If there is one word to describe my garden this mid-May of 2008, it is anticipation.
It seems like I am anticipating more flowers that will soon be blooming than I am experiencing flowers in bloom right now.
In fact, when I look back at my May 2007 Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day post, I confirm my suspicion that many flowers ARE blooming a little later this year.
But I do have some flowers in bloom here at May Dreams Gardens, if you’d like to see a few of them. Above is a picture of ‘Blue Tower’ columbine, a nice double flowering columbine that I grew from seed years ago. I also have a pink version called ‘Pink Tower’.
The blue dogbane is blooming, more or less on scheduleIt’s probably the bluest flower in my garden, in any season.
Hey, how did a picture of the vegetable garden sneak in here?There isn’t much to see right now in the vegetable garden, but you can tell I am anticipating planting it soon, maybe this weekend, maybe next weekend. It is one of the last things I plant in the spring as I want to be sure there will be no more frost after I plant my precious tomato seedlings out there.
The tulip bed out front still has some color in it.It’s interesting how this was a big mix of colors earlier and now just the purple shades are left.
Nearby, Snow-in-Summer is making a nice show, though it isn’t summer yet!Once this is done blooming, it is a bit of a scraggly plant, so I cut it back hard, and it still comes back every spring.
I was hoping the peonies would be blooming for bloom day but they are all still tight buds.I’ll post pictures of these later when they do bloom.
And while the Syringa meyeri are blooming on the other side of the fence right now, these ‘Miss Kim’ lilacs are still just buds like the peonies.When these start blooming, I might just drag a chair out there next to them and sit a spell breathing in the sweet smell of lilacs.
Now some lists, for all you record keeping types out there….
First the buds. Many of these plants were in full bloom at this time last year, but this year, they are still buds.
Allium karataviense
Lilac (Syringa patula ‘Miss Kim’)
Blue False Indigo (Baptisia, ‘Purple Smoke’)
Blue-Eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium bermudianum)
Creeping Veronica (Veronica repens ‘Sunshine’)
False Forget-me-Not (Brunnera macrophylla)
Japanese Iris
Spiderwort (Tradescantia ‘Blue and Gold’)
Spiderworts in various shades of purple (Tradescantia virginiana)
White Solitary clematis (Clematis integrefolia ‘Alba’, a shrub type clematis, but it does need support)
Woodbine Variegated Honeysuckle Vine (Lonicera periclymenum ‘Harlequin’)
Coral Bells (Heuchera ‘Petite Pearl Fancy’)
Geraniums (Geranium x cantabrigiense ‘Karmina’ and ‘Biokovo’)
Mockorange (Philadelphus ‘Buckley’s Quill’)
Peonies (passalong plants from my Dad and a friend at work, plus one I bought called ‘Shirley Temple’)
White Flower Carpet Rose
Spirea ‘Limemound’
Lady’s Mantle (Alchemilla mollis)
Daylily (‘Stella d’Oro’)
All buds!
Just starting to bloom
Daisies (probably Ox-Eye Daises, Leucanthemum vulgare)
Geranium (Passalong plant from my sister, variety unknown, but they are pretty)
Dead Nettle (Lamium maculatum ‘Aureum’)
Actually in bloom
Bleeding Heart (Dicentra spectabilis, a passalong plant from one of my sisters)
Drumstick Allium
Candytuft (Iberis sempervirens)
Blue Dogbane (Amsonia tabernaemontana)
Snowball Bush (Viburnum opulus ‘Sterile’)
Lilac (Syringa meyeri)
Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis)
Miniature Iris ‘Smart’, plus ‘Flaming Embers’, newly purchased
Snow-in-Summer (Cerastium tomentosum)
Variegated Kerria (Kerria japonica ‘Picta’)
Columbine (Aquilegia ‘Tower Blue’ and ‘Tower Pink’, plus Aquilegia canadensis)
False forget-me-not (Brunnera macrophylla)
Thyme (growing up in the cracks between the bricks of the patio)
Still blooming from April
Lenten Rose (Helleborus x orientalis)
Tulips, mostly the purple ones
Last year by mid-May, my peas were blooming, but not this year. No blooms yet on the peas, so I suspect I’ll be harvesting them later than last year, too.
On the bright side, the best is yet to come here at May Dreams Gardens, with so many flowers still just buds.
