If this blog was about birds, I’d be in trouble.My typical posts would be something like…Oh, look, a bird at my feeder.Oh, look, a bird eating off the ground, it must be a morning dove. Or is it a …
Winter Gardening: Phase One
Are you wondering how we "northern gardeners" make it through winter without "gardening"?On her blog Edenmakers™, Shirley Bovshow asked, "Garden Coma: What will you do while your garden sleeps?"I …
You Might Be A Gardening Geek: Indoor Plants Edition
You might be an Indoor Plant Gardening Geek if…You have a room in your house specifically for your plants. Bonus points if you also have a sink in that room to make it easier to water the plants. …
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Thankful at May Dreams Gardens
There are many who are thankful here at May Dreams Gardens…These pansies are thankful I remembered to water them. They are still sort of blooming in the front window box.The rabbits are thankful that …
My Long Term Relationships with Indoor Plants
Some gardeners freely admit that they don’t grow indoor plants. They might occasionally buy a blooming indoor plant and take it home to enjoy for a few days, but once the bloom is gone, they toss the …
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Time for Indoor Bulbs!
Already it is the week of Thanksgiving which means it is time for turkey, dressing, cranberry salad and...Indoor Bulbs!Thanksgiving week is when I traditionally pot up Amaryllis and Narcissus …