Garden fairies here.
We are garden fairies and we have a lot to talk about because there is a lot going on here, even though it is wintertime and we are inside.
Yes, that’s right, we are inside in the sunroom. DO NOT tell Carol because while she suspects there is garden fairy activity in the sunroom, she doesn’t know for sure. We would like to keep it that way.
We are beside ourselves with concern, however, because Carol was late in getting the hyacinth bulbs out of the fridge and putting them on the hyacinth vases.
Well, she finally did it today but quite unexpectedly, she did not put them all in the sunroom as she has done for the past as long as we can remember.
Some of the vases are in the kitchen and some are clear on the other side of the house. We garden fairies are fit to be tied over this. How are we supposed to open flowers in three different locations? We are simply not staffed to cover this amount of territory in the wintertime.
Ol’ Tangle Rainbowfly said this is the first time he remembers this happening. He volunteered to go take care of the hyacinths that are the furthest from the sunroom but we all said no, it is way too dangerous for him to make that trek all on his own. Instead, we are going to send Seedy and Soddy to do it. They are younger and they have just finished a successful “keep the lights on” campaign with the Christmas lights outdoors. We need to keep them busy so they will stay mostly out of trouble!
The most important thing is that there are houseplants between here and there where Seedy and Soddy can stop along the way. Right now, there’s a cyclamen in the great room. That means the first part of the journey will be from the sunroom to the cyclamen.
Then the next day, they can travel from the cyclamen to some poinsettias in the kitchen. As long as Carol doesn’t throw those poinsettias out prematurely, they should make it. Then the hard part. They’ll have to go from the poinsettias to the room with the hyacinths without being seen.
We can’t see that room from here but we’ve heard, and we are garden fairies don’t ask how we heard, that there is a ‘Starfish’ sansevieria there where they can hang out while they work on the hyacinth blooms. Funny thing about that ‘Starfish’ sansevieria is when Carol bought it they told her it didn’t need to be watered more than once every few months.
What’s funny about that is she sees that plant every day and we know she is thinking, “I want to water it.” Well, she doesn’t water it because she knows she shouldn’t, but on the other side of the house in the sunroom there are plants just begging for her to give them a drink of water. Begging. We are garden fairies. We taught plants how to beg, and taught them well, so we know they are begging.
Anyway, that’s sort of all that’s going on here. Hyacinths on vase, cyclamen and poinsettias still blooming from the holidays, and Carol, as usual, hogging the keyboard. Apparently, she has been working on another book but we are being kept in the dark about it.
We garden fairies think we are mentioned in this new book, though not by individual name, but collectively as “garden fairies”.
We will take what we can get, though wouldn’t it be nice if she dedicated the book to us?
If we find out the title, we’ll let you know.
Submitted by,
Violet Greenpea Maydreams, Chief Scribe at May Dreams Gardens
P.S. How could we forget? Carol is forcing lily of the valley into bloom again. In the sunroom. In the wintertime. Sweetpea MorningGlory is excited about it as she won the prize to be the first garden fairy to get to smell them as soon as they open. Don’t tell her that once they open, we’ll all get to smell them soon enough, that is if the hyacinths don’t overpower them with their scent.
P.S.S. Why are we garden fairies all in the sunroom? Have you seen the weather forecasts around here? It’s too cold for anyone to be outside, though the birds are out there. Carol has been doing a good job feeding all the birds and keeping their heated birdbath filled up, too. She says they are costing her a fortune to feed so she is checking to see if she can claim them as dependents when she files her tax returns. We are garden fairies? Why aren’t we her dependents?
I agree with the Garden Fairies that they should be accepted as dependents on your tax return. It is way too cold for them or any living thing to be outside. Brrrrrrrrrrr
Dear Fairies – wondering if Carol has a Christmas cactus still in bloom. I have two that are blooming nicely and a couple of African violets just at the end of a bloom cycle. I must have a few fairies that have slipped inside as well. Stay warm!
How far along are her lilies-of-the-valley? Mine are just starting to show green tips.