Is anyone else noticing that spring is taking its sweet time passing through?
Nothing wrong with that as it is a favorite time in the garden for many of us. Soon enough summer will be here and we’ll all be complaining about how hot it is and wishing for more rain than we’ll likely get. (Hey, aren’t they already doing that in Austin?)
What’s blooming in your garden in mid-May? We would love to have you join us for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day. It’s easy to join in. Just post on your blog about what is blooming in your garden, then leave a comment here so we can find your blog and come and virtually visit your garden and see your flowers.
No special invitations needed. All are welcome to participate!
“We can have flowers nearly every month of the year.” ~ Elizabeth Lawrence
My garden is runnng a bit later this year, too. Although this spring is cooler, I am hoping it continues to warm gradually here in Utah, instead of last year’s sudden SLAM! of summer heat. love the double columbine, that color is exceptional. My GBBD post is up!
My May Bloom Day Post is here.
I think it’s interesting that while some things here are on the same schedule as they are at your house, others are completely different. You have allium karataviense and a couple of other things in bud that I have as well… and then on the flip side your chives are already blooming, where mine are in bud. And your baptisia is in bud, where mine is barely out of the ground. Interesting.
What do you use to support that integrifolia? I have a bushy clematis, too, but I was not quite sure what I should do to give it some support… although I was thinking about growing a few lemongrass plants there or something to give it a boost.
Hello World! Happy May!
I miss my tulips already–it’s nice to see yours, so full of pink! As yet, no sign of columbine flowers in my back 40.
Lots of other stuff tho’: http://back40feet.blogspot.com/2008/05/bloom-day.html
Happy May Dreams and GBBD Carol! It’s wonderful to see the blooms in your garden and also the promise of more to come. That’s what I like so much about spring; the garden is full of promises then. If they are to be fulfilled remains to be seen but the anticipation, the dreaming about it is magic!
Love that blue dogbane, must try and find it (thanks for giving the botanical name, now I’m sure to ask for the right plant). 😉
As you know my bloom post is up too and can be found at http://blissyo-elgarden.blogspot.com/
Happy GBBD everyone!
You will not have to leave the house to smell all those lilacs. Anyone nearby will enjoy them on a breeze.
I passed several houses today walking the neighborhood just to see and smell the lilacs. This is an old neighborhood that still has many old plants.
Spring has been slow but I’m ok with that. A chill in the air keeps me busy to stay warm.
May GBBD post is up at pollinators-welcome.
Good morning Carol,
Thank you for making me take a closer look at my garden each mid-month.
(Hoe in hand of course.)
A plateful of my flowers can be seen here:
joco’s Bloom Day Post
HI Carol, I’m looking forward to seeing your lilacs and peonies – two of my favourites.
At last I’ve got it together to do a slide show of what’s blooming in this s.w. corner of Spain, where it’s not Spring,nor yet Summer when everything goes to sleep….let’s call it sprummer. The best time here.
I LOVE that columbine – such an interesting shape and color. I’m afraid all I have to show for bloom day is a meadow full of buttercups, but even the simplest flower can be beautiful.
Hi Carol
I’ve lots to show you this month, especially the Clematis which have bloomed especially for GBBD.
I’ve also suggested a temporary new name for your blog – for the sake of accuracy 😉
Hope you get to sit out amongst your lilacs today.
I think the word anticipation could be used for my garden as well. Mostly buds but also a few flowering plants.
Your Columbine Blue Tower is delightful!
Have a great spring! /Katarina
Your garden looks lovely. I can’t wait to see your beds filled up with veggies.
Yes – most of my flowers are in bud rather than blooming too. April was cold and wet, and I think everything just waited for the better weather. But my pelargoniums are in full flood, so there was still something to post about.
WePoland is blessed with very nice weather last week – looking for rain actually. Temperature around 20C is perfect.
Little sad, cos after lilacs will end blooming I will feel, that spring is leaving…
My May blooms are here:
Ewa in the Garden: Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – May 2008#links
My bloom day scan for my is here. We’re actually running a couple weeks ahead of schedule on growing degree days here, though I don’t think we’re that far ahead on flowering.
Hi Carol,
Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to have a look at my slideshow. It’s much appreciated on what’s a very busy day for you 🙂
PS I’m glad you like your new blog name!
