Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for September 2019.
Here in my USDA Hardiness zone 6a garden in central Indiana, we’ve had some dry warm days and I think it is affecting the amount of bloom just a little bit.
First up…
Garden Fairies here! We have wrestled the keyboard away from Carol and we are going to write this bloom day post so that people don’t fall asleep reading it and smack their heads right down on their keyboards in the process.
We are garden fairies. No one sleeps on our posts!
First up is one of our favorite fall blooms. Colchicums. Never heard of them? Where in the world have you been? No self-respecting gardener in or near Zone 6a should call themselves a gardener without them!
Next up is marigolds and zinnias.
Here are marigolds.

Here are zinnias.

Carol grew them all from seeds. Really, though, we are garden fairies. It’s not that impressive. A child could grow these from seed and we should know, Carol’s been growing them from seed since she was a child. Believe us when we say that was a long, long, long, long time when she was a child!
Moving right along, we want to give a shout out to snapdragons and alyssum which Carol planted way back in March—at our insistence we might add—and they are still blooming nicely, as we knew they would. She bought plants for these.
Here are snapdragons.

Here is alyssum.

We garden fairies take most of the credit for keeping these blooming all summer long, as we should. We take most of the credit for anything good that happens around here, as we should.
Now, would you fine folks like to see some other fall blooms? We assume so.
Here you go.
Here is Geranium ‘Rozanne’, which has been blooming all summer pretty much.

Here is lilyturf, also know as variegated Liriope spicata.

Here is tall sedum. Please do not use the genus name of Hylotelephium. It’s a nice name but we garden fairies prefer Sedum.

Here are toad lilies. We garden fairies take all the credit for naming them.

Here is goldenrod.

Here is the end of this post finally.
We are garden fairies, we do not have time to post more for bloom day. We are just here to break up the monotony and add a little zip and zest as only we can do!
Carol here. Sorry about the garden fairies.
I’ll have to finish up this post because the garden fairies are too lazy to do it properly.
Join us for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day every 15th of the month. It’s easy to participate. Just post on your blog about what’s blooming in your garden on or near the 15th of the month, then come here and put a link to your post in the Mr. Linky widget. Be sure and also leave a comment to entice us to come and see your blooms.
(P.S. from the garden fairies. If you also tweet on Twitter, please tweet a picture of a bloom or two and tag it with #TweetYourFlowers. We think it will make Twitter, which can be a cesspool, a nicer place to visit. Do it. Do your part to make Twitter nicer! We are garden fairies!)
Remember… We can have flowers nearly every month of the year. ~ Elizabeth Lawrence
So many nice blooms for September and the garden fairies did well! Also, your new look and website are awesome! Happy Bloom Day Carol!
This is hilarious and your blooms are awesome.
We're having some warm days here too Carol, but the cooler nights have hastened along autumn into the garden.
Happy Blooms Day everyone!
I believe the garden fairies have great taste in blooms and not as lazy as they might say!
Happy Bloom Day. I am always happy to know the garden fairies are on the scene. Thank you all for giving us Bloom Day.
It may still be warm but the transition into fall is evident in your garden. None of my fall bloomers is ready yet to brave the heat. Thanks for hosting, Carol!
Toad lilies are so pretty. Not something I can grow. I mostly see just the gardening posts on Twitter, and so far gardeners are all nice!
Is "tweetyourflowers a new hashtag that hasn't been used yet? I come up with "No results found."
Sorry, I mean #tweetyourflowers of course. But, Twitter doesn't have a hashtag named that. Yet?
Lisa, i just started using that hashtag on Twitter. It should show up in a search by now!
Happy Bloomday! I cheated and posted last Friday, I wonder if your garden fairies will mind?
I don't have toad lilies. They are now on my 'must have' list after seeing yours. Great seeing you in Salt Lake City! P. x
Good job, garden fairies. Especially enjoyed your toad lilies – for some reason I've never been able to grow them. Perhaps I will try again next year.
I enjoyed the Garden Faries post. I needed a laugh today. Do tell them not everyone can grow zinnias…I am that one person who struggles. On second thought, don't mention it. They may send a friend to help.
Well, I certainly hope Carol has not met with foul play at the hands of those Garden Fairies !
The toad lilies are specifically my favorite, sad it will no thrive in the hot tropics.
I went for a long walk in a tall meadow to see what my Menehune have been up to.
Pretty varied blooms ….toad lilies are eye catchy …Marigolds,Alyssum,snapdragons are
spring blooms in region where I reside…probably your warm summers are able to adopt such annuals…we are into end of monsoon season …its wet and humid all over with heaps of greenery over mountains and countryside.Happy bloggers blooms day to all my fellow gardening mates around the world.
Your plants always look beautiful. In our region on the Northern Plains the plants were later to grow, especially perennials. Then they caught up and we're alternating cool and hot days and the blooms linger. What a season! Fine time to celebrate them!
Hi Carol,
I managed a whole posting without complaining about the really dry weather we've been having the last three weeks. I guess I'm going to have set up some more sprinklers. It is nice to see the Colchicum come out isn't it?
Well, the garden fairies may be a bit blunt in their writing style, but they do get things done!
I think I need some garden fairies to help kick me into gear on time for Bloom Day! I love your Toad lilies, and you remind me I haven't seen mine at all this year – I wonder if it's been just too cool for them. I do have some good orange-colored flowers though. Thank you for hosting, Carol!
I hope the garden fairies are helping with garden chores as well as blogging. We may get our first frost in Maine tonight, and it definitely looks like fall in the garden.