There’s nothing wrong with sowing the same seeds you’ve always sown, as long as you are happy getting the same results. And there is nothing wrong with the same results. Gardeners, people, gain …
Protect the Pollen!
Protect the pollen! I can hear the rallying cry spread from crocus to crocus on these rainy days. Close up! Protect the pollen! By any means, protect the pollen. So how does this happen, this …
Counting Crocuses
We have come suddenly to those early spring days when I need more than ten fingers to count the crocuses in bloom, but it is too cold to take off my shoes to further aid my efforts to keep track of …
An Early Spring Visit With Dr. Hortfreud
Hello, Carol. Hello Dr. Hortfreud. It's been awhile. Tell me what you are thinking about now, Carol. Oh, I'm thinking about a new quote for spring. "Nature is slow but sure; she works no faster …
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Squish, squish
Squish, squish. With each step I feel how soft the ground is, how wet it is, how fragile and unstable it feels as it shifts under my feet. It's hard to believe that this ground is the same ground …
When I think of spring's arrival, I like to think of crocuses, sounding the all clear to alert the other flowers in my garden that it is time to come out and bloom. "The weather is fine, come out and …