Today I am officially tired of winter. There is snow on the ground and with single-digit temperatures, it won’t be melting anytime soon. I am at least grateful that there is only one set of tracks through the back yard, which hopefully means that there are not a lot of rabbits out there trying to eat the bark off my trees or get to my tender young blueberries, which I am protecting with wire cages.
I’ve finished reading the February selection of the Garden Bloggers’ Book Club, Two Gardeners: Katharine S. White and Elizabeth Lawrence – A Friendship in Letters edited by Emily Herring Wilson, and have been thinking about what I want to write for my review of the book. In the meantime, I’ve moved on to No One Gardens Alone: A Life of Elizabeth Lawrence by Emily Herring Wilson. After that? I think I might try to get the biography of Katharine S. White, Onward and Upward: A Biography of Katharine S. White by Linda H. Davis. (Used copies for 3 cents plus shipping… less than the cost of a fast food meal!) I’ll admit I am fascinated by these two writers who wrote letters back and forth for decades, first about plants and gardens and then really about their lives, but only met once. But, I’ve always liked books of letters. It’s a less guarded type of writing, much like blogging.
Speaking of blogging, one of the concerns that many bloggers expressed early in the fall was how they would continue to post when their gardens were dormant. I’m always thinking about or doing something related to gardening, (when I’m not at work, that is!) so I’ve managed to keep posting through the winter. But today I did offer to pay someone to write a post for me.
My nine year old niece is working to earn money to buy a video game, so when I stopped by there earlier today, my sister ask if there was anything my niece could do for me to earn money. I immediately said, “write me two paragraphs related to gardening and I’ll give you 2 dollars”. My intent is to take those two paragraphs and post them here. My niece does like to garden (though when asked directly, she won’t admit it because she is 9 years old) but doesn’t particularly care to write. Her brother who is 11 said he would write something for 2 dollars. He doesn’t garden much, but he does like bugs, so he might have something interesting to write about.
So we shall see if either or both decide to take me up on my offer, 1 dollar per paragraph, must be garden related! And by the way, I’m not making this offer to everyone, just those two.
What a great idea! I can’t wait to read them.
Shucks! At a dollar a paragraph I could have made an easy 5 bucks.
When I saw the title of this post I thought I had found a way to supplement my meager nurserymans salary. I sympathize with the tired of winter comment. It’s interesting what the mind hatches up when you’re stuck inside.
I hope the kids see what a deal you are offering.
Old Roses, Trey… I’m still waiting for their posts… I think my money may be “safe” for now.
Kathy, Trey… sorry to get your hopes up, kinda of a deceptive title on my part.