Garden fairies here.
We are garden fairies and it is now late January and we can count on just one hand the number of times Carol has updated this blog. Four.
And we don’t need any smart people saying stuff like, “That is four more times than you garden fairies have posted.”
How many times do we have to tell people that we are garden fairies and we are quite busy? Engaged. Busy. Doing stuff. All the time.
Such is our lives.
We had some warm days and Seedy and Soddy started to pull up some foliage for reticulated irises but Ol’ Rainbow Tanglefly put a stop to that. He advised them it would get colder again and he was right. It got colder again.
But we are garden fairies, we don’t mind the cold, honestly. We actually prefer that Spring come at the normal time.
Everyone hang on to your hats for this bit of gossip news.
Carol hasn’t ordered her seeds yet.
Which is really not news come to think of it because she often waits until February to actually order seeds. That’s just how she is.
The news is Carol is almost ready to publish her fourth book of gardening essays, fifth book overall if you count her children’s book, which we do. But most people maybe already knew she was writing another book, so maybe that isn’t as much news as we thought?
Here is the real news. We are garden fairies, and we would like to inform everyone that we wrote three of the 25 chapters of this new book. The best three chapters, if you ask us. But that isn’t really news because we covered this tidbit last month when we last posted on this blog (to once again save it from dormancy, as we are doing today.)
So what do we have for news? We have the cover of the new book. That’s what we have!
We begged Carol to let us show you the cover but she said not yet because she is having it tweaked just a tiny bit.
So you think we garden fairies just begged some more right?
Wrong. We are garden fairies. We do not beg. The way we figure it, this book is one-eighth ours so we are going to show you one-eighth of the cover.

Now you are probably wondering if we will get in trouble for showing you our share of the cover.
We will not. Carol has actually shown more of the cover on an Instagram story and as her header on Facebook.
We are garden fairies. We will say no more. We will let Carol share about the rest of the book, in her own due time. Which we hope is soon. We are garden fairies. We are excited to have you read what we wrote.
Submitted by:
Violet Greenpea Maydreams, Chief Scribe of the Garden Fairies at May Dreams Gardens
You garden fairies do like to tease.
I don't see any garden fairies in that 1/8th of a picture. I sure hope they are in the other 7/8ths.
Beautiful cover for a gardening book!
Yay for fairies doing their naughty and nice thing!