Now, where is that list of blog post ideas I wrote down? It was here somewhere. Well, never mind, because the first Glory of the Snow, Chionodoxa sp., showed up in the lawn on Monday. It's …
Three Types of Weeds
There are three types of weeds in every garden. Once you know these three types of weeds, you'll have a much better feel for how to control them. Easy to Pull The first kind of weed is "easy to …
First Daffodil!
The first little daffodil opened up on Wednesday, the day after a big thunderstorm blew through here. I meant to pick this daffodil when it was a bud so it could slowly open up inside, but then I …
Garden Fairies Discuss the Crocus Lawn
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we are posting on this blog once again because we want to talk about the crocus lawn, which, if we may brag, is looking as good as it has ever …
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Garden Seating
Before you take a seat to read what I have to say about garden seating, or rather what Dorothy Giles has to say about garden seating, I want to assure you that this picture is not recent. I’m not sure …
Green Thumbs, Black Thumbs, All Thumbs in the Garden?
Once again, as I laid my seed packets on the counter at the check-out, the cashier felt the need to tell me that she had a black thumb and couldn't grow anything. I had three choices. I could …
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