Hi Carol, glad to see you have many flowers in all stages.
Our bloom day post is up and running, featuring the cream of the crop.
Frances at Faire Garden
From the loud (lilacs, lilacs, lilacs) to the understated (species peonies, including Molly the Witch), it’s all happening now, or so it feels.
May 15 means payoff time for hard-working gardeners in the temperate northern hemisphere! Here’s my post about it:
Wonderful Bloomday post, Carol. Mine is up as well.
Now I’m wondering just how *big* your garden is Carol, because you have a lot in bloom!
It may be a slow spring, but it’s also a wet one and the garden loves it! My post is up too at min hus.
It is much cooler in my garden, but I am happy to see that I have some flower to show on bloom day! I have thyme that is more a gost from last year, some tulip and my Brunnera variegata.
Thank’s for your bloom day, good idea!!
Flatbush Gardener: Garden Blogging Bloom Day, May 2008.
It’s my first time, so be gentle.
Most of the action is among the wildflowers in my backyard native plant garden.
Wonderful list Carol…Your garden must smell delicious when the Lilacs bloom.
I’ve posted my Bloom Day post.
Carol, it’s been such a cool spring, everything is a bit late here in my garden too. It looks like everything’s up, but plants are still very small for mid-May and many that would normally be in full bloom are just getting started.
Thank you for hosting GBBD.
After a close enounter with a coyote in my back yard this morning while going outside to take pictures of what’s blooming, my post is up, and thankfully, no one was hurt in the process.
I have never seen blue dog bane before. Another plant to collect, sigh.
My Bloom Day pictures are up as well. Again, thanks for hosting GBBD May. I’m surprised there are so few posted so far. I thought there would be at least 50 or more by now? I guess everyone’s busy in their gardens.
The parrots are strutting their stuff at The Gardener Side for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.
My bloom day post is up.
I too love the Snow in Summer. It is outstanding. I find it odd your flowers are behind. Here in Tennessee in my neck of the woods they are ahead. All except Drumstick alliums which are no where close to blooming. Strange!
I agree it does seem like spring flowers are a little slow. It may because last year was so warm so early. The purple tulips look great as does you snow in summer. Here’s my Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day Post: How Much salvia Is Enough?
CAROL!!!! five, count ’em five awards for you! Congrats! Well deserved!
Carol, it’s interesting that your spring is still slower than last year – my Oak Park garden has gotten back on track. Well, except for the blackhaw viburnum, which might be a couple of days slower than last year. Maybe it’s all the rain you’re getting down there? I hope things dry out for your garden and for the 500!
Spring is a bit late here in Maryland, but my lilacs have already come and gone. I’ve got quite a few things blooming and a lot more ready to. I love this time of year – so much beauty and so much promise just outside your door. My post is here: http://diggingindirt.wordpress.com/2008/05/15/bloom-day/
A very Happy May Blogger’s Blooms Day to you Dear Carol.
Well ‘Anticipation’ sounds such a healthy feeling to me, considering that my blooms are fighting to survive the ‘Indian Summer’!
My GBBD post is up too and once again – It is a Brilliant concept to have a GBBD.
Maybe I should make it easier for you to look:
Spring is a bit late here in Maryland, but my lilacs have already come and gone. I’ve got quite a few things blooming and a lot more ready to. I love this time of year – so much beauty and so much promise just outside your door. My post is here: My garden
And I thought I would be an early post. But man, we have some early risers here! My post is up at Kiss of Sun
Carol, I think you may be right about spring. And down here in Austin we keep getting these lovely drenching rains…and then nothing for a while. So I think the flowers are kind of going “What the…? and growing 6 inches overnight and then stopping until the next rain. Makes me feel like I walk into a new garden ever morning after a rainstorm.
I couldn’t wait to get outside to take some pictures and I can’t wait to see what’s blooming in everyone else’s yard. Such a neat idea! My post is here:
I’ve also noticed that it’s been cooler this year–hard to believe we’re half way through May and haven’t even been tempted to turn the air conditioner on.
My post is here:
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Love the lilac, I can’t grow them in my area. Thanks for having bloom day. Be sure to visit my garden.
Now isn’t it interesting what a few degrees of latitude and a micro climate will do. Your garden is running a little late. Mine is right on schedule, and exceedingly lush right now.
