Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day at May Dreams Gardens.
Here in USDA Zone 5, the weather has been seasonable for February, which means some snow, some cold, some wintry mix, and did I mention the cold? If we are to have blooms, they’ll be mostly indoors.
Indeed, the hyacinths I’ve been forcing in vases in my breakfast area window are all in various states of bloom. The scent is amazing, heavy and sweet, but uplifting.
As you can see from the picture, there is still some snow outside, especially outside this window which faces north. I’m sure those hyacinth are happy to be on the inside looking out.
Other flowers inside include:
Hybrid variegated leaf orchid, (Sarcoglottis speciosus x Stenorrhynchos speciosum). I think it looks a bit like a chicken’s foot. Go look at the link to the picture and let me know if you agree. I’m growing it mostly for the variegated foliage, and once I get my act together, I plan to move it to my big terrarium.
Jewel orchid (Ludisia discolor). I featured this orchid in my January GBBD post, so I won’t show it again. This is an easy orchid to grow, with sprays of smaller blooms, so if you want to dip your toe into the waters of orchid growing, you might try it. But be careful! You could end up falling in love with orchids and soon be planning to build an extra room onto your house so you have a place to grow all your orchids.
Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera sp.). I’m getting a few new blooms here and there on my Christmas Cactus. Every time I see them I wonder if I’ve left out some Christmas decoration someplace in the house. Don’t you hate when you think you’ve put away all your Christmas decorations and then you find some knick knack or doo-dad that got left out?
I also have some red poinsettias still blooming and a few tiny pink blooms on a Crown of Thorns (Euphorbia milii). Thanks, Kim, for reminding me to include them.
Now, let’s go outside.
Drumroll, please.
In February, which last year was a complete white out for bloom day, I have crocuses in bloom.
At this point, if you’ve read this far, you are probably groaning, “Not THAT crocus again! How many posts about that crocus is she going to do? I’ve seen enough of it”.
But have you? Because look, there are now three buds! The two smaller buds showed up today, even after being buried for a day or so in some ‘wintry’ mix’. So it isn’t a crocus, it is now three crocuses in bloom (or bud, don’t get technical on me).
And that’s Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day this fine February day at May Dreams Gardens.
What’s blooming in your garden? Join us for bloom day by posting on your own blog about what’s blooming in your garden right now, outdoors or indoors. You can post pictures, lists, common names, botanical names, whatever you’d like to do to showcase your blooms today. Then leave a comment here, so we know where to find your blog and can visit to see and read about your bloom day blooms.
“We can have flowers nearly every month of the year.” ~ Elizabeth Lawrence
I’ll give you a one and a half on the Crocus “bloom”.
I can beat that outside easy as can be.
Ooooh… I so wish that I could grow crocus here! They just don’t last, thanks to the chipmunks. *sigh* I envy you those bright purple buds right now.
My GBBD post is up, too.
Wonderful bloom day!
Hyacinths are a smell you either love or hate. Although I love the flower and those cute little vases, the smell is overwhelming. Not good at all.
Robin at Bumblebee
Happy GBBD carol! I have my GBBD up. Not as many flowers as in previous months but still a lot to see 🙂
Hi Carol,
Even though I’m on vacation I couldn’t resist posting for Bloom Day.
My crocus are shy and haven’t even been able to peak above all the snow we’ve had in Chicago.
I have a pink hyacinth on the window sill, too. You can just see the buds inside the leaves, it’s a late one. Some outside are already blooming, LOL.
There’s lots to see outside, come visit:
I’m putting up a Now and Then post for GBBD … a look at something in the garden now and a look at what it was back then.
Your orchid does look like a chicken foot in a way. It is much prettier. I would rather have the orchid blossom in soup than a Chicken’s foot.
You will need to show us your terrarium when you have it full of flowers.
I have my pitaful excuse for blossoms posted.
I can see the leaves of a second crocus emerging, in addition to the three buds. My post is up.
Anything flowering outdoors is noteworthy! I have a fine crop of ‘snow-cover’ and that is it. LOve the smell of hyacinths, it reminds me of Easter (my mother always bought a / an ? hyacinth at Easter time. I have my indoor blooms up!
your hyacinths look great. I think I must be the only one in this world that can’t get one to grow right! I tried one this year and it was a freak of nature……!It was down right MUTATED and ugly.
I wonder if there is something in my water?
All I have is my strawberry plant growing in my PC grow box in my garage, not sure if that counts as inside our outside 🙂
I totally get your posting over and over about the crocus! I go inspect my little tiny patch of daffodils daily. Sometimes more than once a day. You have every right to get excited about it. My post is up – not much blooming, but lots of new activity in the garden – shopping and building!
