Dear Southern Camellia Sisters,
Hello from the Midwest. We cannot believe it has been six months since we last wrote to give you an update on our adventures here in the Midwest.
First, we need to report some sad news. It appears that our dear sister camellia ‘Kuro Delight’ did not make it through the winter. ‘Snow Flurry’ and I (‘April Delight’) watched and waited for her to leaf out but sadly, she did not.
We wondered for the longest time if Carol noticed that ‘Kuro Delight’ didn’t leaf out like she should have. Then the other day we stopped wondering. Carol pulled ‘Kuro Delight’ out and presumably took her to the compost pile where she may serve in other ways, if you know what we mean.
In the meantime, I will admit ‘Snow Flurry’ looks a lot better than I (‘April Delight’) do. Or is it the other way around? We do get confused because we both have white flowers and ‘Kuro Delight’ was supposed to have pink flowers. Sadly she never bloomed.
However, in her place here in the Garden of Southern Follies and Delights at May Dreams Gardens, Carol planted three crape myrtles, Lagerstroemia indica, the other day. We looked at the tags and almost busted a bud laughing. They sell them as perennials up here in the north. Isn’t that a leaf-slapper? Down home in the south those crape myrtles are small tree.
Oh boy, they sure don’t expect much from crape myrtles up here.
Anyway, she planted three crape myrtles in between us two camellias. One is called ‘Enduring Summer’. Good name. We hope it also knows the importance of enduring winter around here. The other two didn’t have names so we are calling them ‘crape follies’.
And in front of them, do you know what she planted? Crinums! We think they are going to “go south” at the first sign of winter, but maybe not, and hopefully not. Cindy from My Corner of Katy sent them from her garden all the way from Texas earlier this spring Texas!
Did we mention we are all in the Garden of Southern Follies and Delights? We hope we are more delight than folly, but only time, and another winter or two, will tell which one.
Well, that’s about all we’ve got from now. Please send messages to Carol to make sure she mulches us real good before winter sets in. Then just hope these new crape myrtles and crinums grow good strong roots before the snow flies. That may be there only hope of survival.
With a shared love of gardening,
‘April Remembered’ and ‘Snow Flurry’, the two camellias of May Dreams Gardens
Dear Midwestern Camellia Sisters,
Since I am the one and only Camellia currently residing at Wit's End, it falls to me to thank you for the update on your adventures and congratulate you on your fortitude. I am sorry to hear about Kuro's Delight. At least Carol allowed her to contribute in other ways. The Head Gardener put the two White by the Gate camellias that expired last year into the trash and she was none too gentle about it, physically or verbally. I am thankful to have escaped such a fate: I made sure to bloom plentifully and keep my foliage looking good to avoid the wrath of the HG.
Those crinums can be thugs here on my corner of Katy but I suspect they will be better mannered in Indiana. Do look after the little hooligans for me!
Your Southern Camellia Sister,
High Fragrance
Oh ho ho, that was so funny. Thank you camellia sisters. ~~Dee
It is nice to have a little Southern edge in your garden. I hope the Sisters don't desert you.
Dear all Southern camilla sisters:
Hi I am April Rose and I reside keeper's backyard near Binghamton, New York. I actually survived last winter because it was mild, and bloomed, but something ate all the blooms. Now, I am not even putting out buds. I've over heard my keeper wish for crepe myrtles, too. She lives in zone 5B. She is NOT THINKING STRAIGHT. Make her stop. And, I wouldn't mind a ticket back to the Chapel Hill, NC area where I spent my babyhood before I have to survive a true upstate winter. Or at least to May Dreams Gardens, where I may have a chance and some company. Sincerely, April Rose, owned by Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com
It can be frustrating when they don't bloom. Perhaps it's a nutrient that's missing?
Carol, if you keep this up, you are simply going to have to move south instead of simply pretending that you live there. However, I should tell you that I fell for the crape myrtle ploy myself, just today. I had resisted them at the big box store several times already, but there's only so much a woman can do in this circumstance. They were so lovely, with their dark, dark foliage, and the stunning white blooms. There was another with bright red blooms, and it tempted me too, but the white blooms came home with me. Like you, I laughed at them saying it was hardy to zone 6, because it also said hardy to -10 and we all know that we got down lower than that for two straight winters. Instead, I'll plant it in a frost resistant pot, and cozy up that pot in one of my window wells over the winter. Perhaps this will let it live longer here, and if not, I'm only out $20.