I love your blue tower columbine, and found it interesting that I have the pink tower going on in my yard.
Once again, thanks so much for starting this idea! It is such fun to visit everyone.
My post is up!
I envy you your lilacs- we were too busy last year to trim the Miss Kims in a timely manner so they were trimmed late (they REALLY needed it!) so I won’t have many blooms this year 🙁
Miss Kim lilacs are about to bloom in my garden too and so are my peonies. I can’t wait for either. I love the smell of the lilacs and this will be the first year for the peonies.
Hi there
A little late, I know, but this is what’s blooming in my tangly, messy, almost-winter garden in Johannesburg, South Africa:
And thanks for creating such a lovely way to see other people’s gardens, there aren’t a lot of garden bloggers that I know of in SA, so it’s a real treat.
Anticipation is the best part of gardening, I think. It’s a bit like Christmas Eve. 🙂 Your blooms are all beautiful, especially that double columbine!
Your garden looks great. I wish I had luck with peonies, but I guess one cannot have everything. Your tulips looks beautiful as well. Compared to last year a number of flowers aren’t at the stage they were at last year. April we have had a lot of rain and it was still quite cold. Maybe that was the reason. Anyhow, thanks for sharing. Andrea
My Crabapple has never bloomed this late. It’s almost as if it was waiting for Bloom Day to come into full bloom. I really like your Columbine; you should post a photo of the pink one too!
My post is finally up: http://mcgregorsdaughter.blogspot.com/2008/05/eagerly-anticipated-by-me-at-least-may.html.
Happy Bloom Day!
You sure have a nice list of blooms! I love the tulips! Mine are just getting started, they’ll probably still be going NEXT Bloom Day! Anyhow, my Bloom Day post is here.
Thanks for another Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day! I will have to make the rounds to all of the gardens in bloom when I have time.
I think our garden is a little behind this year. We will usually be behind your area though, so I can look into the future and you can look into the past. Today’s blooms in North Dakota are up Grapes (Blooms for GBBD May).
Wonderful blooms Carol! Sounds like you have tons blooming over there. That columbine is beautiful. I would love to have a blue one badly.
Here is my GBBD post.
Some things here started blooming about the same time as last year but most plants seem to be way ahead of last year. We got rid of the snow much earlier this year. I don’t have a whole lot blooming right now but lots of buds!
Hi Carol, happy GBBD and thanks for hosting this great day. My post is up. You have a long list of buds I can’t wait to see those pictures.Those tulips are beautiful Those tulips are beautiful
I love your bloomsdays! Congrats on the mousie!
Spring is taking its time here in the UK as well – and we have just had a very hot week – so I think the plants are a bit confused.
I like your Blue Tower Columbine.
Nice shot of the Veg Garden
My GBBD post is up
PS Very well done on your Mouse & Trowel Awards
My post is up…now I can’t wait to begin reading the others! Looks like I need to check out the Mousies too…congratulations appear in order!
Woo Hoo ! This is my first GBBD and I am impressed with myself for actually posting on the day. My post is here
Please enjoy as I have enjoyed yours and several others !
I’ve posted again this GBBD, and I’m so please to have begun this habit — my posts are not nearly as comprehensive as yours (next time, I’m going to try to add the lists which complement/supplement your photos) by at least I’m keeping a record which I think will be really useful in future years.
Your garden looks wonderful — what a large space you have, and I can’t wait to see the vegetables progress. Thanks again for organizing this. Now I’m off garden-visiting!
Congratulations on the Mousies, Carol!
Your lists and photos describe a perfectly lovely May Garden in Indiana and enjoy the suspense – watching peony buds expand is as much fun as having the flowers.
My Bloom day post is finally up.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
And there will probably be a part 3..
Now, if I could just get to feeling well enough to weed.
Carol, Count me in and thank you again as always for being such a gracious hostess. – I love seeing your veg beds ready for action.
Here’s a little bit of what’s in bloom.
Carol, it seems as if the same flowers are blooming in my garden, too. Unlike you, I’m not complaining, because everything seems to be about two weeks ahead of schedule. 🙂
My post is following soon. Enjoy May!
My garden is running a little slow, when compared with previous months, but you can see for yourself whats blooming in http://jardimcomgatos.blogspot.com/2008/05/em-flor-garden-bloggers-blooming-day.html
Thank you for hosting GBBD once again Carol
Wow! Those tulips!!! I’m so covetous.