Three crocus deserve some crowing when they open in February! Nice color, too. I love the way your hyacinth vases look in combination with the cloth under them, the wooden windows and the snow outside – what a perfect little scene Carol.
My blooms post is up tonight – out of state houseguests are arriving on Saturday and guess who’s not ready.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Crocuses are just about the only flower I really, really dislike. must have had a bad experience in a previous life … 🙂
My post is up too.
I have one plant blooming indoors, nothing outdoors though. I received for Valentines Day, 2 decorative boxes of flower seed for planting with pictures. Does that count?
Hi Carol, I’ve decided to do a few more posts for GBBD. My post is up and found at
Carol what a vast improvement your garden is today compared with last year. Three crocuses!!!!! Whoohoo! That’s a 300% improvement, nothing to be sneezed at, wouldn’t you say?
Hyacinths have such wonderful scents that I love having them both inside and out. Yours look lovely and, without doubt, smell devine.
Happy GBBD!
Hi Carol, Crocus deserve a great deal of credit in your garden and lots of attention, brave little croci. My post is up, we have a few things outside open and some inside as well. Come on over and take a look!
Frances at Faire Garden
Good for you to have *any* crocus, Carol! I have just a few things here in PA, posted at Hayefield: http://hayefieldhouse.com
I’m not sure if we’ll have a post at Gardening Gone Wild; hopefully Steve will be able to post this evening.
Hi Carol
I am so glad you decided to continue your garden bloggers bloom day.
My garden blog is new – and my post is up.
Hi Carol, I have always been fascinated by indoor blooms and your hyacinths inspire me to have some for myself too.
My blooms day post is up too. Just like Carolyn, I too could not resist posting for GBBD, though on a vaction.
Best Wishes
Carol, in my excited state to get my post up this morning I put yesterday’s date on it, now it is buried on the Blotanical current list with the Feb. 14 postings. I have tried to fix it, but it is still down there. Boo, what a dodo I am. I notified Stuart but it is probably too late. Just whining here. :-
OH NOES It’s that crocus again.
(reminding me there is still 2 feet of snow to melt here) Actually it’s good to see the bad weather didn’t crush it’s spirit and it now has some friends.
I don’t have much for this month except for the post I did yesterday for Valentine’s Day. I bought my wife some hyacinths and they are definitely blooming. I was hoping to have some propagated purple leaf plums ready since they started their flower buds but they haven’t opened yet. I could cheat and do the same flower as last month with the Mediterranean White Heather but I don’t really want to cheat. I’m looking forward to next months GBBD! I should have several things for March.
My post is up at Zanthan Gardens.
I love the crocus photos. Keep them coming. I tried to grow them once, but the bulbs rotted in our clay soil, heat and humidity.
When your tulips start blooming, I won’t be able to get enough photos of those either.
I’ve posted this month too.
Back again, Carol –
Did anyone else find just an index and no viewable post when visiting Green Thumb at India Garden? I switched from Internet Explorer to Firefox and her post appeared… could it be the broken link thing that Ki/MuckNMire was experiencing a while ago?
After seeing those hyacinths again I’m ready to go buy one in bloom.
Hi Carol
Don’t apologies for your Crocus if I was in your shoes in Zone 5, I would be jumping up and down with that discovery. In the mean time I would like to invite everyone to visit the DragonFly garden, I have plenty of blooms, to remind you all why we love gardening.
Hi Carol,
My name is Priscilla. I’m a gardener in texas. This is my first garden bloggers bloom day! I’ve seen all the posts and finally got some blooms to participate.
My post is up too.
I love your hyacinths, the scent in the room must be heavenly!
Great your crocus is blooming, mine haven’t come up yet.
Bloom Day in my back 40: http://back40feet.blogspot.com/2008/02/bloom-day-first-anniversary-edition.html
Your crocus and hyacinths look great! My crocus seems content to have produced just leaves.
Thanks for starting such an enjoyable meme 🙂
I just started a gardening blog myself, and I participated in bloom day for the first time today: http://seeds.sunriseruby.org/
I finally got my post up …we get extra time in California given our time zone! Interesting that my crocuses are at the same stage as yours!
Today I put up my first ever GBBD post. Nothing was blooming but did that stop me? Nope…
What a great idea and I can’t wait for my own crocus too now 🙂
Finally feeling well enough to do some gardening…and participate in bloom day. Nasty flu in Austin.
Thanks Carol. You can see my post at Kiss of Sun.
