Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for August 2022.
Where shall we begin?
Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, June was dry, July was not as dry, and August has so far already brought over three inches of rain at the halfway point.
This morning I took pictures after a brief shower that brought another .20 inches of rain, which sounds like more than 1/5th of an inch, doesn’t it? But that’s what it was.
Up first is a new-to-me sunflower grown from seeds sent to me by All-America Selections. ‘Concert Bell F1’ is a 2022 national winner, and I can see why, as I add it to my list to plant again next year. Those are gorgeous sunflowers!
Elsewhere in the garden…

I could also show you the first of the mums, the first of the toad lilies, and the first of the hardy begonias, but they are just getting started, so I think I’ll hold off on them until September. After all, days fly by fast in a garden… you don’t need me to remind you of that!
And that’s Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day in my garden for August 2022. What’s blooming in your garden?
Join us for this garden meme and show us. Post on your blog on or around or near the 15th of the month about what’s blooming in your garden. Then leave a link in the Mr. Linky widget so we can click over and see, and post a comment so we know what you have.
Always remember the Elizabeth Lawrence quote that inspired this whole thing, “We can have flowers nearly every month of the year.”
And my new saying, “We can have violas nearly every month of the year.”
I love your new sunflower, too. I grow candystick zinnias but they didn’t make my Bloom Day post. I haven’t tried to grow Joe Pye cultivated varieties but perhaps I will think about it. We aren’t in a severe drought officially in our part of New York State but a lot of my perennials are suffering – we’ve watered parts of the flower garden we’ve never had to water in over 30 years. So your blooms were a welcome sight.
Happy August, Carol! Love the sunflowers (and all the other blooms). Thanks for hosting!
Happy August Carol! While you have been having rain, we are in a drought here on Long Island, but fortunately the 90 degree temperatures have taken a break. In your garden, your sunflowers are beautiful and I admire your Allium ‘Millenium every time you post it. It reminds me I still must get some! Your Joe Pye Weed, Zinnias and the little viola saying it is going to grow big are a delightful sight too. Enjoy the rest of summer, as fall will be here before we know it!
In my part of the country, I now consider 0.20/inch of rain a major storm, Carol. I can’t even conceive of getting 3 inches of rain at one time. I love the variety of blooms in your garden.
Your garden is very beautiful in August, and the days do seem to fly by very fast. It’s almost autumn.
Glad you’ve gotten some summer rain! Here we had a trace fall last week, but otherwise we’ve been dry since mid June.
That Zinnia is fabulous! I think I need more annuals in my garden… Happy Bloom Day!
Oops! I almost forgot. I enjoyed visiting your garden as always and I enjoyed posting the few pictures of hardy plants that are still blooming in my hot and dry garden.
I was WAY late sowing my sunflower seeds this year, so we’ll see if I get any before the fall frost!
Thanks for hosting GBBD!
That sunflower is scrumptious. The alliums are blooming here too. They are so cheerful when the weather is so doggone hot. Happy Bloom Day my friend.~~Dee
Love the sunflowers! I had a volunteer sunflower self-seed from the bird feeder and now they’re on my list to grow next year. I also love your Joe Pye Weed. Do you have any issues with it spreading too much?
Hi Carol,
Congratulations on your blog and podcast professional honors you received. Well earned!
As you write in your blog, we have similar dry conditions and welcome rain once in a while!
These rudbeckias makes our summers yellow!
unable to get a photo as I signed in to be on the garden blogger list and comment.
August is my favorite month of the year in the garden, and your sunflowers are doing it justice! I have some tired flowers and a few surprises this month. Happy Bloom Day, Carol!
Hi Carol, that sunflower is a winner as you can tell from all the comments here. I’ll definitely put it on my list for next year. Check out my Gordlinia. I think you would like that too… — John
Beautiful Sunflower ! What a lovely shade of Zinnias, Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.
Happy August gardens…thanks for hosting this meme! I do look forward to seeing what other gardeners are doing each month!
Beautiful! I have Cleome blooming. My butterfly bush is doing great!@ The hummers and butterflies are loving it. My butterfly weed is having a resurgence in color. I still have a few reblooming day lilies blooming.
Carol, I love your Allium ‘Millenium;’ I wonder if it would grow in my garden? I would love to see a few inches of rain here! (Unexpected showers this afternoon have me doing a little rain dance.)
Three inches of rain already in August! I wish for such. We are in a moderate drought here in my part of New Hampshire, heading for severe. Love that candy stripe zinnia! Thanks for hosting!