If there’s one word to describe May at Zanthan Gardens it’s “seedy”.
The wildflowers have gone to seed and it’s time to clean up and brace ourselves for hell, I mean, summer.
My post is up at last. There are flowers blooming under the fallen limbs.
Hi Carol! We finally get to participate in GBBD. I’m so excited! Our post is up now. Love your Blue Tower columbine. -Jen 🙂
Hello. Just wanted to say Horray! I finally have some plants I didn’t buy this year in bloom. It is behind schedule this year, but I’m glad. I’m hoping things are still blooming in June when I go back to visit my old garden. They usually finish in May, but hopefully I’ll get lucky and they’ll be in full bloom when the kids are out of school.
My post is up, come over and check it out. My pictures aren’t as lovely as yours though.
I just posted my bloom day post. The garden is running later than last year here, too. Last year we had already been through a good stretch of 90+ degree days, though, so I am thankful for the cooler spring we are having. You have an amazing collection of blooms and about-to-blooms listed!
I got it in on the right day this time! huzzah!
We’ve got a few special guests in this month’s bloom day!
Your blooms are beautiful, and I feel the same way about mine. I walk around at least twice a day hoping something new will be in bloom! Here is my bloom day post: http://grace-whimsy.blogspot.com/2008/05/bloom-day-may-2008.html
I finally remembered Bloom Day in time this month. Since we don’t have seasons like you do, it gets a little ho hum:
La Gringa’s Blogicito Bloom Day post
from La Ceiba, Honduras.
Your double columbine is beautiful.
My post is up! We’ve got a lot of the same plants at the same stage. Now I just wish it would stop raining so I can go back out and enjoy…
Fabulous news about the Mousies!
So far this has been a glorious spring with regular rain, something to cheer about. My blooms are up at http://phillipoliver.blogspot.com/
My garden is between big flushes of bloom:
Even after having over 5 inches of rain, my flowers were still ready for another Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day.
Always Growing
Hi Carol, with all this rain and cool weather I am also noticing that spring is hanging around much longer. I love the cool weather and I am not going to complain about the rain because I know there are many who need it. I just wish we could save some for July and August.
Love that blue in your garden. Your vegetable garden looks ready for action.
My my, I am number 76 tonight. Your bloom day is getting so popular. Thanks for hosting. You can follow my link below.
WOW, everything’s happening at once here on May Dreams Gardens! SO many comments I won’t even try!
Carol, congratulations on being elected class president! I know you’ll make us all proud in the performance of your new duties.
Seriously, YOU DA MAN! So to speak. “YOU DA GARDENBLOGGER” just doesn’t cut it.
Seriously – I mean it! – you’re terrific. S
If the sun would just come out, I’d actually have some blooms.
I dont have much blooming this month either. Waiting for more plants to come up and flower for me. At least I hope.
Curtis from Growing Thumbs
I have a couple of pictures up http://auntdebbisgarden.blogspot.com/2008/05/may-gbbd_15.html. Thanks so much for doing this each month. It is a lot of fun. Now I need to get busy looking at all the flowers.
Carol, thank you so much for thinking up such an awesome project! This is our first GBBD post for our garden(/food/stitching) blog. Our garden, Maple Hoo, is located in New Jersey, Zone 6.
Our first GBBD post can be found here:
I’m new to garden blogging, and this is my first Bloom Day post. My iris and peonies started to bloom this very day, which seems auspicious.
My Bloom Day for May
Ah, Carol — your columbine is so beautiful. Really delicate and intricate — guess that’s the double for ya. And I love the tulips – that’s a beautiful array of color you have there. Wish I could smell your lilacs — see if you can’t do something about that, would you??!!! My new blooms post is up at Sharing Nature’s Garden: Bursts of bloom if you want to peek into the garden! Thanks for hosting.
Carol – sorry – I messed up the link thing!
Yes, my garden is blooming much later than normal and due to the extremely cool temperatures, all of the spring blooms are holding on.
I finally got my post up. Thanks for the monthly fun.~~Dee
Carol, you remind me of the great hostesses in old Russian novels. They invariably found ways to include everyone in a dialogue that forwarded the interests of all. What a talent to bring into the age of the internet!
