Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for May 2011.
When it’s May in Indianapolis, all (many) eyes turn to the west side of town where the Indianapolis 500 race will take place at the end of this month. All month long, it’s one race event after the next and everywhere we look there are black and white checkered race flags.
Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 5B garden, where temperatures shot up to near record highs this past week, all the flowers seem to be in a race to bloom, and bloom quickly.
Like the flowers, I, too, am racing around trying to weed, buy plants, plant, prepare the vegetable garden for planting and occasionally, if only for a few minutes, sit back, relax and watch the action.
I’ll soon be racing to deadhead those daisies pictured above, too, because they are Leucanthemum vulgare, prolific self-sowers. I leave just a few each year because they are pretty, but just a few or I’d have a garden with nothing but those daisies.
Looking back on past years of blooms on May 15th, I noticed I have many of the same blooms today as I had in 2007, except that year I also had pea blossoms and the peonies were almost open. Today, the peonies are still tight buds and there isn’t a pea blossom in sight.
2008 seemed a tad bit slower than this year. That year I even had some tulips still in bloom in mid-May. This year they are all done. But to be fair about it, I have almost all species tulips now and the tulips of 2008 were all big showy Darwin types. 2009 seemed a lot like 2007 and ditto for 2010.
But whether the same or changed, I’ll always look forward to May, with its abundance of blooms and generally good weather. It’s a chance to see plans and plants come together to form… a garden.
The columbine (Aquilegia sp.) are all in full bloom.

I’m adding a few new columbine this year, and leaving them to self-sow themselves around the garden. They’ll do so without becoming a daisy-like thug and are easy enough to weed out if they show up where I don’t want them to be, or transplant them to where I do want them to grow.
The Salvia, including ‘May Nights’, are singing the blues.

I bought ‘May Nights’ because of the name. I keep it because I like the flowers. Speaking of its name, I checked on it and it seems to be listed by different sources as Salvia × sylvestris, Salvia nemorosa and Salvia x superba. I’ll stick with plain ol’ ‘May Nights’ for now.
Have I mentioned my new obsession with Clematis? I’m fascinated by any with a bell-shaped flower, like C. integrifolia ‘Alba’.

I just got three new Clematis to plant, all with bell-shaped flowers.
The ‘Miss Kim’ lilacs (Syringa patula) are blooming. The scent of them is enough to almost knock you over right now.

But the Iris right next to them is still a tight bud. I can’t recall when this Iris last bloomed, but it was many springs ago so I’m not even sure what the bloom color is. And heavens no, I don’t know the variety, either.
Elsewhere in the garden, there are other shrubs besides lilacs in bloom including Deutzia gracilis ‘Duncan’, marketed by Proven Winners as Chardonnay Pearls®

Viburnum opulus ‘Sterile’, the common snowball bush that many of us remember from our grandmothers’ gardens, is almost finished blooming.

She’s a big shrub in my garden, a perfect hiding place for birds and no doubt a rabbit or two. It is also quite possible that maybe a family or an entire village of garden fairies live under there. This shrub is so big that I can hide stuff behind it, too, like the compost bins and the compost tumber. Now that’s a versatile shrub.
There is much more in bloom – Baptisia, Rosa, Allium, Amsonia, Camassia, Geranium, Cerastium, Dianthus, Penstemon, to name a few. The blooms just keep coming and I keep going round and round in the garden, incredulous at times that we are already at the half-way point of May.
I must remember when I’m racing around the garden in May, I should remember to occasionally take a pit stop and sit for a minute or two to enjoy the flowers and remember why I garden.
What’s blooming in your garden?
We would love to have you join in for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day and show us.
It’s easy to participate and all are invited!
Just post on your blog about what is blooming in your garden on the 15th of the month and leave a comment to tell us what you have waiting for us to see so we can pay you a virtual visit. Then put your name and the url to your post on the Mr. Linky widget below to make it easy to find you.
“We can have flowers nearly every month of the year.” ~ Elizabeth Lawrence
I love those bell-shaped clematis too! If I can figure out how not to kill a clematis I might try some of them myself. Happy May dreams!
That Deutzia is just lovely and your bell-shaped Clematis are really something special. Love your little patch of Leucanthemums too. It's always lovely to visit and see what's blooming over your way. Now I'll enjoy popping by some of those other posts, courtesy of your great meme.
