Drawn upward by some hidden power,
Life is cracking the crust of earth
And bursting forth from limb and stem.
Your aroma, O Life-giver,
Is upon the springtime wind,
And I feel its power stirring deep within me.
Green is your color, O God,
The green of new life
That lovingly transfigures earth’s dreariness,
Long held prisoner
By the icy web of winter’s cold.
Green up my heart with hope,
In your perpetual promise of life.
Send forth from my soul
New shoots, fresh buds
Eager to grow in your divine image.
We ask this in your name. Amen
(author unknown)
(Garden Bloggers’ Muse Day is sponsored on the first of every month by Sweet Home and Garden Chicago.)
Beautiful prayer, thanks for sharing. Beautiful flower too.
My favorite is:
Green up my heart with hope,
In your perpetual promise of life.
Send forth from my soul
New shoots, fresh buds
Eager to grow in your divine image.
Both prayers, yours and Jeannie’s, are beautiful. Thank you.
So appropriate for now.
Beautiful photos, and a wonderful sentiment to go with them. Lovely!
I love this! (That Anonymous is so talented.) I may have to make this into some kind of artwork for my mom. Thanks for the idea.
Thank you for that.
Lovely poem, Carol. Thanks for joining the poetry circle this May.
All, Thanks for the nice comments and I am glad you enjoyed the muse for May, my favorite month.
Carol, May Dreams Gardens