Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for November 2020.
Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, we’ve enjoyed some warm November days and some cold November days. Today is one of the cold days.
But not so cold that I couldn’t run out for a few minutes and take a couple of pictures.
First up are these little button mums which are still sort of blooming and definitely showing color. Is it the variety, the location, or my gardening skills that are causing them to sort of bloom with color long after other mums have faded?
We can rule out my skills. Location? Nothing really special about that. It must be the variety! I’ll look for a tag… (My best guess is these are Dendranthema ‘Dainty Pink Igloo‘.)
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the garden, flower pickings are slim.
These tiny white autumn crocuses (Crocus speciosus) are always the last to bloom. You can sort of see a faded purple one behind it.

All the purple autumn crocuses have faded, but I gave them a lot of love in an earlier post, so they had their moment.
Out in front, a few leadwort (Ceratostigma plumbaginoides) blooms are hanging around.

Emphasis on “a few.”
There is frost on the tall sedums.

It’s easy to participate. Just post on your blog about what’s blooming in your garden and then come back here and leave a link in the Mr. Linky widget and a comment to let us know what you have to show us.
We can have flowers nearly every month of the year. ~ Elizabeth Lawrence
Oh ! I am pleasantly surprised and amazed to see mums and Christmas cactus blooming already at your place mine will take a month or so to get in to blooms. Our November is cooler than previous year and this is the perfect time to plant spring bulbs .Thanks for inspiring me to start my Linky widget on Gardening .It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to Gardening here at http://jaipurgardening.blogspot.com/2020/11/garden-affair-happy-diwali.html. Thank you for hosting GBBD .
November is always a 'sorta' blooming month isn't it Carol? We have unseasonal warmth here instead of your anticipated snow which means some of the new plants in one of my borders are sorta blooming for the first time this year instead of next. At least I don't have to be so patient to see the results of my efforts and I can show off my new 'Frilly Knickers' to you!
Happy Blooms Day everyone!
I guess a few is better than none. My Thanksgiving cactuses or cacti are just sitting there. Maybe after Thanksgiving they will bloom. I have a few mums. Congrats on the anniversary of your children's book. It's one of my favorites!~~Dee
Lol–I like that, "We can rule out my skills"–do you ever get the impression that plants really don't need us? Those mums are pretty, I hope they last for a while. I'm amazed that the little groundcover plumbago is still blooming! Thanks for hosting !
This has been an unusual November indeed! We also had a mild streak with a week in the mid to upper 70’s and some of the flowering shrubs are pushing out blooms, and after a slow start, the autumn colors are magnificent this year. Your mums are very pretty and I can see you have a few other blooms still hanging on. Hopefully the winter won’t be too bad, but time will tell. The frost does look pretty on your Sedum though! Happy Bloom Day!
I have a small Thanksgiving cactus that was outside earlier in the year. I just brought it in, and it has lots of buds! I used to put them in a dark place in Oct. on, and it worked to form buds, but this one just did it outdoor naturally with the cool and natural dark/light!
This has been such an unusual November for us in upstate New York. I wish mums were reliably hardy in our area – they aren't, so we buy every year. Yours sure are pretty. And I am having issues with my Thanksgiving cactus – I have several and only one is blooming right now. Yours was a welcome sight Happy GBBD to you!
Forgot to sign my name. Bookworm aka Ramblinwitham.blogspot.com
We finally got a span of colder temperatures (albeit not your version of cold) but now our Santa Ana winds have returned and it's warming up again. Southern California is a very different world but we always have flowers (if also wildfires). Thanks for hosting, Carol!
Trying to upload an image…not sure it worked. Thanks for all the great photos!
You know I love that Elizabeth Lawrence quote :-).
We had a couple light frosts here, but not enough to kill all the annuals so I shared some that are hanging on and even putting on a better show than in the spring.
Happy Bloom Day, Carol! Ah Autumn crocus, envious there, every year at this time I spot them somewhere and wish I had planted some. Maybe next year, I keep saying that though. Our sedums were soggy here today after rain overnight. I have to say I love to see frost on them. However, not quite ready for the cold. I haven't started the garden clean up, envious of you there Carol.
Thanks, Carol, for continuing Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, even when we have to dig to find a blooming plant!
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Last year at this time, we had snow and ice on the ground; I'm quite happy this year did not follow suit. Still, the last flowers are fading in my garden and the season of flowering houseplants has begun.
Hi Carol: Thanks so much for hosting. I hope you're having a great autumn. I tried to link in to the meme, but it didn't work for me. I'll try again later.
I'm a day late for Bloomday, but I didn't want to miss it. Snow. Ugh. Hope it holds off until you're ready for it.
Hi Carol, I feel privileged to be to garden in CV times not because I'm forced to but because that's what I would be doing even without the virus. Here I late again with my posting but I've been busy planting bulbs. Another hundred daffodils today…
Sorry I'm late again Carol. Please, please, no early snow because, unlike you, I am not ready in my garden. Lots to do yet. Thanks for hosting everyone's favorite meme. Happy Thanksgiving, P. x