Nice line-up of blooms Carol! Like you, I too must remember at times to stop racing around and stop occasionally to enjoy the garden.
Gorgeous blooms Carol!
Some of the columbines are just opening here too Carol, with others just starting to bud. The mostly chilly spring weather here has lots of blooms behind schedule, with others that are usually finished by now still blooming beautifully. I love how Bloom Day helps us keep track of the year-to-year differences in what's blooming when!
Hi… You are of course way ahead of us in the season… lovely photos! As for this part of Wisconsin, we are between two and three weeks behind our normal bloom times…. still lots of daffodils and tulips. The earliest magnolias are dropping and intermediate ones are in full bloom… one day of very warm temperatures brought on numerous changes to the bloom palette…. and now we are extremely cool again with frost concerns for the next couple nights… oh well…. so what's new… this is after all Wisconsin! Larry
Your scrub is so lush I could not find the compost tumbler. Thank you for hosting Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day.
Hi Carol,
My daisies are in bud, but not blooming yet. My deutzia, the same kind as yours looks like it may not have survived its second winter.
I have a number of zone 5 spring blooms on my post.
Thanks for hosting GBBD.
Thank you once again for making me slow down and pay attention to what makes my heart smile. Can't wait to see you again in Seattle.
I love your Viburnum opulus!
Those are some wonderful blooms, Carol…your May Dreams come true. Our May comes on the heels of 3 terribly dry months down here in Texas, but we are trying to stay hopeful for much needed rain. I know further north gardeners are facing the opposite side of the coin with record floods. We got excited the other night when we got 3/10ths of an inch of rain….the first time for this month. Happy GBBD whatever the weather.
David/ Tropical Texana
I love that you're displaying 'May Nights' on 'May Dreams' in the month of May. It seems to certify that all is right with your blog's little corner of the world.
Carol, I think Deutzia is my favourite of all your blooms, but how easy it is to decide the favourite?
Lovely flowers. I specially like the blue safe. We have a different type of sage here. All the other flowers are only seen in pictures , or in the Himalayas!
It's very hard to pick a favourite – but it has to be Miss Kim – the scent must be wonderful just now.
If you pop over to my Scottish garden there's an orange, red, yellow theme going on with the Laburnum tree being the main focus in part of the garden just now.
Have a great GBBD!
I just had time to take photos of the front yard beds. Check my blog to see more photos of flowers blooming in the back yard garden, through the month of May.
Hi Carol! As usual, your garden blooms are beautiful. I haven't participated in GBBD in years but I just posted a Bloom Day post, so I'm happy to say I'm back! Boy has GBBD gotten popular! It's great to see that there are so many garden bloggers and wonderful garden blooms out there.
Thanks for organizing them all in one virtual place like this. Happy May GBBD!
Hi Carol – Thanks for hosting again. I love your Clematis.
Dear Carol,
thank you for hosting GBBD!
What a nice post! I really love your Clematis! This one, I guess, is very healthy because it is wild!
I wish you a wonderful sunday!
very beautiful blooms! I am also going to get a salvia for this summer, I really liked how mine did last year
The Aquilegias are looking good in my garden too Carol. I've just returned full of inspiration from a few days at a gardening show where there were plenty of them there too 🙂
Enjoy your favourite month of the year!
You're way ahead of my part of Pennsylvania, Carol, with so much going on in your garden. After a long hiatus, I finally have some blooms to share too. It's great to be back in the game. Happy Bloom Day!
Hey check me out number 30 today….getting better. I can't wait to be able to compare GBBD each year. I just love your line up. I can't wait till next May to see the difference in what is blooming.
What pretty May flowers! I especially like the 'Alba' integrefolia clematis. I planted a bell shaped c. 'Rooguchi" this year and I'm looking forward to seeing it bloom.
Carol-Your "May Dreams" blooms are beautiful especially the May Night Salvia! The Salvia are budding here on Long Island but will take a few more days until they are at their prime. The jury is still out as to whether May or June has the most blooms here but thanks to you I am now taking inventory on what is in bloom each month. Happy GBBD and thank you for being our hostess for this lovely gardening event!
Like you I am loving my columbines! We are having severe drought in my corner of East England, so for once, longing for rain! Thanks for hosting this lovely monthly gathering.x
Love the clematis! Thanks for hosting this event:) Have a great GBBD!
