers to see my weekly series on what looks good in my Chicagoland garden this winter. Don't think I can do that all winter long? Put me to the test at http://www.ohwhatabeautifulgarden-chicagoland.com/ (affectionately accessed as http://www.ohwhat.com)
Hi Carol. I have been a follower of yours and love your blog. I'd be honored if you would visit and consider adding my blog to your list.
Thank you for all your wonderful posts! Lee
Hope you can add me to your blog roll. I've had you on mine since I started contributing to Bloom Day way back when.
I would love to be added to your blog list, if you find my blog worthy.
Hi Carol
Please do add mine
Your link is already on mine.
Carol! i LOVE your blog and all its inspirations. I've recently started my own 'adventures' of being a first time gardener. Thank you for all of your sharing and advice!
Hi, Carol! I just noticed I wasn't on this list, and I'd love to be added to your sidebar: http://www.prairierosesgarden.blogspot.com
I still have a draft of a letter to Hortense Hoelove but can't seem to find time to finish it…maybe she could tell me how to prioritize gardening with blogging with preparing for my daughter's wedding:)
Sigh … the list of worthies is long and I'm at the end. However, as a member of the Green Bandana Garden Club, I'd love to be included in your blog roll if a space opens up. It would soothe my adjustment back to Austin from our Seattle respite.
I had read about the Garden Bloggers Blooms Day on other blogs and I think it's a terrific idea! Hope to participate every month! I would love to be included on your blog roll and have added a link to your blog on our site. Thank you!
I just started participating yesterday in the monthly bloom day. I'd love to be included in your list: http://www.SnappyGardening.com.
-Kathy (originally from Greenville, Ohio)
Hi Carol,
Just wondering why MacGardens never made it to your side bar. Is there a problem with non-blogger entries?
I found you through Rhone Street Gardens blog. I really enjoyed reading The Five Secrets to Achieving Happiness In Your Garden.
My blog site is http://www.plantparadisecountrygardens.com where I have added a link to your site.
I also have a monthly newsletter at http://www.plantparadise.ca and I was going to add a link about your site and your beautiful story of the Five Secrets. Very Inspiring!
Lorraine Roberts
Hi, Carol! I feel like I know you from reading your blog for the past year. Since I retired last June I have had time to not just garden, but read about gardening by following gardening blogs. You are one of my favorites. So, I have decided to jump in and start my own blog and so far have only 2 posts. I have, of course, included your blog on my blogroll and would love for you to consider adding mine.
I live in Bartlett, Tn which is a suburb of Memphis. I love the links to other garden sites. thanks, Beth
I love how you've brought so many gardeners together simply by sharing what's in bloom once a month. It's so much fun to see what's happening in gardens around the country. I'd like to share a bit about my garden in northern Virginia.