I like your windowsill full of sweet hyacinths (with snow visible outside–brr!).
My post is up. Come see the signs of spring in my garden.
I’m in Florida & I didn’t prepare a Bloom Day post because, even though I have buds & blooms (Snowdrops) they’re buried under the snow & the snow is too deep for my short boots to allow me to dig them out to photograph. I’m not tired of hearing about your Crocus – they’re such great little plants & they disappear all too soon.
I can nearly smell that hyacinth — that is one of the most glorious smells. We won’t have hyacinths for a couple months yet up north. I went to Butchart Gardens last week where I was treated to a great indoor pre-spring display! I took over 600 photos: for GBBD and in many future posts I’ll add a sampling!
Alberta Postcards
Diane’s Flickr photos
I don’t grow crocus, so I love seeing your pictures of them. It was raining today, so there are no pictures for Bloom Day – just a list of what’s in flower.
Jan Always Gardening
Your forced hyacinth blooms are so pretty.I really should try that.
I can not believe you actually have crocus blooms.
My GBBD post is up at
Great to see so many participants and commentors, though it gets overwhelming trying to answer that many comments, doesn’t it? This is just to let you know I got my post up…if I knew how to link back I would, but knowing me I’d end up linking to myself!
Carol: Since I can’t grow them I’m happy to follow each bloom on your crocus.Besides that I know the thrill of noticing each and every bud … so photograph away!
Your hyacinths are another dream for this Florida gardener. I’ve never “forced” anything (well in gardening that is :-). I find it fascinating and wonder if it is something I should be doing?
Congrats on your 1 year GBBD anniversary.
I (finally) have my Florida GBBD post up at hoe and shovel.
All I had for this is yet another daffodil
We have the chipmunk problem here too. Someone suggested sprinkling the bulbs with cayenne before we plant. We tried it, but based on what we saw, our chipmunks have a fondness for Cajun food…
Oh, and my first ever bloom day post is up.
I’m jealous of your crocuses (croci?), my bulbs are under snow. I may be the last one but my GBBD post is now up! (with more than four hours to spare even!)
Not much blooming at my house, but I wanted to join in. I just have one geranium blooming in my laundry room.
Your hyacinths are beautiful.
This is the first time for me to do this. I’ve posted some flowers and harvested a tomato (it was yummy), so I’d love for people to come see!
Last year I was three days late, but I got my blooms posted on the right day this year.
I never get tired of seeing crocuses. Didn’t you plant some in the lawn last fall? Can’t wait to see those.
This is my first bloom day. I had camellias, narcissus and hellebores. I choose the hellebores because they are just now peaking and are such a satisfying perennial. You can see a few of mine at:
That was fun! Thanks for organizing this — I’ve been meaning to participate for months now, but finally got it together. I have hellebores, crocuses, and mahonia japonica photos at my site — all are either blooming or close to it. I don’t have new photos of my viburnum bodnatense or the lonicera purpusii — they’ve been going for months now! Nor did I take a photo yet of my viburnum tinus ‘Spring bouquet’ whose buds are set to open soon. Now that I’ve commented here, I’m going visiting to see what other commenters have in their garden — good times!
Hmmm…I commented earlier today to let you know my post was up. I came back to check everyone’s posts and discovered that my comment didn’t show up. My computer has been acting odd tonight too.
Anyway, it’s up.
My crocuses aren’t even peeking up from the ground yet. The snow still hasn’t melted in the front yet, so maybe their under there somewhere.
I love the smell of hyacyniths. I am going to have to try to force some in the future. And, I too am in zone 5! We don’t have buds yet, but there are leaves coming out of the ground! 🙂
I love your hyacinths Carol! I could really enjoy that heady scent right now. Most of my pots of bulbs are still outside, but I brought is 3 two weeks ago and 2 more yesterday. They’re coming along nicely. Maybe I’ll have those blooms to show for the March bloom day.
I like pretty orchid and agree that it does rather resemble a chicken’s foot, but it’s much pretty.
My post is up!
Meant to say ‘your’ pretty orchid, and ‘much prettier’. I should proof read I guess!
What a great idea to be forcing hyacinths. Wonder why I didn’t think of it? 😉
My crocus are buried under about a foot of snow or so. Wonderful to see yours! 🙂 My GBBD post is up. http://yardisgreen.blogspot.com
Happy GGBD!
My post for February is ready and you can see it at
I need to try forcing hyacinths sometime. I haven’t smelled one in over 3 years, and I used to love the scent.
My Bloom Day post is up here: http://gardenerofgoodandevil.blogspot.com/2008/02/garden-bloggers-bloom-day.html
LOL about finding Christmas decorations that have yet to be put away. I know what you mean!