Lovely blooms Carol. I've asked for a plant ID today. I hope one of your readers can help me.
Happy May!
May is the month for Indy, hope the weather cooperates. You garden is bursting with blooms and having Miss Kim here, I can smell it right through the screen looking at yours.
Carol, I am amazed that you have flowers in bloom in 5b that we have yet to see in 6b. We have been having a wonderful cool spring so that must explain it. I think it is the best spring ever. Thanks for doing this. Carolyn
Your race them reminds me of a Home Depot commercial I can't stand. It makes gardening seem like something that has to be tackled to get done, has to get fininshed and then you move on to putting in new kitchen counter tops.
Thanks for hosting GBBD and please take many pit stops and enjoy your garden, after all it is May.
Hi, Carol, it's been a while since I've joined GBBD. I visited the Botanical Garden in NYC and wanted to share it with gardeners. Since posting a shot from my own garden in Maine too, my azaleas and cherry tree have come into bloom, but it's been raining to hard to photograph them. Your garden is beautiful at this time of year. I share your love of clematis. We have two strains, but they don't bloom until summer. Thanks for hosting!
I'm showing off 32 varieties in bloom today. It's always fun to participate in GBBD and see what others have to be proud of!
My lilac is still tightly in bud; yours is gorgeous. Very hot earlier this week which pushed a lot of blooms open. Back to cold, windy and rainy yesterday and today.
I have May Night salvia too – almost forgot about it because it's off in a corner by itself. (It did nothing to deserve that.) 😉
It is a busy time here in the garden – racing around to get the heavy work done before hot weather and bugs make it unpleasant.
Haven't been here in a while! So nice, on this cold wintry day, to see everyone's flowers!
Hi Carol,
I love this idea of posting what's blooming each 15th!
Your photos are lovely. I'm surprized at how far you are ahead of me, considering you are only one zone to the south!
Have a great Sunday!
I really must get a snowball bush! Yours is quite large! I'll have to remember that when I try to squeeze one into my garden! Thanks so much for hosting GBBD. There's so much in bloom, I'm posting only the yellow flowers this month.
This May garden,even though we are so near Lake Ontario, finds more buds than blooms. So I just took a shot of the 'under the tree garden'. Your garden looks delightful.
Lovely columbines Carol, and that salvia is a gorgeous colour. I am a huge fan of the bell flowered clematis, I much prefer them to the very large flowered hybrids so prevalent, and that white one is truly lovely. Thank you for hosting GBBD again!
Hi Carol, love the clematis – is it a shrub type or a vine? It is interesting to see how the long winter season (and its vagaries from year to year) affects plants' flowering schedules.
Thanks for hosting this monthly event!
Thanks Carol for the fellowship you have created with GBBD. I'm a big salvia fan as you can see on my post. Via Con Dias.
I love the "snowball" bushes. Having grown up in So. IL, we had them in our yard too. It brings back wonderful memories. Thanks for posting. Your flowers all look amazing!
Hi Carol,
It's been a while since I've posted but I'm back! Things have definitely been slower to bloom this year up here in Wisconsin. I still have a few scraggly daffodils when last year at this time they were history.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Thanks for hosting!
I love the subtle look of the bell-shaped flower Clematis also… and 'Alba' is lovely. Thanks for sharing it.
Thanks for hosting Carol. I love that Alba clematis!
Once again I forgot and put my name instead of blog name, sorry!
NIce blooms – all!
PS I "deadhead" my daisies by cutting bug bunches of them for indoor vases – get to enjoy them "double."
So nice to see so many plants in bloom. Sitting here on the Mountain in zone 4 I am still waiting for most to start blossoming.
Your clematis is beautiful. this is a vine I must add. I had a white Henryii climbing through a rose bush but I think it has expired.
Spring is such a glorious time of year! Thanks for hosting and sharing all this beauty.
Your garden looks beautiful this spring. I love the "May Nights" (and I think the name is perfect too 🙂
Happy Garden Blogger's Bloom Day again all! We had rain over night and before it started up again, I was able to get out into the foggy, humid morning to take my Bloom Day photo's. Such a beautiful time of year!
Sorry about adding my link twice. The first one is to an old post from last August!
Every day I walk outside and there is something new in bloom. It's my favorite time of year.
