A recent session with Dr. Hortfreud...Carol, I see that you haven’t removed the sod by the fence and dug up that new bed. What happened?Well, I was all set to do it, I really was. I even had a …
Can You Garden Without Composting?
Can you garden without composting?I’ve heard rumors of gardeners who don’t have compost bins. I’m not sure what they do with all the trimmings and leaves and weeds that every garden produces if they …
Letters to Gardening Friends, April 19, 2009
Dear Dee and Mary Ann,Spring greetings from May Dreams Gardens. Finally, finally, we had a beautiful day, weather-wise, and lucky me it was yesterday when I was off from work. I was able to spend the …
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Garden Fairies Guest Post: New Camera!
Welcome to May Dreams Gardens, where the Gardener, Carol, bought a new camera. We garden fairies decided to share some of the images because normally Carol doesn't include a lot of pictures in her …
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Is Your Garden Nagging You?
Are there times when your garden seems to be nagging you?When you step outside, do you feel like every planting bed and every plant cries out for attention.Weed me! Water me! Fertilize me!Mow me, trim …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – April 2009
Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for April 2009!Chin up, fellow gardener!Finally, after looking down at blooms for the better part of Spring, because that’s where the early spring blooms are... …
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