Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for January 2020.
If you’ve been following along with bloom day since its beginning in February 2007, congratulations on completing 13 years of bloom day posts.
If you are just getting started with bloom day and aren’t quite sure what’s going on with it, I wrote about the history of how it began last year. Please feel free to follow the link to get caught up.
Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, we are enjoying a mild winter so far. Will we return to our usual program of snow and ice and bitterly cold winds? Perhaps.
Until then, I am enjoying the Christmas Roses which are still blooming outside. Helleborus niger is a life-saver for those who garden where there is true winter. It makes it at least possible to “have flowers nearly every month of the year.”
Another plant that makes it possible is snowdrops.
In my garden, I had a snowdrop blooming on January 2nd.

This one is probably Galanthus nivalis. This is the earliest I’ve ever had a snowdrop bloom so even though it has long perished, I’m including it in this bloom day post.
Otherwise, I’d have to resort to showing a bunch of amaryllis blooming in the sunroom which is fine but outdoor flowers are more exciting this time of year.

And that’s bloom day around here.
Thirteen years of records of what blooms in and around my garden on the 15th of the month going back to February 2007.
What’s blooming in your garden right now? We would love to have you join in for Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day and show us.
It’s easy to participate. Just post on your blog about what’s blooming in your garden, then come here and leave a comment to tell us what you have and a link so we can find you.
And remember, We can have flowers nearly every month of the year. ~ Elizabeth Lawrence
Congratulations on 13 years – that is incredible. I don't have blooms to show this month but always enjoy in seeing others.
Thanks for doing this for 13 years. I just started only a year back, but this has been a great motivation for posting at least once a month. Happy Bloom Day!
Congrats on 13 years! I've been participating monthly since (I believe) June of 2011. It's been fun! Enjoyed seeing your Lenten Rose. Spring made a minor appearance where I live in upstate New York but now back to winter!
The amaryllis are gorgeous, even if they're not as exciting as outdoor blooms! Congratulations on 13 years–that's an impressive run. I've missed joining in this past year or so; GBBD is a nice blogging touch point during the month and I'm planning to keep up in 2020.
Just noticed this site, and happened to have some plants blooming (indoors). I garden in pots these days. I'll be back to enjoy the flowers and gardens again!
Thirteen years is amazing, thank you for doing this each month, I think I've been with you for about 11 yrs.Snowdrops started here in November and are now popping up everywhere!
Congratulations on 13 years! I started following you in 2011 and I think its your blog and Bloom Day posts that really got me into blogging…so thank you. I don’t have many blooms this time of year outside but there are some hellebore buds and foliage with blooming plants inside. Here’s to thirteen years and many more years of celebrating the garden!
Thank you for Bloom Day, Carol! Today marks my 7th year of participating and I do look back at prior year posts to make comparisons all the time.
13 years…wowsa! I joined up April 2009 so I'll hit 10 years in a couple of months. I'm just a rookie!
Wow ! I wish I would continue Gardening for that long with same enthusiasm …that is one startling Snowdrop … We have seen chillest of winter in last week ..hope now it will be mild for rest of the season . Happy Bloggers blooms day
Thanks, Carol, for including us in your great idea to share blooms from wherever we are! Great your Hellebores continue to bloom. It's Frozen North here. Glad to have indoor plants these days. Happy month of blooms to all!
Hey, I really like your waxed amaryllis. Mine were just terrible. They still haven't bloomed and part of the wax fell off. I'll go early to Trader Joe's this year. I also saw them at Ace Hardware. ~~Dee
Dang it – my Winter Jasmine and other winter-bloomers are stubborn and won't open today (likely will all pop this weekend). So, I'll abstain from GBBD posting this month and catch you all again in February.
wow, 13 years! Thank you for hosting the bloom day so we all can share the pictures of our beloved flowers.
I'm so impressed that you have Galanthus that bloomed in early January; mine in my zone 8 garden are only just coming up with foliage! I do have a few sweet surprises though. Congratulations on 13 years of Bloom Day, Carol! I started blogging in early 2009, and Bloom Day has been a nice focal point and reference most months for me.
Wow, Carol, flowers outdoors in January! My garden is well and truly dormant under its blanket of snow, but I am enjoying my indoor blooms. Thanks again for hosting.
Congrats on your long lived meme. I always enjoy seeing all the blooms presented. Your Galanthus bloomed before mine!
Hi Carol, it's been long wonderful ride on your site. Congrats on the wonderful idea. This winter has not been hard for me to find flowers, but the next freeze is likely to set them all back quite a bit.
I entered late, Carol, but 'better late than never' – right? Your early snowdrop and lenten rose are amazing. Congrats and thank you for 13 years!!! P. x
Will be ready come February 15th Carol. Happy thirteen years!! True dedication. My garden does have blooms year round, most of the time it is fragrant as well. Cheers!