I loved seeing your veggie garden waiting to be planted…talk about “anticipation”!
My Amsonia finds new ‘joie de vivre’ as blue dogbane.
What more can we expect to find in the months to come?
My May entry may be found at:
where you can scr9oll to the bottom of the page and click on ricki’s blog
Thanks again, Carol, for this chance to share.
It would seem that the Blue Tower columbine is everyone’s favorite plant in your garden this Bloom Day, and I must concur! It’s all lovely but that’s the plant I covet. My post is up at My Corner of Katy: http://texascottagegarden.blogspot.com/
Thanks for hosting and felicitations on the Mousies!
After fighting with blogger I finally uploaded my pictures. All the posts I’ve seen so far look great!
Like you, Carol, I am in a state of anticipation (although you really do have some beautiful blooms!) I wasn’t going to post today, but changed my mind at the last minute. My late and humble offering can be found at http://www.prairierosesgarden.blogspot.com
I think I am #89–you really have inspired a fan club here!
wonderful post, Carol – I want to get more details into mine, but always seem to be running late. But my post is up (mainly pictures) http://cultivatingparadise.blogspot.com/2008/05/garden-bloggers-bloom-day-in-paradise.html
Wow – look at those lilacs! I miss those – they don’t like it in Austin. I used to have some Lilacs that we dug up from an old dilapidated and forgotten homestead in Eastern Washington and brought home to Western Washington – I planted them and their blooms were smaller, but they smelled so wonderful – much better than any of the new varieties they sell today. Those lilacs must have been some really old heirloom type.
Anyway here is my link:
my first bloom day post!
Re: late flowering…My lavender was in full bloom in previous years. Even though the buds are not open yet they are still looking healthy and happy
My most noteworthy bloom is my rose that changes color. I don’t know much about this variety but it sure is fun to have a flower that changes colors in a couple days or less.
Thanks for hosting the Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day!
You have quite the list of buds, blooms and still blooming… I would love to pull up a chair to breathe in the lilacs too… sounds like a great plan.
I’m just under the wire but my GBBD post is up. Thanks for doing this every month… you have an amazing following these days.
Meems @Hoe&Shovel
The ‘Blue Tower’ columbine is as pretty as a ballerina’s skirt!
The combined purples of those tulips make a gorgeous display!
We’ve had a very dry spring. so I do think the plants are a little behind last year. After the snowdrops and crocuses I haven’t taken the time to check, but I will.
You’re ahead of us here. Seeing your garden is like seeing a preview of things to come 🙂
Our lilacs are almost blooming, but I haven’t noticed any buds on the peonies yet.
My Bloom Day post is finally up!
I love the ‘Blue Tower’ columbine and the blue dogbane! My post is finally up:
Thank you so much for hosting.
-Heirloom Gardener
Whoo! I actually managed to get my Bloom Day post up on Bloom Day!
I’m looking forward to your lilacs and peonies. Sometimes I really wish the internet had Scratch N’ Sniff. 😀
Love that columbine, Carol. And I’ve had Cerastium for several years and only get a bloom or two out of it. 🙁 Yours is gorgeous!
I’m afraid I’m going to be late posting my blooms. I’ve taken the photos, but with Jenna’s wedding coming up this Saturday and training and being IN the garden, there’s only so many hours in a day. I’ll post some photos of my blooms soon, though! Hope that’s okay!
I’ll visit the other bloggers’ Bloom Day posts then, too. I need two of me these days!
Carol – it would appear that your battle with those pesky rabbits has allowed a host of Mousies to overrun your garden instead!
Well done and congratulations 🙂
Hi there, this is my first proper bloomsday, I found you in February but have only just managed to make it today (only one day late, not bad for me).
I love your columbine too, I have some from mixed seed that I forgot to add to my list I must go back and do that; http://procrastinatorsprogress.wordpress.com/
Finally, I get to play too! My bloom day post is up at http://www.inthegardenonline.com/serendipity
Wow…this must be the biggest bloom day yet..I just saw that I’m number 101 in the comments. Way to go, Carol, for coming up with Bloom Day.
Oh, and congrats on the Mousies 🙂
A day late and a few blooms short. I noticed that many flowers are later than last year, but several are now finished that were still blooming last year at this time. Strange.
Thanks, Carol, for Bloom Day!
