Ten past posts to introduce you to May Dreams Gardens and the gardener who grows there.
1. I like all kinds of gardening, but probably post the most about my raised bed vegetable gardens.
2. Like many gardeners, I end up sharing my garden with other life forms including garden fairies who play tricks on me and wild animals who eat more than their fair share and often make me look like a fool as I’m trying to keep them from eating my beans.
3. I like to start plants from seeds and found out that a lot of other garden bloggers do, too.
4. Last fall, I started the Garden Bloggers’ Book Club. I set up “quick posts” on a separate Garden Bloggers’ Book Club blog before Blogger had tags, to make it easier to see all the posts related to the book club. It’s easy to join. Read the book selection, post a review about the book or a related topic on your blog, let me know about it, then I publish a “virtual meeting” post on the last day of the month, with links to all the reviews.
5. In February 2007, with snow covering every inch of every garden I tend outside and having read a lot of books by Elizabeth Lawrence, who corresponded with dozens of gardeners comparing notes about who had what blooming when, I asked bloggers to join me in posting what was blooming in our gardens on the 15th of each month, which I dubbed Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day. I really look forward to the 15th of each month and the chance to see what is blooming from one hardiness zone to another. Through bloom day, I’ve learned a lot about other gardens and gardeners, including how late spring arrives in the northern zones and how those Austin bloggers envy our lilacs and peonies.
6. It’s best to be cautious about my posts on April 1st but it’s the real deal when the night-bloomer blooms.
7. Others in my family also garden, including my youngest sister and my older sister and they are afraid sometimes when I show up at their houses with my digital camera that I won’t show their gardens in a flattering way on my blog. Can you imagine?
8. I’m not above making fun of myself and others for how we carry on about our first tomatoes of the season.
9. Like every blogger, I love comments; one of my favorites is song lyrics about my garden, which can be sung to the tune of “Back Home Again in Indiana”.
10. I have a lot of hoes (and other garden tools).
This post is my response to a challenge from Joanna at Confident Writing to identify ten posts that explain what your blog is about, which is a meme started by Logical Emotions. Technically, yes, I linked thirteen posts and another blog, but that’s close enough. Feel free to accept the challenge to explain your blog with ten past posts if you have commented on any of my posts in the last few weeks, or if you just feel like doing it.
I’m taking off Friday to enjoy a four day weekend for the Labor Day holiday. Much of my time will be spent in the garden, weeding, cleaning up plants that have given up in the “moderate drought”, and making plans for fall planting (if we get some rain!). I’m also taking time off from blogging so look for the next post late Monday or Tuesday. I hope everyone has a safe and rejuvenating three day weekend!
I think you described your blog beautifully..it says it all. Cogatulations!
PS Have a GREAT long weekend (you WILL be missed)
I had not noticed before how big your veggie garden is. That’s pretty impressive.
We don’t have a veggie garden yet here, but at our previous place we had two 8×8 raised beds.
How hard it must have been to choose those posts from your archives, Carol – you are such a constant and prolific writer! The posts you link to are a good introduction to May Dreams.
And how appropriate that one of the hardest-working garden bloggers will celebrate Labor Day by not writing for the virtual world, but by concentrating on the tangible May Dreams Garden. Have a wonderful weekend!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
I think we’re supposed to have good & not too hot weather this weekend. Happy gardening
Today was lovely. Hopefully we will have wonderful weather for the long weekend. Happy gardening!
YOU’RE taking time off from blogging, Carol? Sure, right after you challenged us to come up with a post that could come anywhere near yours! Happy gardening and happy long weekend.
Outstanding post, Carol. Just a reminder that September 1 is Garden Bloggers’ Muse Day. I know you’re suppose to be on holiday but hope that you’ll send your lovely contribution, even if it is late.
Your raised vegetable beds look to be bursting with stuff!
No introduction needed I think. Your posts are always creative (Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day, Garden Bloggers’ Book Club) interesting and informative. That vegetable garden is quite impressive. Makes the one I abandoned except for a few heads of swiss chard and straggly parsley look exiguous and paltry. Hope you have a great Labor Day weekend.
You’re really taking a break from the blog for three days?
Aren’t you just a little bit tempted?
Dirty Knees… thanks for the kind words!
Bill.. the garden is pretty big, but very manageable with all raised beds. I hope you can start a new veggie garden soon.
Annie in Austin… Thanks! So far, a good weekend, indeed.
Eleanor… Weather so far has been good, though it is getting hotter again.
Robin’s Nesting Place… I can’t complain about the weather so far, but I wish it were raining, really.
LostRoses… It’s a “sort of” break… I’m still reading a few blogs and leaving comments.
Carolyn Gail… If I can come up with some garden poetry, I’ll post it, otherwise, there’s always October.
Topveg… Thank you, I do get quite a bit of produce from the veg garden… the picture, by the way was from July, it doesn’t look like that right now.
Ki… Thanks for the kind words!
Chuck B… Yes, kind of, sort of taking a mini break. I am tempted to post as I have something worked up that I like…
Thanks all for the nice comments and kinds, now, back to my holiday weekend!
Carol at May Dreams Gardens
Your garden is absolutely wonderful!
It just shows how much work the allotment that i have started to help out at needs. i am going to be very busy.
fabulous! I love your style and anyone who is a fan of Elizabeth Lawrence is A-okay in my book. I’m looking forward to participating in the next book club! I’ve got it on my calendar. I’ve been blogging for three months now, but feel like I’ve finally settled in after poking around on others sites a bit. Thanks for setting a great blogging standard!
Hi Carol,
I love to garden and am new to garden blogs. It’s a little confusing. So many blogs. How do I keep track of them? I will try to create a link to your blog.
thank you,
Hi Carol, so do you share the bounty of this enormous garden with your lowly co-workers? Say a few Jalapeño peppers for a measly BSA on the PA tech team???
Hi Carol
Am so glad to stumble upon this blog. So much information! I used to dream of a herbal garden and now I am actually working on it but it also include some vegies and fruits.
I’ll definitely drop by again to check out your other posts!
Happy gardening!