Garden fairies here!
We are garden fairies, and we do not know what is happening here, but Carol has posted three times in the last four days.
Now, we realize that many people who opted to get an email anytime Carol posted to this blog might now be thinking that was a huge mistake because that is three emails in the last four days.
And now we garden fairies are piling on, so to speak, with a blog post that will also become an email to many people. Though to refer to a garden fairy blog post as “piling on” seems a bit harsh and not all that nice.
Because we have some important, useful, insightful, and interesting information to impart to readers of this blog. And shall henceforth provide it, but first, we must give a shout-out for the new Delosperma ‘Ocean Sunset Orange Glow’ Carol planted the other day. (Pictured above!)
These little perennials from Darwin Perennials have just about the prettiest orange and pink flowers we’ve ever seen. And we’ve seen a lot of such flowers in our garden fairy days.
Sweetpea MorningGlory loves how the petals look almost metallic in the sun.
And Hortense and Honoria love that Carol planted them next to the new rabbit statue.

We think it will be quite the prettiest spot in the garden when those grow a bit more and are flowering all around that statue.
(At least, we think it’s a statue. It hasn’t moved since Carol put it there. Ol’ Rainbow Tanglefly says that’s a sure sign it’s a statue. Plus, Seedy and Soddy have been performing antics all around it for days, and it hasn’t moved once.)
Anyway, we are garden fairies, and we have noted that Carol’s last several posts have been about mysterious happenings around the garden: Easter candy being found and eaten, weird holes in the lawn, plants mysteriously uprooting. Stuff like that.
We garden fairies could solve these mysteries and tell her straight-away who’s doing what at night if we wanted to… but we don’t want to. And no, it is not us garden fairies doing all that mischief.
Though, we are a bit concerned that Carol has been looking at trail cams with night vision capabilities so she can set one up to catch whoever it is in action.
Honestly, can nothing be kept private and a secret these days? Do gardeners have to know everything about what’s going on in their gardens? We are garden fairies and we just are going to answer that question with an affirmative “No.” In fact, gardeners are better off not knowing everything going on in their gardens.
Trust us on this. We are garden fairies.
Therefore, we will do all in our power to dissuade Carol from buying a trail cam and hope you who have read this far will do likewise. Thank you.
We are garden fairies.
Submitted by:
Violet GreenPea MayDreams, Chief Scribe and Protector of Garden Fairy Secrets Here at May Dreams Gardens
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