Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for August 2015.
Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, the signs and blooms point toward the beginning of the end of summer.
How can that be? Wasn’t it just spring yesterday?
Such is how the season goes and no matter if we keep up or not, time marches on, and so do the flowers.
In my garden, the surprise lilies (Lycoris squamigera) have been blooming for several weeks now. I deadheaded several of them this evening but there are still some nice clumps of them throughout the garden. I know some gardeners call them resurrection lilies, others refer to them be the common name of naked ladies, or nekkid ladies, which I think several of us bloggers came up with as a more genteel name which might be less likely to attract people who visit our blogs looking for something else.
Anyway, moving on to the vegetable garden. There is a long narrow bed, about 18 inches wide that runs along the edge of the vegetable garden by a privacy fence. In years past, I’ve run out of time and ambition to plant much in that strip, which I’ve always envisioned as a great place for flowers.
This spring, however, I managed to sow seeds for sunflowers, marigolds, and zinnias along this border, and planted some hollyhocks, borage, and hyacinth beans along there, too, because I bought them on impulse and they had to go somewhere.
I’m glad I did.
Sunflowers are amazing, and fun to grow, no matter how old the gardener is. It was all I could do not to get out a ladder, climb up a few steps, and stick a pair of goggly eyes on that big bloom.

Marigolds will always remind me of gardening as a kid. It’s one of the flowers we regularly grew from seed. I guess for that reason, I like the smell of marigolds.

The zinnias were quite tall this year.

And the hyacinth bean is finally blooming. This one is Lablab purpureus ‘Ruby Moon’.

Of course, by design, the star of my garden in August is the flower border I call August Dreams Garden. It’s planted with late bloomers like Black-eyed Susans, (Rudbeckia sp.), Joe-Pye Weed (Eutrochium dubium ‘Little Joe), Boltonia (Boltonia asteroides var. latisquama ‘Snowbank’), asters, goldenrod and more.
Some gardeners might not like Black-eyed Susans because they don’t like the “school bus” yellow of the blooms, but I think they make an outstanding display.

You can barely make out the tiny white blooms of Boltonia in this picture.

Since most of the blooms in August Dreams Garden are yellow, purple, or white, this red cardinal flower, Lobelia cardinalis, really stands out.

Across the way in Plopper’s Field, where plants are plopped in wherever it looks like there is a bare spot, there are still quite a few flowers in bloom including tall phlox and this lovely calamint, Calamintha nepeta var. nepeta.

Nearby, I’ve got a wonderful patch of sedum which has had terrific dark dusty red foliage all season and is now covered in blooms.

It is Sedum ‘Dazzleberry’, which I got as a tiny sprig from Great Garden Plants at a Garden Writers Association symposium a few years ago. I gave it a little shove in the ground that fall and now a couple of years later, it has spread to almost two feet across. A keeper in my book.
And one more new bloom for me for August is the hardy begonia, Begonia grandis.

