Garden fairies here.
We are garden fairies and once again we are called upon to post on this blog because, well, we are garden fairies and we cannot believe Carol has not posted anything in nearly three weeks.
Honestly, what would Carol do without us garden fairies to come in and save the day, and this blog, over and over again.
So here we are and we have decided that we will grade Carol’s fall garden clean up efforts, or rather lack there of.
At first we waited to begin grading because we weren’t sure if Carol thought she was done with her fall clean up efforts, or lack thereof, or was going to do more. It’s sometimes hard to tell.
However, since it is now almost nearly mid-December and we have more important things to do, we shall consider Carol’s assignment complete and hence forth begin grading her efforts at fall clean up.
Out in the vegetable garden, she gets a few marks off because she left all the zinnias standing. For what purpose? We are garden fairies, we don’t know for what purpose but we do give Carol credit for removing all the old vegetable garden plants and covering the beds with chopped leaves. We are also pleased to see she cut back both figs and covered their bases with leaves.
On the subject of leaves, Carol did remove them from the lawn, for the most part, but left quite a few in the flower beds. We approve.
We also approve of the perennials she left standing. Ol’ Rainbow Tanglefly is of the opinion that Carol has finally figured out that leaving the perennials standing over the winter not only provides a habitat for garden fairies, but also leaves seeds for birds and other critters.
And by spring, there is actually less to clean up than if she had tried to do the clean up in the fall.
We are garden fairies. That is the magic of winter. Clean up magic happens.
On the issue of weeds, we also will give Carol some credit because she did remove a few weeds when she took pictures of the snowdrops, but we can’t give her complete credit or any extra credit because there are some weeds in the background of that picture.
Ha! Made you scroll back up and look.
We are garden fairies.
That is all the grading we are going to do. We are busy now looking at seed catalogs and trying to mark certain pages to remind Carol of what she wanted to order but hasn’t yet. That work in and off itself is nearly a full-time job. But Honoria and Hortensia are doing a great job with it, aided of course by Seedy and Soddy.
Though Seedy and Soddy in their usual fashion have marked some seeds that Carol really has no business ordering. But we shall see if she does.
And now, let us conclude this post with our usual sign off.
Submitted by:
Violet Greenpea Maydreams, Chief Scribe and Head Grader here at May Dreams Gardens
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