Those daisies are so lovely. My Shasta Daisies have not even begun budding yet. This is my first time participating…it is fun to document all that is blooming. Thanks for hosting!
I'm so glad May finally here. The Viburnum–wow! You may very well have a whole family of garden fairies in there! 😉 That's great, though, that you can use it to cover compost bins, etc. What a great shrub. I'm also loving the pretty bell shaped Clematis. Happy May!!
Do love that C. Alba !
Thank you Carol, GBBD is always fun.
I'm amazed that you'll soon be dead-heading your daisies. Mine are just peaking up from the soil. We are also in Zone 5B, but our Spring often comes slowly. I was delighted to count all my blooms this morning. Last week, we didn't have much at all besides tulips!
Dear Carol, Thanks for hosting — we look forward to GBBD every month. Your May garden, as expected, is amazing! P. x
Things are looking good in your garden Carol! Happy May 15th, and thank you for hosting.
Carol, what a response to Bloom Day. Is this a record for links?
And thanks belatedly for adding me to your blog listing.
What I enjoy about Bloom Day is seeing the blooms again that have passed in my garden in the gardens of those farther north and look forward to the blooms to come from the gardens of those to my south.
I am so jealous. Seattle's spring is COLD this year. And now it's raining like heck, but I got outside yesterday and got some photos. A beautiful Blushing Lady tulip to show:
Wonderful to have columbines seed around. Having just finished our local grand prix, you have my sympathies. Great for local business though.
I really enjoyed your bloom day this month, and especially loved the collection of columbines. Such amazing shapes and colors on these!
Welcome to the Clematis obessessives club. The bell shaped blooms are so charming. Love the columbines, especially that double blue. It just wouldn't be spring without them.
Hi Carol
Can you remove my listing at 78? For some reason it is linking to my October 2010 post so I can redone it and now appear at 93.
Thanks for hosting this meme
I call it Groundcover Envy. Its what all other groundcover would have for my groundcover if groundcover could have desires. Come take a look.
I added a link to my poor beleaguered tulips struggling in the late snowstorm we are getting today in CA, no less. They deserve a little recognition.
Thanks again – can't wait to read through some of the other bloom day posts! Looks like your part of zone 5b is zooming along…rain, so that's what it does with warmth. I had forgotten anymore!
Hi Carol, I do hope you are enjoying your garden in May and that it is all you were dreaming it would be during the winter months. You have some lovely flowers blooming this month and as you say we should all stop rushing around and sit back and enjoy it while we can. Thanks for hosting GBBD so we can all see what's flowering in other gardens.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to read and see other gardens and the chance to show off mine. I hope that you enjoy my post as much as I have enjoyed the others.
Thanks for hosting again! I look forward to the 15th every month. 🙂
Hi Carol, Love the bell shaped clematis, so pretty! You offer good advice about remembering to stop in the midst of this busy spring time in our gardens to sit back and enjoy! I'll try to remember 🙂 Cheers, Jenni
You're so right about the snowball bush being a memory from Grandma's garden! Ahhhh, lilacs! I bet they smell lovely–it's one of the scents that I miss out here in the islands.
Carol so nice to see all your columbine blooming…we can't grow so many varieties and I'm always amazed by the difference in flowers that are available. I agree, it is important to sit and rest and enjoy the garden…I hope you find some time to do that this month! Thanks for hosting.
Thanks for hosting, Carol! Your blog was one of the first ones I was attracted to because I can relate to the name. May is glorious in the Midwest! Happy GBBD!
My list of blooms is so long this month! Like many of you, I'm having a slower, less-warm spring, which helps to prolong the life of the flowers. I've added some wild species to my selection of what's blooming again. I hope you enjoy!
Carol, if you like clematis and you like bell-shaped flowers, you must see clematis viticella!
Thanks Carol, always a neat day. I've posted roses, roses, and more roses at Garden Musings.
So many beautiful blooms in your garden this month! The bell shape on the clematis is lovely, and I'm digging all those columbine varieties. Wish I could smell the lilacs. Happy Garden Bloom Day!
I love all of your photos–especially that clematis–but you're KILLING me with those lilacs! I bought 'Miss Kim' at my old house purely for the name, but I was sorely disappointed at its lack of fragrance. I've heard so many other gardners laud the scent since then that I'm convinced I must have just gotten a dud. Grr. 🙂
Happy GBBD!