I bought this from Hidden Hill Nursery last August. In addition to the nursery, they have a wonderful, eclectic sculpture garden which is a “must see” if you are ever down in their neck of the woods, near Utica, Indiana.
And that’s a peek at August in my garden. What’s blooming in your garden? Join us for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day and tell us all about it. It’s easy to participate. Just post on your blog about what’s blooming in your garden and then come back here and put a link to your post on the Mr. Linky widget and leave a comment to entice us to stop by for a virtual visit.
And always remember, “We can have flowers nearly every month of the year.” ~ Elizabeth Lawrence
Your gardens are still so alive with color even as the summer starts to come to an end. I especially enjoyed your fabulous lilies and sunflowers, which have become a favorite part of late summer into fall. Thanks as always for hosting this wonderful Bloom Day meme!
Hi Carol! I just love your seed sown border. Look at all those amazing blooms and I bet the bee's have flocked to them. Your summer gardens are inspiring.
Someday I'll think to plant sunflowers. I do love them, my grandma grew them best of all.
I do love that sedum, hopefully I can come across it somewhere like you did!
Sunflowers are so much fun to grow but I haven't in years. Love your stand of Black Eyed Susans, they always bring to mind country living! Happy GBBD!
I love your black eyed susans! Our buses aren't yellow and black, maybe that's why I find them so much more attractive than some people there 🙂
Summer seems to have been very short here too. A cool and wet one to boot. I love your rudbeckias, school bus yellow or not. They certainly make a big impact. Happy Bloom Day Carol.
My 'August Dreams' garden is doing well too Carol, helped by some 'school bus yellow' Susans to boot. However, this month I'm focusing on how a garden visit last year inspired me to try some Persicaria…
I bought a couple of reddish Sedums recently, I hope they bloom as brightly as yours! Your summer seems to be going well.
Such a charming and inspiring mid August in your garden, Carol!
I like the "yellow school bus" ruds, the Lycoris, all of your flowers. Another childhood grower of marigolds here–they are charming still.
The highlight of my own garden is the beginning of the first Protea flower–a new plant for me, very exciting.
Happy GBBD, and thanks for the great meme.
I can never manage to make your Mr. Linky work, Carol, but here is my post: http://www.penick.net/digging/?p=34611 . Happy Bloom Day!
I am so enjoying your site and the other garden blogs. So glad I found you online.
I too love marigold because it reminds me of my childhood. Loads of fabulous blooms for August there Carol!
Hardy begonias? I'll have to look into those and see if they are hardy in my zone 5b upstate New York garden. August is a bittersweet month – fall just around the corner. I love your magic lilies (that's what we call them.) My friend in Brooklyn has them in her front yard and they've been spectacular this year.
Beautiful! Thanks for hosting!
I'm amazed at how many similar flowers we have blooming at the same time during August. That doesn't often seem to happen with us being in separate zones. Happy Bloom Day Carol. Thank you so much for hosting Bloom Day after all these years.~~Dee
You make me wish I had planted sunflowers, Carol! What fun! This is one of those years I ran out of time and ambition when planting seeds. I'm also putting that hardy begonia back on my plant wish list. I do have a new 'Dazzleberry' sedum, though; I really like the low-growing ones with the dark stems. And, of course, the rudbeckias–I'm not a fan of yellow, but who doesn't love a plant that flowers so beautifully in the heat of August? Happy Bloom Day!
I love the Lycoris! If it does so well for you it should have a fighting chance here in Boston as well; I have not dared give it a try in the past because some descriptions say that it is tricky to get established. Happy Bloom Day!
Your garden is vibrant this August. I wish mine shined half as well at this time of year. Your Lablab reminded me that I'd wanted to try that vine – oh well, next year. Thanks, as always, for hosting.
Happy bloom day, Carol .I hope summer carries on and on and on !
Thanks again for hosting this fun garden meme! Have a happy end of summer.
I love seeing so many beautiful plants that I can't grow. I'm gardening vicariously through these posts. Thank yoU!
I love your August Dreams Garden, Carol. The Rudbeckias almost scream summer to me – so, of course, I have some in my garden, too. Thank you for hosting Bloom Day!
Your garden looks wonderful, Carol! I wish I had planted sunflowers, but somehow spring always gets away from me. (Bought the seeds though, so that's a poor excuse.) For now, I'll make do with Marigolds. I love their fragrant foliage!
Oh, I love Sunflowers! I tried to plant a grouping this year but ants ate the base of the stalks and they fell like trees – timber! So sad. I also love hyacinth bean. I need to grow that again! Beautiful summer finale!
Thanks for hosting – your patch of rudbeckias is gorgeous!
I, for one, LOVE Black-Eyed Susans, and your patch is amazing! I have a couple plants scattered around the yard here and there, but your picture makes me think I definitely need to plant a big mass of them in one of my gardens. Now the question is…where can I make some room… Happy GBBD!
I love yellow Rudbeckia in the garden. I find August so hot that many flowers look tired. Marigolds are amazing this year. They love the heat.
Well, this is fun! I've just stumbled across your blog and this very fun post. How fortunate you are to have so many beautiful flowers growing in your luscious garden.
Presently, I just posted on sweet peas. They have gone quite mad in my garden in San Francisco as the weather is now peaking. Admittedly, it does not get quite as hot as many places in the United States, but for us August is HOT!
Thanks for organizing such a fun gardening post. I look forward to visiting your blog regularly and those of bloggers that have participated here today.
I have one surprise lily blooming, Carol, but seeing yours I have to plant more. Thanks for hosting! P. x
My Naked Ladies (Lycoris) are all gone now, but otherwise your garden looks much like mine. Don't know about you, but by this time in August each year we could use some rain — and it sure it true this year again!!!
I am enjoying my Black Eye Susans as well, compliments of my neighbor. Thanks for hosing and happy GBBD to you.
Your gardens are lovely, I'd hardly know it was mid-August. I haven't grown hyacinth bean in years, but it's on my list for next year. Thanks for hosting GBBD.
Every year Bulbarella asks what should I order. I tell her we need some fall bulbs. Get me some Nekkid Ladies. Apparently the Nekkid Ladies in Florida were giving up their goodies to big giant black grasshoppers. I think she was traumatized. She is not willing to spend any money on Nekkid Ladies for me. I think she needs to see yours.
Happy GBBD! Thank you as always for sharing the lovely blooms. I also am enjoying the native cardinal flower this year. You also have renewed my interest in growing hyacinth bean.
Your Lycoris are real stars, and they nave been blooming that long? Fantastic! I must try some, since all I seem to have is orange and yellow at this time.
It's been a while since I've been able to participate in Bloom Day. There's plenty busting out in my garden, but I have so many photos from a recent trip to Longwood Gardens, it seemed only right to share some of them.
I love your yellow Rudbeckias and the sunflowers, I think they look cheerful! Must plant some sunflowers of my own next year – I have several packets of seed, but didn't have time or space to sow them this year.
Your garden is looking great right now, especially the August Dreams Border, it is beautiful. Thanks for hosting Carol.
Happy belated bloom day…… your garden is lovely as always.
Carol, I love what you did with your narrow border. I need to do a better job of using annuals in my garden — especially helpful in this late summer period. -Jean
I have been luxuriating in the time I have been able to spend in my garden this summer. No teenager that needs driving lessons, more time for me in the garden! I also have and love that sedum, and we have a lot of seed sown annuals in the vegetable garden, keeping the weeds from sprouting. I'm looking forward to trying some Lycoris, but sorry, I don't like the smell of marigolds. I didn't when I was a kid, either.
I love your Lycoris! Such beautiful flowers and a wonderful surprise at this time of year. I must say, unfortunately, that Mr. Linky and I just don't seem to get along. Here's the link to my post: http://practicalplantgeek.blogspot.com/2015/08/a-tardy-garden-bloggers-bloom-day.html
I have a similar sized strip that last year I planted sunflowers and zinnias in. They weren't as prolific as I had hoped, but I did love the little area. This year I added a good garden soil hoping to get better results. But then never got around to planting the seed. Bummer! Fingers crossed for next year.
I'll surely be the last to add to August's GBBD! What a lovely sedum, and so early in comparison with mine here in the UK. Despite the heavy rain today, the hollyhocks are still standing proud. Thanks for hosting.
I just love seeing everyones gardens. Thank you for hosting this.