My thoughts wandered, as they often do when I am mowing the lawn, but they came into sharp focus just as I was mowing the last little section in the front. By the way, I generally wait as long as …
I'm not a big fan of daffodils. I can take 'em or leave 'em, as they say. "Really, Carol? Because it looks like you've been mostly taking them and now you have quite a few blooming around your …
Mother Nature Would Like to Remind You
Did you dream all winter about how lovely your garden was going to be this spring and summer? All the pretty flowers, the perfect vegetables, the song birds singing. I sure did. I always do! …
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Mother Nature’s Springtime Lesson
There comes a time every spring when we look around and say to Mother Nature, "Slow down, what's your hurry? Can we just relax for a week or two and enjoy this spring season?" Mother Nature …
My Lego® Bonsai
I thought my Lego® days were about 50 years ago and the only Lego® sets I'd buy now would be those that showed up on a gift list from a great-niece or great-nephew. I was wrong. Behold my …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – March 2021
Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for March 2021. Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, the first daffodils are blooming. This particular one is 'Tete de Tete', a …
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