Your row of hyacinths at the window is just lovely. I can imagine their good scent. I spotted two hyacinths just trying to poke up from the ground in my yard. No sign of crocuses yet. Whether it’s one or three or dozens — aren’t crocuses always a welcome sight? Enjoy!
Thank you to everyone who posted for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day. Sitting here in the grips of winter, it is wonderful to know that there are gardens out there with blooms and spring flowers. And it is good to know there are gardeners like me, who are impatiently waiting for spring, trying to hang on with some indoor blooms or obsessing over one tiny flower blooming outside.
If you missed posting yesterday and have some blooms to post for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day, please do so. Late is fine, we’d love to see what you have blooming in your garden.
And if I missed visiting your bloom day post and leaving a comment, let me know. I sure tried to visit every blog that participated but I might have missed one or two.
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
I’m a day late, but I remembered to post! My post is at http://gardenersgazette.blogspot.com
I’ve just posted my first contribution to Garden Bloggers Bloom Day. Lisa, at Greenbow told me about it. What a great idea! My garden is quite frosty at the moment, but some plants are in bloom, despite the weather.
/Katarina (Sweden)
I really must force some hyacinths next winter. I love how they smell!
I’m a little late, but my GBBD post is up!
I simply love Crocus! I can’t grow them here as they don’t seem to like our soil or humidity.
My post is located here:
Here is my late Bloom Post:
I’m envious that you have crocus before I do – wow! A neighbor of mine has a whle lawn full now in bloom – and they are on the North side while mine on the South facing yard are still inside their little sheaths. Any day now though, any day now.
Hi Carol,
I’ve just been over to Bliss and seen what Yolanda Elisabet said about giving up GBD. I love it but have had my own doubts about extending beyond the year because, in my case, I thought it might get repetitive and boring. There’s not much space on a couple of balconies and though I shall be growing some new stuff this year, the old favourites which I’ve already talked about ad nauseam will be there in abundance.
So, I’m toying with the idea of the “plant of the month” theme. A GBD post which mentions what’s in flower but focuses mainly on one plant which I think is representative of the month. I started this month with primulas (though quite honestly I’ve not got much else to blog about at the moment!). Hope you’re happy with that as an “evolution” of the theme – I’d still like to post it under the GBD heading.
Thanks again to everyone for joining in, whether for the 13th time or the first time or even a tiny bit late.
In answer to Sue Swift’s question, I’m just happy to have people participate once a month to show us something in bloom. If after a year you want to change it up a bit by focusing on one ‘plant of the month’, your top 5 or 10 blooms, or whatever the “wow” in your garden is that month, that all sounds great to me.
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
These weekday bloom days are rough for me, as there are never enough daylight hours to do all my photography!
I’ve finally got my February Bloom Day post up here: Rachel @ In Bloom
I am late with my posting, but I love being a part of this conversation – however tardily. And I never tire of your crocus. Here I can see the lilac buds getting a little fatter (I’m not imagining that am I?) but the landscape is buried in more than a foot of snow and a thick icy crust. The road is a rink.
Pat at commonweeder.blogspot.com
We can’t grow crocus here in deep south Texas so I love seeing yours! I have a new blog, Cultivating Paradise, and my first GBBD post is up! http://cultivatingparadise.blogspot.com/2008/02/garden-bloggers-bloom-day.html
Mary Beth
70 Comments! That’s impressive. I couldn’t find much but combined bloom day with my monthly garden shot. Paula
I’m late! But I finally coralled all of my blooms, and here they are:
Seems like you are getting bitten by the orchid bug. 🙂 Cool that you forced hyacinth bulbs. My wife gave away forcing kits to her working buddies for Xmas but no green thumbs there so we haven’t heard any comments about hyacinths in bloom.
Hey, Carol 🙂
I am a bit late in arriving this month but my post is finally up now. I didn’t want to miss this month out especially when I have some flowers 😀
I am looking forward to browsing the other gardens now 😀
Well I’m SUPER late this time, Carol…but my GBBD post is finally up! Your hyacinths sure look great, I can almost smell them! Happy Bloom Day! 🙂
I am terribly late, but have committed to posting something each month for the Garden Bloggers Bloom Day…so here is my meager offering for February.
Hopefully March will be better.
This is such a fun, interactive site that I can’t resist jumping in. If you go to http://www.bannersbyricki.com go to the bottom of the home page and click on ricki’s blog, it will take you to my list of things in bloom now…and thanks for the nudge to get me out there looking.
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