You have so much blooming already and all so beautiful! I used to have a Miss Kim lilac. I still remember the scent, very intoxicating. Wish we had smell-o-rama.
This might be the first time Not Dabbling has managed to put up a Bloom Day post! We've had fun today visiting everyone's gardens.
I can't believe how much you have blooming. We are so slow with the cold and rain in Seattle this year that I only have tulips and one tree. Mom (in your neck of the woods: Monticello) sent me some photos of her garden and her hostas are already ginormous and mine have hardly unfurled. Thanks for hosting.
What a beautiful clematis. One of my gardening goals this season is to become a successful clematis wrangler. Thanks as always for hosting!
Oh how I love this meme! I can't wait to take a peak at everyone's gardens! I'm a huge fan of columbine..I shall be planting some soon. Thankfully spring has finally arrived here!
Oh Carol… please do find the time to enjoy your garden 🙂
Loving your columbines especially the dark ones. Love that clematis too… my sort of flower!
Thanks once again for hosting this. Wishing you and everyone taking part a very Happy May Bloom Day 😀
I have a small yard in the Binghamton, NY area of upstate NY. We seem to have a similar zone but I think you are a little further ahead than we are. Your photos are lovely. I'm sorry I didn't find out about your site until near the end of the day or I would have had more time to take pictures. I look forward to seeing what others have posted!
AM – ramblinwitham.blogspot.com
Your blooms looks so nice Carol. May is the best month. My Lilac and Snowball Viburnum has finished blooming already. Happy GBBD.
My Miss Kim lilac still ahs tight little buds, but the Syringa Vulgaris is wide open. My zone 5 is a couple weeks behind yours, I think…
Your clump of daisies is beautiful! I was walking by some at the garden center this weekend, and wasn't sure whether to pick them up… but I think I will! Happy bloom day… its always a treat to participate!
I love your columbine – the deer just ate mine last week.
I love the Alba clematis. Does it climb or trail in your garden?
The roadside vegetable garden slipped in to my Bloom Day report. May 15th is my last frost date and I planted.
Love those Clematis. My (zone 7) peonies just opened, so I'm not surprised yours aren't, yet.
Carol, I always enjoy seeing what's in bloom in your garden in May. Your pale pink columbines look like the volunteers in my Gettysburg garden, and those wild daisies will show up in my Maine garden in June. I hope you're having fine late spring weather to enjoy. -Jean
I love your columbine. Gorgeous! Great shrub – would never imagine there's a compost tumbler back there!
I swear we need to do GBBD weekly during May. So much changes day to day!
I like 'May Night', too; I planted some 'Ostfriesland' salvia because of the name–that's where all my ancestors came from. But the 'May Night' is definitely a stronger cultivar. I understand the whirlwind of activity you've been in, Carol; we're having a wedding reception here in early June for my daughter, so I've got so much I want to get done before then. The heat last week not only brought out some new blooms, but the weeds seemed to love it, too:) I'll try to get a GBBD post up in the next couple of days.
I love all your columbine! I can only grow the yellow ones down here. I miss the blue ones terribly. Thanks for sharing yours!
Ooh, lilacs. Too bad they don't do well in Central Texas. Viburnum do, though, and my mother-in-law in Northern Virgnia sent me some May Nights salvia that is doing very well (though both are done blooming here in Central Texas). Thanks for hosting this wonderful garden meme. Happy GBBD!
I loved your post for today. I just saw my first purple columbine last week at the botanical garden and fell in love. I have also been thinking about May Nights, but am a little afraid as I have so many sages, and it's so hot and dry here that they can really take over. What an incredible color, though. The clematis is really sweet as well, as long as the viburnum. They're really great in herbal medicine.
Your flowers are lovely! I have a few things blooming, but the most spectacular right now are rain lilies.
Thanks for hosting GBBD!
Nice looking Clematis, I will have to expand my choices there. Our Peonies are well underway so I wish you the full joy of them as yours begin to open…
Happy May Bloom Day Carol and everyone!
Nothing really new here so I'm not posting a link. We've had the earliest frosty spell in 39 years and two nights in a row now down to -7℃ 19℉ which is about as cold as it gets here and it's only May. Some salvias are still flowering, and there's the odd bloom on the hebes and bottlebrush.
