Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for January 2018.
I will confess that I did not even go outside in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden her in central Indiana to look for blooms. It’s snow-covered and the temperatures are well below freezing.
In past years, I’ve often found the tips of snowdrops and the buds of hellebores when there was no snow on the ground. And since temperatures were much higher a few days ago, I might have found a few if I had kicked away some of the snow.
But we gardeners have a saying “Let the snow lie where it falls.”
Okay, I just made that up. But the truth of the matter is that it is best to just lay the snow be, let it melt when it is time for it to melt, and those buds and tips will be there, waiting.
Meanwhile, inside my forced Lily of the Valley are coming into bloom.

They smell like spring and don’t they look nice with my book?
Anyway, that’s January in the midwest. Some years, there’s snow, some years there are buds. We learn to take each winter day as it comes, force a few bloom indoors, order up some seeds, rest, and before we know it, we’ll have blooms to share for bloom day.
What’s blooming in or out of your garden on this mid-January day?
Join in for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day and share what you’ve got blooming in your garden. It’s easy to do. Just post on your blog about what’s blooming in your garden on our about the 15th of the month and then come back here and leave a link in the Mr. Linky widget so we can find you and add a comment to tempt us to come and see!
And always remember, “We can have flowers nearly every month of the year.” ~ Elizabeth Lawrence
It has been a cold and snowy start of the year here too, as we had our first blizzard of the season. Spring is right around the corner…right?! Here is my Bloom Day post at http://landscapedesignbylee.blogspot.com/2018/01/garden-bloggers-bloom-day-foliage.html#.Wlw5_a6nGUl
When everybody in the temperate countries talk of snow and brrrrr-ing, we here in the tropics where we are mostly accustomed to 33-37°C already speak of cold now when we get 26-25°C. That is ridiculous to most of you, but that is the truth. We already don sweaters in my province last weekend because it is foggy and i truly feel cold. hahaha!
My friend in Scotland said their hottest is 25C. We humans are really tolerant of environmental conditions.
Living on the Isle of Wight (off the south coast of the UK) we're surrounded by water, and so temperatures remain mild – no snow so far for us this year!
Here are my 'bloomers' for January, thanks for hosting.
Ive never thought of forcing Lily of the Valley which I have in adundance in the garden. I might try that next year.
Here is the link to my post as I cant find Mr Linky https://patientgardener.wordpress.com/2018/01/15/gbbd-january-2018/
As usual it is rain in South West England. No snow and, sadly, no tropical temperatures either! But at least I have a few blooms.
Keep warm Carol and I hope the snow decides to melt soon!
Here is my link: https://www.rustyduck.net/2018/01/15/january-is-bloomin-lovely/
We were ice cold, then we were in the 60's, then we were ice cold…I didn't venture out to my flower gardens, either, though I did take a couple of pictures from my front and back porches. I may have a hellebore with buds (it had buds in December) but I suspect they were frozen off when we went below zero. Here's my post: https://ramblinwitham.blogspot.com/2018/01/garden-bloggers-bloom-day-january-2017.html
Only a sprinkle of snow here in north Mississippi. Here is my Bloom Day post:
Here in New England we don't mind the snow so much, but when the temperatures hover in the single digits and the wind is blowing we do not enjoy the weather. There is some respite on Bloom Day when I can enjoy the flowers blooming all across the country.
Dear Carol, no snow, but rainy weather. No gardening today, waiting, waiting. …. groetjes, Hetty
Aren't you glad you don't have to mush out in this snow to go to work! It is snowing here this morning. No blooms or buds outside. Inside there are a few begonia blooms. I don't know if they are picture worthy or not. Your lily of the valley is pretty. Can you smell it? Happy GBBD.
Brr, good idea for you to stay inside today and enjoy the fragrance of your forced Lily-of-the-Valley! Oh my, yes your book looks very handsome with the green of the pot and foliage. Happy GBBD and thanks for continuing to host. We've had a relatively mild winter so far and with the days starting to get longer, it's easy to think that spring is already here but it ain't over till it's over; winter still may have some cold surprises up it's sleeve.
With you, Carol, on the view that indoors is a good place to be today. We aren't expected to break "0" degrees F. today! Even on this day, the moving grass outdoors gives a respite.
Brenda from South Dakota
Your January Bloomday this year is similar to mine last year — this year it's sunny and 50 here. You just never know what January will bring.
No snow here in Southern California. My garden could use some more rain but the poor folks in the burn areas don't need more mudslides so I'll willingly limp along with my irrigation system. The Lilies of the Valley are lovely. I'm sure there'll be many more flowers come February. Thanks for hosting, Carol!
I do love the scent of lily-of-the-valley! 🙂 What a treat in January!
My Amaryllis is blooming
We're waiting for a snowpocalypse overnight, haha. And with all the hard freezes we have had I have nothing in bloom outdoors. Not even a hellebore. But I still managed to find one indoors. Wish I could smell your little blooms – I've only ever seen pictures of them!
We have both sets of parents in the Midwest, and feel for you guys right now. Our temperatures have been weirdly warm, and the winter unusually dry. Brilliant idea to force Lily of the Valley. That fragrance should be enough to lift just about any winter gloom. Happy GBBD, Carol, and thanks for hosting. And, congratulations on your book!
Hi Carol,
wow, so much snow in your garden. What a good idea to have some flowers inside. Your Lily of the Valley look lovely. Here in Vienna it is rather mild this winter. We had some frost, though not much. At the moment some snowdrops bloom in my garden and some primulas.
Best wishes,
I like your philosophy for cold, snowy days. I also love your forced lily of the valley – what a splendid idea, and the scent must be wonderful! I have only a few blooms here in Portland, Oregon. But I'm making up for it this month with extra insect activity on some of my blooms. Thank you for sponsoring Bloom Day, Carol!
Carol, I too am reliant on flowering houseplants during this cold white season. I love the idea of forcing lily of the valley indoors; something for me to try next year. Thanks again for hosting this monthly flower fest. -Jean
Hi Carol, I have to admit there is not much going on outside, but I did find a mysterious Witch Hazel to take a picture of for bloom day. Stay warm.
I forced lily of the valley this winter, too. Mine isn't quite as far along as yours, but the first little flowers have opened.
Cold and snowy here, too. I just potted up some paperwhites last week, so maybe I'll have some blooms indoors soon.
I've been watching your cold and snowy winter with awe. What a winter! It's been fairly mild here on the West Coast. Of course we're a few weeks away from being truly out of the 'winter' woods. In the meantime, I've been getting an early start on the gardening year and enjoying a few early blooms.