It’s a rare event, as rare as a blue moon, when Dr. Hortfreud, Hortense Hoelove, the garden fairies and I all meet at the same time. I sort of forced the meeting, knowing it would be a risky …
How To Find The Gardening Books at Your Local Bookstore
I love gardening books, all kinds of gardening books. I buy them, I ask for them for gifts, I read them, I sometimes review them. I've even downloaded a few to my iPhone for "just in case" reading if …
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Reading John Wooden, Our Thoughts Turn To Gardening
The famous college basketball coach, John Wooden, once wrote that he started out each season by showing the new players how to properly put on their shoes and socks so that they wouldn’t get blisters. …
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When I was a kid, part of the fun of Christmas was calling up friends on the day after asking “WhajagetforChristmas?” all in one excited breath, and then interrupting one another exclaiming over what …
Christmas at May Dreams Gardens
It's a magical Christmas when you catch the garden fairies in the midst of their Christmas preparations! I don't mind a bit that they borrowed one of my Christmas tree ornaments for their own …
When A Gardener Wraps Christmas Presents
When a gardener wraps Christmas presents, she starts out with her stash of wrapping paper accumulated over several years. She lays it out and notices that it has a decidely green and floral look to …
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