I'm so happy I stumbled upon your blog today! What a wonderful collection of gardeners and their beautiful plants!
I host a garden blog hop every other Wednesday on my blog, and I'd love to extend an invitation to anyone who'd like to link up this week. I am donating $1.00 to every single link on the blog hop to go to benefit people who lost their homes in the Alabama tornadoes. It's near and dear to my heart, and I welcome anyone who wants to link up for a good cause!
Beth @ Unskinny Boppy.
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I'd be so much further ahead if I didn't take so many photos, and then have to pick a small percentage of them to post. And think of the gardening I'd get done!
But the camera does make me look closely at everything, plus I pull weeds and deadhead as I go, so it's not a complete waste of gardening time!
I see your May dreams are being realized with beautiful blooms in your garden, Carol.
Yes, it's hard to believe May is half over already. This lovely month goes far too quickly.
Happy Bloom Day!
Happy Month of May Gardening, Carol – your garden looks wonderful! It's lovely here right now, but when the heat comes rolling back I'd like to be a rabbit hiding under that enormous snowball bush. And Miss Kim! What a sweetie!
My post is late, but it's up
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
All my Tulips and my iris are over already this year. Forgot about GBBD yesterday as I was concentrating on the veggy plot, made up for it this morning 🙂
Wowzer on the number of participants! Happy day after GBBD! xxoogail
Absolutely loving your May garden. It is my favorite month for gardening as well. Hard to pick a favorite but the columbine are gorgeous…happy spring and Happy May!!
Congratulations…on your lovely blooms as well as your growing number of GBBD fans.We look forward to this date with you each month.
Carol, even though I'm a day late and I've got the spring blues (blue flowers that is), I had to join you for May bloom day! It's the best. Love that clematis – I haven't seen the white one and I don't think our blues are blooming yet (or I would have taken their pic too…) Happy May Dreams!
I'm late but I posted anyway. It's lovely to look at what is flowering in other people's gardens. It varies so much. And it's a good record for coming years. So please enjoy looking at my garden through my blog. Thanks!
Your garden is bursting with blooms. I always am interested in seeing the different growing seasons; here daisy's are a good month off of blooming yet.
Ok, you've sold me on that snowball viburnum! Mostly because I'm trying to attract some faeries.
I wonder if those daisies would self-sow in some of my more difficult areas — but will take your warning and proceed with caution!
I don't have a garden blog, but I decided to start putting bloom day posts on my tumblr. First two went up yesterday; just photos & captions, with minimal commentary: http://nullmorpheme.tumblr.com
I'm late, too, but this spring in the Northwest, what isn't?!
Carol, my racing around the garden is almost over for the season. Such a difference a few hundred miles makes! Love your clematis and all your columbines. I'm trying some columbines this year (next year really since I bought them after flowering). And I'd really like some of the bell-shaped clematis. But as I said, enough running around for now.
love your bell shaped clematis
Better late than never: http://remarc.com/craig/?p=1238
Carol – May seems so happy in your garden. At least all that rain makes the plants happy, even if the gardener can't get out in it much. Love your daisies and May Night salias – I have them both down here, too. But I am so jealous of all your beautiful columbines. They are all so different and pretty in their own way. Happy Bloom Day!
Love 'May Nights' salvia too, and I keep it for the blooms. So pretty. Deadheaded mine this week. As for 'Miss Kim,' I hate the smell and for those couple of weeks she blooms, I stay away from that part of the garden. We seem to be having your cool spring, and your our hot one. Gardening is ever changing is it not?~~Dee
Wow, every time I come here there are more and more people posting! 🙂
You are a few weeks ahead of us in your blooms. I feel like I just got a preview of my garden! I love that we're finally getting some color outside… it's way overdue!
Thanks for such a great idea!
It's still all about bulbs for me. I do envy your columbines. I got rid of mine in a fit of madness.
Such lovely columbines! The one variety I have is happily reseeding around my garden. I need to remember to plant others for a nice mix of colors.
I love all of the different types of Columbines. So pretty
I don't remember May being this busy before, but better late than never!
Thank you for hosting!
A little late with a couple blooms, but a busy May poem to go along with them 🙂
Swooning over all your lush white and purple blooms! Thanks for hosting! I'm four days late, but I finally got my GBBD post up just now.