One does not lightly pass up a book with a note on the cover that says “Gardeners owe all to William Robinson” – Henry Mitchell. Nor should one take lightly a book that uses the word “copse” in it, …
Dear Friends and Gardeners: May 17, 2010
Dear Dee and Mary Ann and Gardening Friends Everywhere, Monday morning… my gardening vacation is over and I am back to work. The first question I’ll be asked is “did you get everything planted?” …
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Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – May 2010
Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for May 2010. May. I've waited all year for it. Not only is the sky blue, the grass green, and the garden all new again, but the blooms are big here in my USDA …
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Mowing With A Troy-Bilt Mower: A Review
Your average American garage contents… probably two cars, a shovel, a rake, a hoe, and a lawn mower, mixed in with some bikes and sports equipment. My garage? No bikes, and for sports equipment I …
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A Breakthrough Session With Dr. Hortfreud: New Garden Beds
Are you ready, Carol? Ready for what, Dr. Hortfreud? Ready to make the biggest change of all in your garden. Look at the size of those new beds. Those are big, aren’t they, Dr. Hortfreud? The …
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You Might Be A Gardening Geek: Rainy Day Edition
You might be a gardening geek on a rainy day if… You contemplate buying one of those temporary shelters, the kind with the tent roof but no sides, to set up in strategic locations in the garden so …
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