Eeep – I’m a little late too, but my GBBD post is finally up at http://www.hayefieldhouse.com. Whew!
I’m so happy for you that you have those lilacs to look forward to, Carol – what a treat that will be. And super-mega-well-deserved congratulations on your Mousie awards! You set a very high standard to all of us to aspire to.
That double columbine is to die for, Carol, as are your pretty tulips. And the lilac anticipation! Your garden is full of spring beauty with the promise of more to come.
My Bloom Day post is up, and better late than never, I hope. As for the weather in Austin today, it’s delightfully cool with low humidity. Yea!
I just put mine up – http://washingtongardener.blogspot.com/2008/05/guess-that-bloom.html
Sorry I’m late!
I am so late commenting here – when I owe you congratulations on all your Mousies as well. the commonweeder bloom day post will be late because of computer problems which have been very frustrating. But it is wonderful to see those gardeners who not only have beautiful blooms, but also computer capabilities to share photos.
Maybe it’s a good thing that your plants are blooming later? Maybe a sign that global warming is slowing? I guess I can hope.
Maybe that’s why my bloom day post is late?
I’m a day late and a dollar short. Here’s my blooms o’ the day (okay, week.)
Hi there Carol, I did try to be on time this month 😀
Firstly, I must send you my warmest congratulations on your ‘FIVE’ Mousie Awards!! Well done you 😀
I have finally turned full circle with my postings for GBBD. Like you, my garden is also later this year. Loved your columbine 😀
My post is up too if you would like to visit 😀
Hey, a bit late…but here it is!
Wow, Carol, what a showing for this month’s bloom day. It is so terrific to see so many gardeners showing off their gardens.
Here is my offering.
I’m running late (although my garden in early, compared to much of the country) with this, but here’s a link to my thrown-together blog of what’s currently in bloom here in coastal VA.
Well I did post on bloom day but forgot to leave you the message. Oh well, it’s always something! Congrats on all your Mousies! Drinking a toast to all the winners!
Yippie…I finally posted my blooms, better late than never! Thanks for hosting, this is so good for me to get out there and take the time to notice what’s in bloom instead of attacking the weeds 😉
Hi Carol-
Just a note to thank you for visiting my blog after my late bloom day post. I think the Louisiana iris hybrids might just make it in zone 5 with mulch – they’re about the toughest ones I grow. I’d love to have more, but they take lots of room, and that’s now at a premium. The Cypripedium orchids would actually be much happier with you than they are with me – they struggle in our summer heat and humidity, and our sporadic winter temperatures really aren’t good for them – they’d rather stay frozen for 3 months.
Happy gardening!
What a fabulous list of gardens here! Congratulations on your award. You certainly deserve it. Here’s my garden post
Thank you, everyone, for joining in for bloom day, and for the nice notes about the Mousie awards! I have visited 98% of the bloom day posts and hope to finish up today.
I hope you’ll join me again for June in our gardens!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
Your tulips and raised veggie beds are truly inspiring–thank you! I apologize for my first attempt at participating in bloom day being so late.
Hi Carol: Finally getting a chance to start catching up on my blog reading, and I had to come here first to give you big hugs and congrats on your Mousie wins! Couldn’t think of a more deserving winner…you’re a rallying gardening heart for so many of us across the world. Well done, my dear friend!
Interestingly, I just came back from a visit down the Valley about 3 hours from here–and my friends blooms are about on the same mark with yours. We’re 2-3 weeks behind her (she’s in the mildest part of the province) and thus at least that behind you. As always, I enjoyed seeing what’s going on in your garden, but you must be overwhelmed by all the comments. ;-)! I think this might be a record, yes?
Wow, lots of great blooms. My garden bloom day post is here. http://countrygardener.blogspot.com/2008/05/in-bloom-today-from-rock-garden.html
I’m so very late to the party, but after not being able to participate for the last several months (new garden, no flowers) I wanted to join in so badly! I hope that’s okay. I just love this feature and am so glad you are still doing it! Thank you so much!
~Angela 🙂
I’m late to the party too, Carol. I’ve been sick and haven’t felt up to doing it until now. I started to just skip this month, but I haven’t missed one since I started blogging and just couldn’t miss. I can see missing maybe January or February, but not May.
I don’t think I’ve ever been this late to the party, but the Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day post is finally up at Our Little Acre!