Yesterday, I headed out in the morning sunshine for a walk around the neighborhood and before I stepped off my driveway, I spotted the first little crocus in bloom. And so it begins. When I …
Gardening Motto Generator
Do you have a motto for your garden this year? Usually around the beginning of the calendar year, I see posts and videos from people who are adopting a motto to guide them through the year. A …
I’m so February…
For the first time in quite some time, we had enough snow and cold that I paid someone to shovel out my driveway. Normally I clear it off myself but we had at least eight inches of snow the other …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – February 2021
Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for February 2021. Here in my USDA Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, it is currently 7ºF, which is -14ºC. There is some snow on the ground, but it is a …
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First Bloom!
Ding! I picked up my phone yesterday to see who the text was from and was delighted to see it was from the owner of the local greenhouse. She wanted me to see the first bloom on their …
Garden Fairies Take Inventory of Seeds
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we are doing what everyone does in January. We are going through all the seeds to determine if Carol has enough for this spring, summer, and fall. …
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