Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for February 2022.
Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, all thoughts that we might escape winter with mild weather have been blown away by cold winds and a true winter snowstorm a week or so ago.
Before that eight or so inches of snow arrived, I had hopes of showing off in mid-February with the earliest crocuses, maybe some fully open snowdrops. Perhaps even a reticulated iris.
But instead, all I have to offer is a lily of the valley pip I forced into bloom indoors.
It actually opened a week or so ago but since it is still blooming as it write this post, it counts.
Outside, I saw just the tips of some snowdrops.

Hmmm… that close-up pic shows more bud than I thought. I’ll have to check the forecast to see if there will be enough warm days ahead for them to decide to open up sooner rather than later. And if they open, the vernal witch hazel won’t be far behind.
In the meantime, I will fall back on the one plant that blooms year-round in my sunroom, a Euphorbia with the common name Crown of Thorns.

And that is it here in my garden in mid-February!
What’s blooming in your garden for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day?
Take some pictures, write a blog post, then come back here and leave a comment and a link so we can see what you have for us to see mid-month. That’s all it takes to join this meme.
And remember the quote from Elizabeth Lawrence, “We can have flowers nearly every month of the year.” Nearly.
Happy Bloomday Carol, from out yonder in Zone 9. We could use some rain-do you have any to spare ?
Lovely post , Weather is unpredictable everywhere . It could be observed in our region where it was winter chill last week we are expecting spring blooms in the upcoming days . Beautiful blooms of Crown of thorns.
Seeing the Crown of Thorns reminds me of my mother. It was one of her favorite flowers.
Happy Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day!
Happy GBBD, Carol. I know the “scraping the bottom of the flower barrel” feeling from past years, but I also enjoyed your outdoor bloom, 100% more visible than mine is here in New York. A work friend had a beautiful Crown of Thorns plant and yours brought back memories.
The snowdrops are a welcomed sign of spring to be and your forced Lily of the Valley is a great idea! I had seen some snowdrops coming up at a local arboretum the other day, and it gave me hope! It has been the same here weather wise. We got 22.4 inches of snow that drifted to several feet and the poor Hellebores with their buds about to open suddenly came to a halt. The snow melted but we were blessed with another 4 inches or so just the other day. Stay warm and Happy Bloom Day!
Well, if your weather can’t be pleasant, at least it’s “normal” for your part of the country! Our weather is anything but. We had temperatures in the 80s for over a week and we’ve had no rain since December despite the fact that February is historically our wettest month. I’d been replacing thirstier plants with succulents well before news that our mega-drought is the worst in 100 years but I still have flowers aplenty – at least until our irrigation gets cut off…
So great to see other’s flowers blooming! I’ve actually been sharing my indoor blooms on my blog lately, but I wanted to share the Community Gardens, where much more serious gardeners will be coming next month. For my orchids, check out my recent “When I Was 69” blog.
Your lone Lily of the Valley is all the more precious for its lack of companions. I have a number of flowers in my Zone 8 PNW garden this month; my favorite is Camellia transnokoensis,, a lovely small-blossomed variety with pretty buds. Happy Bloom Day, Carol.
I’ve very few blooms to offer in February, but always happy to join the party!
No blooms for me. I need a Euphorbia Crown of Thorns. Happy Bloom Day!
Thank you for the reminder to check on my variegated lily of the valley, they should be coming up… but I don’t remember seeing them. Hope your weather doesn’t stay cold for much longer.
Hi Carol, We have more flowers than we deserve for this time of year. I am always appreciative of the first Adonis…
Thank goodness for those flowering houseplants a we wait for spring! I was amazed to see the first shoots of crocus poking up through the soil by the foundation of my house; I don’t remember seeing them this early before. There’s still more wintry weather to come, but spring is on its way. Thanks again for hosting.