A sign should have flashed above me to warn me that I was about to fall into a rabbit hole when I found this book at a local antique mall. Pay Dirt by J. I. Rodale, copyright 1945. Forward by …
Testing a Hypothesis
Over the past two days, I’ve observed something several times which has led me to develop a hypothesis. Then I went looking on the Internet for how to test my hypothesis and ran into all kinds of …
Soybeans in my Vegetable Garden
Anyone know what this new-to-me vegetable is in my garden this season? If you guessed Glycine max, soybeans, you would be correct! In particular this is 'Midori Giant' from Nature's Crossroads, …
A Letter from Hortense
Dear Carol, I knew I would get a letter from you once you found the green bandana hanging from your locust tree. It didn’t take you long to write either! First, let me say that news of your …
Clover and Bees for the Heatlh of the Garden
Is your garden healthy? Stand in a patch of clover in your garden and if you don't see a bee within a few seconds, something might be wrong. Bees and clover go together like peas and carrots, like …
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Predicting the Weather
What gardener wouldn't want to get a more accurate forecast of the weather, to be able to predict well in advance if they were going to get rain or should plan on watering? After all, no gardener …