I am delighted to see several crocuses blooming in the lawn in the first days of February, our last full month of winter.
I checked my garden journal, which I will admit contains mostly sporadic notes these days, and discovered that the crocuses have been in bloom this time of the year for the last several years.
It was a good reminder to me of the difference between being surprised because something unexpected happened and being delighted because something nice happened as expected.
Like crocuses blooming in the lawn in early February.
The crocuses are the earliest blooms in my garden this year, beating out by a day or two one lone snowdrop.

Where are the other snowdrops, I wonder. I know I’ve planted more than one so I’ll expect more in the days to come.
I noticed the witchhazel is blooming now, too.

This is just the species Hamamelis vernalis. No specific variety. It has a sweet scent which doesn’t exactly waft across the garden. I had to walk up to it and sniff the blooms to notice it.
But that is the garden in late winter. Nothing is going to smack you down with a big surprise. Blooms must be sought out and when found will make you smile with delight.
My snowdrops all disappeared one year. I guess they didn't like my weather. I do love the little crocus. I don't have any yet.
Critters don't eat snowdrops so I hope last summer's heat didn't do them in.
Ich habe mich sehr über die schönen Frühlingsblüher gefreut!
Die beiden seltenen Safrancrocusse, die sanften Schneeglöckchen (Galanthus) und die zarte Zaubernuss (Hamamelis). Galanthus ist eine Zeigerpflanze der Phänologie, die kündet vom Vorfrühling.
Alles Liebe
Isn't that the truth. I love walking around the seemingly desolate winter garden and then BAM there is that tiny shot of color that not only make your eyes pop but your heart swell as well. I especially enjoy that feeling of 'did I plant this here?' You just never know about what those fairies might be up to.
I walked around my yard yesterday! Sadly, I saw noting blooming!
We call that early spring, around here! (Ontario) I'm always pleased to see such signs of spring when there is still snow on the ground here. Thank you!
My winter garden here in Washington state is still covered in snow. (It snowed 2-3 more inches yesterday, followed by rain.) This morning, I am delighted to see the tops of some of my shrubs peeking up out of the drifts. Right now I hear a bird chirping outside my window. I'm taking whatever [very] small signs of spring I can find!
It's delightful, isn't it? An early spring makes me smile!
Just today I noticed some crocus blooms that the chickens had not deadheaded. Apparently they were not as tasty as they had hoped. Then I turned the corner and there were masses of snowdrops! I once heard that gardening was 9 months of hard work and 3 months of disappointment, but early spring seems to be that moment of inspiration that makes us feel our efforts are not wasted.