What happened to the umbels?I was standing in the garden the other day, looking around, checking for blooms and bugs and doing some spot weeding, and realized I have no umbels in the garden.Where had …
Random Observations and Thoughts While Mowing
Earlier today, I read that at any given time there are 10 quintillion insects on this earth. Written out that number is 10,000,000,000,000,000,000. That's eighteen zeros after the ten. I don't know if …
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Letters to Gardening Friends, June 21, 2009
Dear Dee and Mary Ann and gardening friends everywhere,Greetings from my garden! On this first day of summer, it seems fitting that I picked the last of the peas and then the first of the hot peppers …
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If I’m Remembering Right…
If I’m remembering right, it seems that my Dad always managed to have a ripe tomato around Father’s Day, in this same hardiness zone that I am gardening in. Whether that memory is right or wrong, …
A Session with Dr. Hortfreud: Rain
Another therapy session with Dr. Hortfreud...Carol, you are fortunate we were able to have this session. The weatherman said in the morning that we could get one to two inches of rain, and we didn’t. …
Weeding Therapy: Good For The Garden And The Gardener
An unexpected rainstorm this evening left another half inch of rain on the garden and kept me from going outside after work for an extended session of weeding therapy.Have you heard of or tried …
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