There are three gardeners here. Past Carol knows all the history of the garden, or most of it. Some of it she can’t really remember anymore. She often relies on Present Carol to write stuff …
When Amongst Non-Gardeners
There are non-gardeners out there! I've seen them. I've talked to them! Some of them are convinced that just by looking at a plant —not even touching it—they'll kill it. So they avoid gardening …
To Save or Savor?
What shall I do in the garden today? It's May, so there is quote a lot to do in the garden. Weed, cut back, deadhead, trim, edge, mow, plant, and plant some more. There is no end to the choices of …
The Fear of Missing Out On Plants (FOMOOP) is real. My youngest sister comes down with it every spring and pushes me to "let" her buy her annual flowers earlier and earlier each year. I've …
Garden Fairies Now Want…
Garden fairies here! We are garden fairies and we have done an outstanding job this spring getting some of the violas to self-sow a bit around the garden. Like this little cutie amongst the …
How to Spot Hard-to-See Weeds in Your Garden
Weeding is a necessary task for every gardener, especially in the spring, though summer and fall have their weeding moments too. But in the spring, amongst the emerging foliage of perennials, in …
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