Garden fairies here!
We are garden fairies and we have done an outstanding job this spring getting some of the violas to self-sow a bit around the garden.
Like this little cutie amongst the sweet woodruff.
We told Seedy and Soddy when they decided on that spot that it would soon be surrounded by sweet woodruff and eventually disappear, but they said that was okay, they put another one in the lawn.
“The Lawn!” cried out SweetPea MorningGlory. “Carol is going to mow right over that little flower, and that will be the end of that.”
But Seedy and Soddy felt sure she’d see it, and of course she did, as she mowed over it.

We think it will survive for a while, though we thought Seedy and Soddy should have chosen a spot that didn’t also have chickweed and dead nettle growing around it. Or that Carol could have pulled away those weeds to make the viola stand out a bit more.
We are garden fairies, we do care about such things!
Now, before we get to the real purpose of this post, we will show one more little self-sown (which really means fairy-sown) viola out in the vegetable garden.

It’s right in the middle of one of the beds in the Vegetable Garden Cathedral, where it is growing and thriving and has way more flowers than the others.
There’s probably an allegory about that, but we will save that for another day and get to the true purpose of us writing this blog post, taking time away from some important, critical, essential, must-be-done spring garden work.
We are garden fairies.
We want a checking account!
How did this come about?
We saw Carol watching a video of a clip from the BBC from 1973 about two cats, Quince and Quicksilver, who had their own checking accounts! By golly, by garden fairy, if two cats can have a checking account, then so can garden fairies!
And Carol can stick a crowbar in her wallet and put some money in our checking account so we can send checks out to people. Or maybe buy our own flowers at the greenhouse. We deserve it. See above for all the work we’ve been doing with violas. And that is just the tip of the iceberg of all we do around here.
Yes, we are garden fairies. We want our own checking account, and we want to decide who we will send money to. We would appreciate if people would advocate for us in this matter.
Submitted by:
Violet GreenPea MayDreams, Chief Scribe and Treasurer of the Garden Fairy Checking Account Advocacy Committee
P. S. Do you think for one minute Carol thought, “My garden fairies deserve a checking account too” when she saw that video? No. She thought, “Quince and Quicksilver, what a lovely title for another book.” So now Honoria and Hortensia are trying to get some more computer time to see if she really is writing another book, which we feel sure would be on the computer if there was one. We will report back in due time.
I love your violas. All my garden fairies like to cultivate are dandelions. Beautiful as they are I’d like less of them.
Of course faries should have their own checking account. They deserve being able to determine what to plant and to not wait to go through channels to get it.